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Amaya M, Keck F, Lindquist M, Voss K, Scavone L, Kehn-Hall K, Roberts B, Bailey C, Schmaljohn C, Narayanan A.  The ubiquitin proteasome system plays a role in venezuelan equine encephalitis virus infection.  PLoS One. 2015 Apr 30;10(4):e0124792.

Ayithan N, Bradfute SB, Anthony SM, Stuthman KS, Bavari S, Bray M, Ozato K.  Virus-like particles activate type I interferon pathways to facilitate post-exposure protection against Ebola virus infection.  PLoS One. 2015 Feb 26;10(2):e0118345.

Biron B, Beck K, Dyer D, Mattix M, Twenhafel N, Nalca A.  Efficacy of ETI-204 monoclonal antibody as an adjunct therapy in a New Zealand white rabbit partial survival model for inhalational anthrax.  Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2015 Apr;59(4):2206-14.

Bradfute SB, Anthony SM, Stuthman KS, Ayithan N, Tailor P, Shaia CI, Bray M, Ozato K, Bavari S.  Mechanisms of immunity in post-exposure vaccination against Ebola virus infection.  PLoS One. 2015 Mar 18;10(3):e0118434.

Caì Y, Postnikova EN, Bernbaum JG, Yú SQ, Mazur S, Deiuliis NM, Radoshitzky SR, Lackemeyer MG, McCluskey A, Robinson PJ, Haucke V, Wahl-Jensen V, Bailey AL, Lauck M, Friedrich TC, O'Connor DH, Goldberg TL, Jahrling PB, Kuhn JH.  Simian hemorrhagic fever virus cell entry is dependent on CD163 and uses a clathrin-mediated endocytosis-like pathway.  J Virol. 2015 Jan;89(1):844-56.

Field AE, Jones CL, Kelly R, Marko ST, Kern SJ, Rico PJ.  Measurement of fecal corticosterone metabolites as a predictor of the habituation of rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) to jacketing.  J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci. 2015 Jan;54(1):59-65.

Garrison AR, Giomarelli BG, Lear-Rooney CM, Saucedo CJ, Yellayi S, Krumpe LR, Rose M, Paragas J, Bray M, Olinger GG Jr, McMahon JB, Huggins J, O'Keefe BR.  The cyanobacterial lectin scytovirin displays potent in vitro and in vivo activity against Zaire Ebola virus.  Antiviral Res. 2014 Dec;112:1-7.

Haese N, Brocato RL, Henderson T, Nilles ML, Kwilas SA, Josleyn MD, Hammerbeck CD, Schiltz J, Royals M, Ballantyne J, Hooper JW, Bradley DS.  Antiviral Biologic Produced in DNA Vaccine/Goose Platform Protects Hamsters Against Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome When Administered Post-exposure. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2015 Jun 5;9(6):e0003803

Johnson SL, Bishop-Lilly KA, Ladner JT, Daligault HE, Davenport KW, Jaissle J, Frey KG, Koroleva GI, Bruce DC, Coyne SR, Broomall SM, Li PE, Teshima H, Gibbons HS, Palacios GF, Rosenzweig CN, Redden CL, Xu Y, Minogue TD, Chain PS.  Complete genome sequences for 59 burkholderia isolates, both pathogenic and near neighbor.  Genome Announc. 2015 Apr 30;3(2). pii: e00159-15.

Johnson SL, Daligault HE, Davenport KW, Coyne SR, Frey KG, Koroleva GI, Broomall SM, Bishop-Lilly KA, Bruce DC, Chertkov O, Freitas T, Jaissle J, Ladner JT, Rosenzweig CN, Gibbons HS, Palacios GF, Redden CL, Xu Y, Minogue TD, Chain PS.  Genome sequencing of 18 francisella strains to aid in assay development and testing.  Genome Announc. 2015 Apr 30;3(2). pii: e00147-15.

Johnson SL, Daligault HE, Davenport KW, Jaissle J, Frey KG, Ladner JT, Broomall SM, Bishop-Lilly KA, Bruce DC, Coyne SR, Gibbons HS, Lo CC, Munk AC, Rosenzweig CN, Koroleva GI, Palacios GF, Redden CL, Xu Y, Minogue TD, Chain PS.  Thirty-Two Complete Genome Assemblies of Nine Yersinia Species, Including Y. pestis, Y. pseudotuberculosis, and Y. enterocolitica.  Genome Announc. 2015 Apr 30;3(2). pii: e00148-15.

Johnson SL, Daligault HE, Davenport KW, Jaissle J, Frey KG, Ladner JT, Broomall SM, Bishop-Lilly KA, Bruce DC, Gibbons HS, Coyne SR, Lo CC, Meincke L, Munk AC, Koroleva GI, Rosenzweig CN, Palacios GF, Redden CL, Minogue TD, Chain PS.  Complete genome sequences for 35 biothreat assay-relevant bacillus species.  Genome Announc. 2015 Apr 30;3(2). pii: e00151-15.

Johnston SC, Briese T, Bell TM, Pratt WD, Shamblin JD, Esham HL, Donnelly GC, Johnson JC, Hensley LE, Lipkin WI, Honko AN.  Detailed analysis of the African green monkey model of Nipah virus disease.  PLoS One. 2015 Feb 23;10(2):e0117817.

