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Branch of biology that deals with the reproduction, development and growth, anatomy, physiology, and behavior of animals.
Invertebrate zoology (11 items)
Vertebrate zoology (56 items)
Wildlife biology (38 items)
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Results 1 - 90 of 90 listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative [New Window]
Homepage for the Dept. of the Interior's Initiative coordinated by the USGS, for amphibian (frogs, toads, salamanders and newts) monitoring, research, and conservation. Links to National Atlas for Amphibian Distribution, photos, and interactive map serve
Amphibian declines and deformities [New Window]
Amphibian population declines and deformities due to various causes including land use change, viruses, and fungi. Links to USGS press releases, answers to FAQs (HTML and PDF versions) and photos with downloadable files.
Amphibian malformation and decline [New Window]
Frog malformation studies at the USGS National Wildlife Health Center in Madison, Wisconsin to document scope and to determine the causes of the observed malformations.
Amphibians & reptiles of the southeastern United States and the U.S. Virgin Islands [New Window]
Links to information on species of frogs, toads, and salamanders located in the southeastern United States and the U.S. Virgin Islands, with information on appearance, habitats, calls, and status, plus photos, glossary, and provisional data.
PDF Amphibians of Olympic National Park [New Window]
Fact sheet (PDF format) on amphibians in Olympic National Park and overview of the habitat, the decline in populations, and rare amphibians in the Pacific Northwest including the giant salamander and tailed frog.
Apoidea -- Bees and Sphecid Wasps [New Window]
Guide to the identification, biology, and ecology of bees and sphecid wasps, mostly in eastern North America.
Atlas of the spawning and nursery areas of Great Lakes fishes [New Window]
Atlas recording spawning and nursery areas of fish in the Great Lakes and associated rivers listed by area and then by species. A 14-volume atlas in PDF format. Published in 1982 by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Available products of the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center [New Window]
Available publications and products, order form and product archives of the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center.
Bat research in California [New Window]
Brief review of bat research in the San Francisco Bay area and southern California providing land managers with information on the occurrence and status of bat species with links to bat inventories for California and related material.
Bird Banding Laboratory: the North American Bird Banding Program [New Window]
Bird banding is used to study the movement, survival and behavior of birds. The Bird Banding Laboratory Site has links to the value, procedure and history of bird banding, how to report bird bands (English & Spanish), and resources for birders.
Bird Conservation Node [New Window]
The Bird Conservation Node facilitates rapid access to North American bird population and habitat data maintained by a broad coalition of Federal, state, and non-governmental partners in conservation. Includes life history, range, and habitats.
Bird checklists of the United States [New Window]
Geographical access to multiple bird checklists developed by others that indicate the seasonal occurrence of birds in a given area. A Record Documentation Form to document supporting details of rare bird observations is also available.
Breeding Bird Atlas manager [New Window]
Data management system for Breeding Bird Atlas projects in Maryland and the District of Columbia and in Vermont.
PDF Buck Island Reef National Monument Sea Turtle Research Program: Sea turtle nesting research & monitoring protocols manual [New Window]
Manual for research program on the nesting habits of sea turtles of the Virgin Islands, with descriptions of species, nesting behavior, observation methods, record keeping, tagging, and tissue sample collection. (PDF file, 121 pp.)
Butterflies and moths of North America [New Window]
Information on species of butterflies in North America with photos, checklists, distribution maps, aids to identification, and references.
Contaminant Biology Program [New Window]
The Contaminant Biology Program investigates contaminant exposure and effects on fish, wildlife, and other organisms, their habitat and ecosystems. Links include description of projects, research centers, and news.
Conte Anadromous Fish Laboratory [New Window]
Describes the Conte Anadromous Fish Laboratory of the Leetown Science Center, which performs research directed towards restoration and protection of anadromous fish with lists of research projects and facilities.
Contributions of the Conservation Reserve Program to populations of breeding birds in North Dakota [New Window]
Assessment of the importance of the Conservation Reserve Program in preventing the decline of grassland breeding birds by preserving grassland habitats in North Dakota. Published as Wilson Bulletin v. 107 no. 4, pp. 709-718 (1995).
Current research at the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center [New Window]
Search interface for current research activities at the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, located in Maryland north of Washington DC
Desert tortoise research at Western Ecological Research Center (WERC) [New Window]
Links to research studies, conservation information, and general information on desert tortoises at the Western Ecological Research Center in Sacramento, California.
Determinants of breeding distributions of ducks [New Window]
Article from Wildlife Monographs no. 100 (1988) on the relationships of wetland habitat dynamics and life history to the breeding distributions of the various species of ducks with information on research methods and references.
