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The Penobscot River Restoration Project is an unprecedented collaboration between hydropower company PPL Corporation, Black Bear Hydro, LLC, the Penobscot Indian Nation, seven conservation groups, and state and federal agencies, to restore 11 species of sea-run fish to the Penobscot River, while maintaining energy production. Read more ... PROJECT DETAILS

 Visit our Penobscot River Science & Monitoring pages to find out more about efforts to collect pre-dam removal information characterizing fish communities and habitat in the Penobscot River.

River Restoration in the News:

 Condit Dam in Washington:

Condit Dam Explosion/Water Release Video

Elwha Dam removal in Washington: 

American Rivers Press Release

Interactive vizualization 

Fishing with family on the Penobscot River. Photo by Bridget Besaw

Conservation Photojournalism workshop photos to be exhibited in January and February at Fields Pond Nature Center. READ MORE

Writing Workshop on the Penobscot River

January 7th, 2012

Other upcoming special events and presentations.

 Now that the Penobscot River Restoration Trust owns the dams, we are coordinating with the Maine Dept of Marine Resources on operations of the fish trap at the Veazie Dam. The latest count is at 3,124 reported on November 1st. To see updated Veazie fish trap data click on the Atlantic salmon

 --> Atlantic salmon

Read or Listen to MPBN piece on Dramatic Return of Salmon Run, October 3, 2011

Read Bangor Daily News Article on Penobscot Atlantic salmon count at the Veazie Dam as of June 24, 2011

It's Also For the Birds!

Jeff Wells of the Boreal Songbird Initiative shares with us the many benefits a free-flowing river will provide  to migratory birds throughout the year in this audio-taped interview.

Check out our Voices of the watershed page for videos and audio-taped interviews with community members.

Multi-media stories on science, partnerships, and project history, in the Maine Sunday Telegram.

Are you an educator? Our EDUCATOR RESOURCES PAGE offers materials to use in the classroom.


Read about Bowdoin scholar and MacArthur Foundation Genius grant recipient Ted Ames' view of the likely economic impacts of alewife restoration and hear him talk about the Penobscot Project


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