Johnston SC, Johnson JC, Stonier SW, Lin KL, Kisalu NK, Hensley LE, Rimoin AW.  Cytokine modulation correlates with severity of monkeypox disease in humans.  J Clin Virol. 2015 Feb;63:42-5.

Kamata T, Natesan M, Warfield K, Aman MJ, Ulrich RG.  Determination of specific antibody responses to the six species of ebola and marburg viruses by multiplexed protein microarrays.  Clin Vaccine Immunol. 2014 Dec;21(12):1605-12.

Krakauer T.  Sulfasalazine attenuates staphylococcal enterotoxin B-induced immune responses. Toxins (Basel). 2015 Feb 13;7(2):553-9.

Kugelman JR, Sanchez-Lockhart M, Andersen KG, Gire S, Park DJ, Sealfon R, Lin AE, Wohl S, Sabeti PC, Kuhn JH, Palacios GF.  Evaluation of the potential impact of Ebola virus genomic drift on the efficacy of sequence-based candidate therapeutics.  MBio. 2015 Jan 20;6(1).

Martins K, Carra JH, Cooper CL, Kwilas SA, Robinson CG, Shurtleff AC, Schokman RD, Kuehl KA, Wells JB, Steffens JT, van Tongeren SA, Hooper JW, Bavari S.  Cross-protection conferred by filovirus virus-like particles containing trimeric hybrid glycoprotein.  Viral Immunol. 2015 Feb;28(1):62-70.

Martins K, Cooper C, Warren T, Wells J, Bell T, Raymond J, Stuthman K, Benko J, Garza N, van Tongeren S, Donnelly G, Retterer C, Dong L, Bavari S.  Characterization of clinical and immunological parameters during Ebola virus infection of rhesus macaques.  Viral Immunol. 2015 Feb;28(1):32-41.

Mudhasani R, Kota KP, Retterer C, Tran JP, Tritsch SR, Zamani R, Whitehouse CA, Bavari S.  High-content image-based screening of a signal transduction pathway inhibitor small-molecule library against highly pathogenic RNA viruses.  J Biomol Screen. 2015 Jan;20(1):141-52.

Omotade TO, Bernhards RC, Klimko CP, Matthews ME, Hill AJ, Hunter MS, Webster WM, Bozue JA, Welkos SL, Cote CK.  The impact of inducing germination of Bacillus anthracis and Bacillus thuringiensis spores on potential secondary decontamination strategies.  J Appl Microbiol. 2014 Dec;117(6):1614-33.

Radoshitzky SR, Bào Y, Buchmeier MJ, Charrel RN, Clawson AN, Clegg CS, DeRisi JL, Emonet S, Gonzalez JP, Kuhn JH, Lukashevich IS, Peters CJ, Romanowski V, Salvato MS, Stenglein MD, de la Torre JC.  Past, present, and future of arenavirus taxonomy.  Arch Virol. 2015 Jul;160(7):1851-74.

Shurtleff AC, Whitehouse CA, Ward MD, Cazares LH, Bavari S. Pre-symptomatic diagnosis and treatment of filovirus diseases.  Front Microbiol. 2015 Feb 20;6:108

Smith TJ, Hill KK, Raphael BH.  Historical and current perspectives on Clostridium botulinum diversity.  Res Microbiol. 2015 May;166(4):290-302.

Smith TJ, Hill KK, Xie G, Foley BT, Williamson CH, Foster JT, Johnson SL, Chertkov O, Teshima H, Gibbons HS, Johnsky LA, Karavis MA, Smith LA.  Genomic sequences of six botulinum neurotoxin-producing strains representing three clostridial species illustrate the mobility and diversity of botulinum neurotoxin genes.  Infect Genet Evol. 2015 Mar;30:102-13.

Sozhamannan S, Holland MY, Hall AT, Negrón DA, Ivancich M, Koehler JW, Minogue TD, Campbell CE, Berger WJ, Christopher GW, Goodwin BG, Smith MA.  Evaluation of Signature Erosion in Ebola Virus Due to Genomic Drift and Its Impact on the Performance of Diagnostic Assays.  Viruses. 2015 Jun 17;7(6):3130-54.

Tree JA, Williamson ED, Rowland CA, Pitt LM.  Vaccines and therapies for biodefence agents.  J Immunol Res. 2015;2015:537319.

Warfield KL, Dye JM, Wells JB, Unfer RC, Holtsberg FW, Shulenin S, Vu H, Swenson DL, Bavari S, Aman MJ.  Homologous and heterologous protection of nonhuman primates by Ebola and Sudan virus-like particles.  PLoS One. 2015 Mar 20;10(3):e0118881.

Welkos SL, Klimko CP, Kern SJ, Bearss JJ, Bozue JA, Bernhards RC, Trevino SR, Waag DM, Amemiya K, Worsham PL, Cote CK.  Characterization of Burkholderia pseudomallei Strains Using a Murine Intraperitoneal Infection Model and In Vitro Macrophage Assays.  PLoS One. 2015 Apr 24;10(4):e0124667.

Yu GY, Wiley MR, Kugelman JR, Ladner JT, Beitzel BF, Eccleston LT, Morazzani EM, Glass PJ, Palacios GF.  Complete coding sequences of eastern equine encephalitis virus and venezuelan equine encephalitis virus strains isolated from human cases.  Genome Announc. 2015 Apr 23;3(2).


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