Discovery for Recovery: an International Pintail Recovery Initiative (Pinsat) [New Window]
Using satellite telemetry and field studies to track pintail ducks during spring migration north from California's Central Valley plus pintails in New Mexico and Texas. Includes links to migration maps, journal, duck calls, and field methods.
Dragonflies and damselflies (Odonata) of the United States [New Window]
Manual on dragonflies and damselflies (Odonata), with links to photo thumbnails, checklists, distribution maps, and other Odonata information.
Duckdata: a bibliographic data base of North American waterfowl (Anatidae) and their wetland habitat [New Window]
Comprehensive bibliography on the ecology, conservation, and management of North American waterfowl and their wetland habitats. Facilitates searching or downloading as *.zip files and use with ProCite utility.
Earthworms of North Dakota [New Window]
Species maps, aggregate map, earthworm diagram, species photos, and bibliography of earthworm species found in North Dakota
Ecological risk assessment of toxic substances in the South Florida ecosystem: wildlife effects and exposure assessment [New Window]
Project summaries and publications on wildlife contaminant exposures and prediction and monitoring of future restoration-driven exposures within the South Florida ecosystems.
Emerging diseases in wildlife [New Window]
News releases on adenovirus, West Nile Virus, foot and mouth disease, iridovirus, chronic wasting disease, and other emerging health issues in wildlife.
Field guide to the reptiles and amphibians of coastal Southern California [New Window]
Field guide to identify the reptiles and amphibians of coastal Southern California with glossary and map.
Field manual of wildlife diseases: general field procedures and diseases of birds [New Window]
Manual listing field procedures for bird specimen collecting, bacterial, fungal, parasitic, and viral diseases, biotoxins, chemical toxins, common and scientific names of birds, and glossary. Manual can be downloaded or viewed in PDF format.
Field methods: capture and marking of pintails [New Window]
Method of tracking pintail ducks by capturing with rocket nets or swim-in traps and attaching telemetry devices that allow satellite tracking. Includes video of rocket nets.
Fish Health Branch, Leetown Science Center [New Window]
The Fish Health Branch, Leetown Science Center, investigates fish health and disease issues associated with genetics, pathogens and environmental stress. With links to workshops, leaflets, and announcements relating for fish health.
Fisheries projects, Alaska Science Center [New Window]
Homepage with links to Alaska research projects on fisheries by species: salmon, trout, Pacific halibut, forage fish, other fish species, and aquatic invertebrates.
Florida Integrated Science Center - biological science poster presentations [New Window]
Poster presentations for Center for Aquatic Resource Studies projects related to Greater Everglades, marine and coral studies, ecotoxicology, manatees, coastal ecology, nonindigenous aquatic species, coastal ecology, freshwater fisheries, and herpetology.
Forest and rangeland birds of the United States: natural history and habitat use [New Window]
Catalog of bird species common to forest and rangeland habitats in the U.S. with natural histories including taxonomic information, range, and habitat descriptions to assist land managers in resource management. Text available as a *.zip file.
Fort Collins Science Center [New Window]
Homepage of the Fort Collins Science Center in Colorado with links to programs in ecological research programs, staff directory, products library, news and events, and research features and spotlights.
Giant Canada goose flocks in the United States [New Window]
Review of the size of breeding populations of Giant Canada geese by states in the Mississippi, Atlantic, Central, and Pacific flyways and the management problems caused by rapid increases of local breeding populations.
Grizzly bear and black bear ecology [New Window]
Summaries of research projects on black bear and grizzly ecology and ecosystems supporting the populations and bibliography of related publications.
History and natural history of the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center [New Window]
Links to pages on the history and natural history of Patuxent Wildlife Research Center.
IABIN Pollinators Thematic Network [New Window]
An international effort to monitor, manage, and conserve wild pollinators that is currently in the planning stage.
Identifying predators and fates of grassland passerine nests using miniature video cameras [New Window]
Description of the use of a miniature video-camera system deployed at nests of passerine species in North Dakota to videotape predation of eggs or nestlings by animals such as mice, ground squirrels, deer, cowbirds and others.
PDF Illustrated field guide for assessing external and internal anomalies in fish [New Window]
Links to PDF version of the field guide.
Insects, arachnids, & annelids [New Window]
Website for links to USGS and non-USGS websites with information on insects, arachnids, and annelids suitable for students and arranged by grade levels.
Interagency Grizzly Bear Study Team (IGBST) [New Window]
Description of research program for immediate and long-term management of grizzly bears (Ursus arctos horribilis) inhabiting the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Includes links to reports in PDF format and cooperating organizations.
Leetown Science Center current research projects [New Window]
Links to information and data on current research projects in fish health and aquatic ecology at the Center.
