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Channel Islands National Parkelephant seals, san miguel island
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Channel Islands National Park

Point Bennett on the west end of San Miguel Island is known as the only place in the world where six species of pinnipeds breed. San Miguel Island is the northern extent of the range of Guadalupe fur seals and the southern limit of the Northern or Steller sea lion’s range. Both of these animals are listed as threatened and are extremely rare at the Channel Islands now because of declining populations. The other pinnipeds are northern fur seals, California sea lions, northern elephant seals, and harbor seals. Information about each species can be found at the National Marine Mammal Laboratory. the Channel Islands are important to the survival of pinnipeds because most need protected undisturbed beaches to raise their young. Point Bennett is particularly important because it is centrally located, so close to rich feeding grounds for most of these species. Their biggest threats tend to be encounters with fishing gear, pollution, disease, and El Niño.

See below for summeries of the most common pinnipeds found around the Channel Islands.


Norhtern Elephant seal bull male - Foott
jeff foott
Norhtern elephant seal on the beach.

Common Name
Northern Elephant Seal

Scientific Name
Mirounga angustirostris

Elephant seals primarily live on and around sand beaches.

Additional Information
Northern elephant seals, Mirounga angustirostris, are large true seals common in the winter and spring months at the islands. True seals do not have external ear flaps and cannot walk using their hind flippers like sea lions, thus they move by pulling with their front flippers and undulate like slugs.  Hunted nearly to extinction elephant seals have made a phenomenal comeback, numbering around 100,000. Males may weigh up to 6,000 pounds. Females are generally less than 2,000 lbs. After breeding in December and January at the Channel Islands they swim to the Bering Sea to feed on squid and deep water fish. They return to the islands in the spring to molt, then return to Alaska to feed some more. Elephant seals dive continuously during their migrations and have been recorded diving to 4500 ft and up to two hours, though typically shallower and shorter. Pups are weaned after only about one month though they typically triple their birth weight during that time. They are then abandoned and left to learn to swim and find food on their own. More elephant seal facts here.


ca sea lion - foott 415px
jeff foott
Sea lions playing in the surf.

Common name
California Sea Lion

Scientific name
Zalophus californianus

Sea lion habitat ranges from sandy beaches to rocky shore cliffs.

Additional Information
California sea lions, Zalophus californianus, are probably the most familiar marine mammal at the islands. These smart, playful animals are often seen playing in the surf or lounging on beaches around San Miguel, Anacapa, and Santa Barbara Islands in particular. Males may reach 8 feet in length and 1000 lbs, females about 220 lbs. They are easily recognized by their pointed nose, external ear flap, “Charlie Chaplin” walk, and loud sometimes incessant barking. Sea lions are very social animals. They can be quite curious in the water coming to investigate divers and boats. On the breeding they are very skittish and will retreat into the water if disturbed. Males set up beach territories and defend their harems from other males. Pups are generally born in June and July and females nurse their pups for nearly year. Sea lions feed on fish and squid near the surface generally but can dive to 500 ft. The 2001 population of California sea lions was estimated at about 200,000 and 80,000 might live at San Miguel Island. The population has been growing steadily since 1975 except for set backs in El Niño years. More info at the National Marine Mammal Laboratory.


Harbor seal -  Jeff Foott
jeff foott
Harbor seals soak up the sun.

Common Name
Harbor Seal

Scientific Name
Phoca vitulina

Harbor seals live around sandy beaches.

Additional Information
Harbor seals, Phoca vitulina, stick closer to shore than their larger cousins but they are more widespread and are found in both the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Harbor seals are very shy on land but can be very curious in the water, often coming up to divers to investigate their fins or other gear. Their faces are somewhat rounded and their fur is usually dark gray with darker rings. Adults only reach about 500lbs. Pups are able to swim about an hour after birth, an adaptation to life on small isolated beaches that may become inundated by high tides. Mothers often leave their pups alone on a beach while feeding but will return, so it is important to leave pups alone. More info here.

blue whale - brad sillasen
Channel Islands Encyclopedia of the Sanctuary
Find out all about the Channel Islands marine animals.
Nesting California brown pelican  

Did You Know?
Channel Islands National Park has more endangered species that only exist within this park than any other unit of the National Park Service. This means that survival of these plants and animals depends entirely on our ability to protect and restore the habitat of the five park islands.

Last Updated: August 25, 2006 at 18:26 EST