Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge Complex
Pacific Southwest Region

Endangered Species
Resource Management - Refuge History - Habitat Types - Habitat Management - Waterfowl Surveys - Monitoring/Research - Endangered Species

Endangered Means There is Still Time

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service administers and enforces the Endangered Species Act. The purpose of the Act is to protect endangered and threatened species and to restore them to a secure status in the wild .

The bald eagle, peregrine falcon, giant garter snake, palmate-bracted bird's beak, and other threatened and endangered species are being monitored and protected on the Sacramento NWR Complex. Success can be seen with species such as the peregrine falcon, now delisted.

Why save endangered species?

When a species becomes endangered, it indicates something is wrong with the ecosystem. The measures we take to save endangered species will help ensure that the world we leave for our children is as healthy as the world our parents left for us.

For more information on endangered species, check out the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Endangered Species homepage.


Sacramento NWR Complex
752 County Rd. 99W, Willows, CA 95988
Phone: (530) 934-2801; Fax: (530) 934-7814
24-hour Information: (530) 934-7774
TTY: (530) 934-7135

Last updated: February 14, 2009