Managing habitat for grassland birds: a guide for Wisconsin [New Window]
Guide to identification, selection, and management of grassland habitats in Wisconsin to conserve the populations of grassland birds. Includes glossary, references, bird lists, graphs, and maps.
Maps of distribution and abundance of selected species of birds on uncultivated native upland grasslands and shrubsteppe in the northern Great Plains [New Window]
Links to maps of breeding distributions of bird species on grasslands and shrublands in the northern Great Plains. Maps can also be downloaded from *.zip files in HTML format.
Mayflies of the United States [New Window]
Links to checklists and species maps showing the distribution of mayflies in the United States with links to other information websites on mayflies and reference list.
PDF Miscellaneous fungal diseases [New Window]
Chapter of Field Manual of Wildlife Diseases on miscellaneous fungi with information on fungal skin and subcutaneous lesions or mycosis primarily in birds.
Monitoring grizzly bear populations using DNA [New Window]
Description of project monitoring the status of Greater Glacier National Park Area's grizzly bear and black bear populations using genetic techniques on DNA from bear hair or scats without handling bears, with photos and discussion of methods.
Moths of North America [New Window]
Homepage for information on moths of North America with life history and habitats, photos, checklists, distribution maps, submitting new county records, identification tips, common questions, and references.
National Wildlife Health Center [New Window]
The National Wildlife Health Center (NWHC) is a biomedical laboratory assessing the impact of disease on wildlife and identifying the role of various pathogens in wildlife losses. Site has links to news, programs, publications and metadata.
National Wildlife Heath Center (NHWC) publications and metadata [New Window]
Links to National Wildlife Health Center (NWHC) publications, metadata, manuals to download, and technical publications related to wildlife health and disease.
North American Amphibian Monitoring Program (NAAMP) [New Window]
The North American Amphibian Monitoring Program (NAAMP) is a long-term monitoring program designed to track the status and trends of frog and toad populations with links to data access, protocol, and how to volunteer as an observer.
North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) [New Window]
North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) is a cooperative program that monitors the status and trends of North American bird populations. Includes files of results, analyses, route collection maps and raw data.
North Dakota furtakers: educational manual [New Window]
Trapping education manual for the beginning or inexperienced trapper intended to provide information on North Dakota's predators and furbearing animals and the basics on how to trap them using good trapping skills and sound fur management.
Northern Divide Grizzly Bear Project [New Window]
Project to assess the grizzly bear population size, trend, and survival in the Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem (NCDE) in Montana to improve the long-term survival for this threatened species. With description, DNA identification means and photos.
Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center [New Window]
Homepage for the Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center, Jamestown, ND, with links to announcements, science prgorams, biological resources finder, publications search option, contacts, and answers to common questions about the Center
Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center [New Window]
Geographical isolation of the Hawaiian Islands has resulted in the evolution of endemic species unique in the world. Research at the Center aims at preventing the further extinction of these species. Links to projects, publications and other data.
Patuxent Bird Identification InfoCenter [New Window]
A presentation of bird photographs, songs, identification tips, distribution maps, and life history information for North American birds, and a forum for commentary and discussion on birds.
Patuxent Wildlife Research Center [New Window]
Core web page from America's first wildlife experiment station and a leading wildlife management refuge, the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, Maryland with links to projects, publications, library, contacts, and how to get there.
Patuxent Wildlife Research Center monitoring program [New Window]
Entry to biomonitoring projects studying the status and trends of the nation's environmental resources and programs studying amphibians and birds. Links to long-term programs, resources and references, and related links.
Patuxent Wildlife Research Center software archive [New Window]
Programs developed at Patuxent Research Center (PWRC) and elsewhere for the analysis of animal populations for wildlife biologists and managers with downloadable software, source, and users' manuals.
Patuxent bird population studies [New Window]
Links to ornithology programs at Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, MD, including large scale survey analysis of bird populations, research tools, datasets and analyses, bird identification, and seasonal bird lists.
Platte River Program, a USGS Place-Based Studies Program [New Window]
Site for the Platte River Program in Nebraska an area that is a critical staging area for migratory waterbirds of the Central Flyway. Includes links to color-infrared aerial photos, 1938 historic aerial photos, and Cottonwood Ranch research site.
Polar Bear research at the Alaska Science Center [New Window]
Ecological studies of polar bears including population dynamics, dependence on sea ice, and tracking methods.
Radio-tracking amphibians: lessons from implant and external attachment procedures [New Window]
Paper from Forum on Wildlife Telemetry, Snowmass Village, CO, 1997, describes technique for implanting radio-transmitters for tracking amphibians such as frogs with telemetry.
