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Mexican State Codes

In the past, coordinates for Mexican bandings and encounters were
not entered into the files.  As of June 1, 1989, bandings and
encounters in Mexico will be processed using exact coordinates when
possible.  If exact coordinates cannot be determined, the three-digit
Mexican State code, which occupies the last three digits of
the longitude field, will be used in addition to region code 748
for the Republic of Mexico.  

AQUASCALIENTES           AGS            001
BAJA CALIFORNIA          BCF OR BC      002
CAMPECHE                 CAM            003
CHIAPAS                  CHIS           004
CHIHUAHUA                CHIM           005
COAHUILA                 COAH           006
COLIMA                   COL            007
DURANGO                  DGO            008
GUANAJUATO               GTO            009
GUERRO                   GRO            010
HIDALGO                  HGO            011
JALISCO                  JAL            012
MEXICO                   MEX            013
MEXICO DF                DF             014
MICHOACAN                MICH           015
MORELOS                  MOR            016
NAYARIT                  NAY            017
NUEVO LEON               NL             018
OAXACA                   OAX            019
PUEBLA                   PUE            020
QUERETARO                QRO            021
QUINTANA ROO             QROD           022
SAN LUIS POTOSI          SLP            023
SINALOA                  SIN            024
SONORA                   SON            025
TABASCO                  TAB            026
TAMAULIPAS               TAM            027
TLAXCALA                 TLAX           028
VERACRUZ                 VER OR VC      029
YUCATAN                  YUC            030
ZACATECAS                ZAC            031

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