Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge Complex
Pacific Southwest Region

Special Events

TBA January, 2010 - Snow Goose Festival, Chico, CA
The Pacific Flyway ranks as one of the greatest migratory pathways in the entire world. Millions of birds representing hundreds of species use this great avian highway each year. Nowhere is this abundance of wildlife more accessible than right here in the Northern Sacramento Valley. A local favorite among these is the majestic Snow Goose. With the estimated overall population of Snow Geese exceeding 5 million. So it is with these things in mind that we once again invite you to come and rediscover this magnificent spectacle of nature through wildlife field trips, presentations, activities, workshops, junior naturalist activities, a wildlife art exhibit, banquet and silent auction and more!

TBA April, 2010 - Godwit Days, Arcata, CA
Extraordinary birding opportunities await you at the 14th annual Godwit Days spring migration bird festival. California’s North Coast offers towering redwoods, rocky ocean coasts, wild river valleys, expansive mudflats of Humboldt Bay, and the world-renowned Arcata Marsh and Wildlife Sanctuary, where over 271 species of birds have been sighted just minutes from the historic Arcata Plaza.

May 2, 2009 - Endangered Species Faire, Chico, CA
For more that twenty-five years the Butte Environmental Council has hosted what has become Northern California’s largest and longest running environmental educational fair. Join the 30th annual Endangered Species Faire held in Cedar Grove in Bidwell Park from 10 am to 4 pm.

May 9, 2009 - International Migratory Bird Day, Various National Wildlife Refuges
The International Migratory Bird Day started in 1993 and celebrates one of the most important and spectacular events in the life of a migratory bird - its journey between summer and winter homes.

Sacramento NWR Complex
752 County Rd. 99W, Willows, CA 95988
Phone: (530) 934-2801; Fax: (530) 934-7814
24-hour Information: (530) 934-7774
TTY: (530) 934-7135

Last updated: April 24, 2009