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USAID is proud to launch its Fifth Report on the Implementation of USAID Disability Policy. This
bi-annual report highlights the Agency's progress Graphic of the cover of USAID's disability reportin achieving more inclusive programs for people with disabilities and ensuring equitable participation in its activities and operations. (pdf, 538kb)

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USAID Disability Publications

Fifth Report on the Implementation of USAID Disability Policy

Fifth Report on the Implementation of the USAID Disability Policy (pdf, 423kb)

Fifth report in MS Word format

Graphic of Fourth Report on the Implementation of USAID Disability Policy Fourth Report on the Implementation of the USAID Disability Policy (pdf, 685kb)
Graphic of Third Report on the Implementation of USAID Disability Policy Third Report on the Implementation of the USAID Disability Policy (pdf, 784kb)
Graphic of Second report on the Implementation of USAID Disability Policy Second Report on the Implementation of the USAID Disability Policy (pdf, 292kb)

As the principal U.S. agency responsible for extending humanitarian and development assistance abroad, USAID has long been a champion of equitable growth and opportunity. In September 1997, USAID adopted a policy, which states that USAID will not discriminate against persons with disabilities (PWDs) and will work to ensure the inclusion of PWDs in USAID-funded programs and activities. The policy charges USAID missions to lead collaborative in-country efforts to end discrimination against and promote equal opportunity for persons with disabilities.

The policy also calls on the Agency to produce regular reports on its efforts to implement its policy. The Agency's first four bi-annual reports reflect its growing awareness of disability issues and describe the increasing number of Agency activities that address the needs of PWDs, as well as revealing challenges that the Agency faced in meeting its objectives. In particular, The Fourth Report on the Implementation of USAID Disability Policy served as a catalyst to action. Since its publication, the Agency has looked critically at its own processes and has worked with its partners in the development community to promote inclusive practices.

The Fifth Report on the Implementation of USAID Disability Policy describes USAID missions' redoubled efforts to integrate people with disabilities into their programs and to develop more specific programs that promote equality for and empowerment of people with disabilities. The report further shows that the Agency remains committed to serving as an international leader in the area of inclusive development and to working proactively to remove barriers that may limit the full participation of people with disabilities in family, community, and society.





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