Raptor Information System (RIS) [New Window]
The Raptor Information System (RIS) is a keyword catalog of over 32,000 references about the biology and management of birds of prey. Search by author, title, keyword, year of publication, or species.
PDF Reintroduction of whooping cranes: the ultra (light) in animal training experience [New Window]
Article on experiment to teach migration routes to birds using ultralight aircraft as a means to reintroduce a migratory flock of whooping cranes to the eastern United States.
Resources for banders [New Window]
Links to bird banding manual, banding associations, equipment and suppliers, bibliography, band size lookup, recapture database, bander services, aging and sexing birds, longevity records, Canadian atlas of bird banding and other resources.
PDF SAGEMAP: a web-based spatial dataset for sage grouse and sagebrush steppe management in the Intermountain West [New Window]
Links to fact sheet describing the database of spatial information on sage grouse and sagebrush habitats.
Sea otter research at Western Ecological Research Center (WERC) [New Window]
Webpage on research on sea otters (Euhydra lutris) in the nearshore environment of the eastern Pacific Ocean with information on status of otters on the coast of Alaska, Washington, and California and link to fact sheet in PDF format.
Social science in natural resource management [New Window]
Describes how social scientists and natural resource managers work together to develop cooperation and public help in solving complex natural resource issues. Links to the use of public surveys in a project for black-tailed prairie dog management.
Southeastern Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative [New Window]
Overview of the Southeastern Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative, annual report, field methods and protocols, statistical design and analysis, glossary, projects, and lists of frogs, toads and salamanders.
Status and trends of biological resources [New Window]
Description of the Status and Trends program, which monitors the abundance, distribution, productivity, and health of the Nation's living resources, detecting and evaluating changes in these variables over time.
Status and trends of biological resources program [New Window]
This program integrates monitoring programs that track the abundance distribution, productivity, and health of the Nation's plants, animals, and ecosystems.
Stoneflies of the United States [New Window]
Links to checklists and species maps showing the distribution of stoneflies in the United States with links to other information websites on stoneflies and reference list.
PDF Summary and analysis of the U.S. government bat banding program [New Window]
Analysis of the program with a detailed study of the best collection of data available from it. Includes recommendations for future studies of bats.
Summary report of nonindigenous aquatic species in U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Region 4 [New Window]
Report prepared for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service with descriptions of exotic aquatic species introduced in the southeast United States with information on populations, geographic distribution, and origins.
Survival of adult female northern pintails in Sacramento Valley, California [New Window]
Report on the population of northern pintails between 1979 and the 1990s in Sacramento Valley, California, including methods of study including radio telemetry, causes of mortality, morphometrics, survival rates, and management implications.
Tadpoles of the United States and Canada: a tutorial and key [New Window]
Key and tutorial to identify species of tadpoles from North America with color photographs.
The whooping crane report [New Window]
Report on the captive breeding program at Patuxent Wildlife Research Center to help save endangered whooping cranes. Site links to natural history information on whooping cranes, why they are endangered, cool facts on cranes, and a photo gallery.
Tiger beetles of the United States [New Window]
Links to checklists and species maps showing the distribution of tiger beetles in the United States with links to photographs, other information websites on invertebrates, and reference list.
Tools for learning about birds [New Window]
Links to pictures, songs and identification of birds of the United States, Canada, and Central America plus seasonal bird maps and a quiz on birds.
USGS Wildlife and Terrestrial Resources Program [New Window]
Homepage of the USGS Wildlife and Terrestrial Resources Program with links to projects, centers, and cooperative research units.
USGS activities in Texas [New Window]
Brief summaries of USGS projects in Texas including water quality monitoring, digital mapping, energy resources, U.S.-Mexico border mapping, fish and wildlife health, Kemp's Ridley sea turtle, and conditions affecting water quality.
Waterfowl identification in the Central Flyway [New Window]
Identification manual with colored photos of species of puddle ducks, diving ducks, geese, mergansers, swans, cranes, herons, egrets, pelicans and cormorants. Also includes information on ordering print copy and downloading as *.zip file.
Western Ecological Research Center (WERC) [New Window]
Links to research at the field stations of the Western Ecological Research Center with direct links to web pages for wildlife videos, satellite telemetry, fire ecology, invasive species, herpetology field guide, and coastal ecosystems.
Western Ecological Research Center products [New Window]
Western Ecological Research Center (WERC) publications and products search web page. Any products, which are available to download, appear as links. The links may be *.html, *.zip, *.pdf files or other file types.
What's new at the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center (Maryland) [New Window]
Links to news articles on scientific activities at Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, located in Maryland, north of Washington DC.
Whitebark pine communities [New Window]
Report on status and trends of whitebark pine communities with references to related publications.

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