U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service


The Maine Fisheries Program Complex (consisting of Craig Brook and Green Lake National Fish Hatcheries, and the Maine Fishery Resources Office) provides administrative oversight and technical support for a multi-faceted restoration and recovery program for Atlantic salmon and other anadromous fish and their habitats in Maine. The Complex administers strong science and adaptive management approaches for restoration and recovery, and initiates partnerships with other federal, state, tribal and private sector entities to leverage resource acccomplishments. The hatcheries within the Complex are its conservation tools for river-specific broodstock and outplanting programs, and its Fishery Resources Office provides technical expertise for on-the-ground habitat and fish passage projects that are closely coordinated with an array of watershed partners. The Complex also oversees a popular educational outreach program that provides hands-on interpretive demonstrations, tours, and a highly successful "Salmon in Schools Program" for the people of Maine, with a host of supporting partners. About 40,000 people visit the Complex and its satellite facilities every year.

Education and Outreach Opportunities Photo by Gilbert van Ryckevorsel
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Friends of Craig Brook
©Photo by Gilbert van Ryckevorsel

Maine Fisheries Complex Home

Craig Brook National Fish Hatchery
Maine Fishery Resources Office
Green Lake National Fish Hatchery