White River National Wildlife Refuge
Southeast Region
Map of the Southeast Region Map of Kentucky Map of the Caribbean and Navassa Map of North Carolina Map of Tennessee Map of South Carolina Map of Arkansas Map of Louisiana Map of Mississippi Map of Alabama Map of Georgia Map of Florida


Credit: USFWS

Winning Art for 2007: Pintails in acrylic by Joe Hautman, Plymouth, MN. Credit: USFWS

These wildlife checklists were revised by Richard Hines, Refuge Biologist, in August 2005.  They are a list of birds, mammals, fish, reptiles and amphibians that have been observed at White River National Wildlife Refuge.  The species' common and scientific names are listed.


Approximately two-thirds of the bird species found in Arkansas can be seen at White River NWR.  Many of these are neo-tropical songbirds that use the refuge as a stopping point on their journey to and from central and South America.

Ivory-billed Woodpecker Birding Ethics

Please mind common birding ethics! The American Birding Association has published Principles of Birding Ethics, and we request all birders to follow them. Visit http://www.americanbirding.org/ibwo.html to link to these principles.


Mammals on the White River NWR consist of bats, opossums, raccoons, armadillos, rabbits, weasels, hoofed mammals, bears, felines, and canines.

Reptiles & Amphibians

Reptiles and amphibians on the White River NWR consist of toads, true and tree frogs, newts, salamanders, turtles, lizards, venomous and nonvenomous snakes, and American alligators.


Fish on the White River NWR consist of Sturgeons, Gars, Pikes, Suckers, Pirate Perches, Temperate Basses, Sunfishes, Perches, etc...

Trees, Shrubs, Vines and Herbaceous Plants

This list was compiled by Refuge Forester James Kellum in the winter of 2003. It includes the common and scientific names of trees, shrubs, vines, and herbaceous plants that are found on the refuge.

For more information about species on other National Wildlife Refuges log on to http://www.fws.gov/species/


Last updated: September 9, 2008