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Current Grant Opportunities
(Updated May 2, 2008)

NOTE:  This listing of current grant opportunities has been developed to specifically assist those who are involved in seeking funds to improve habitat for fish and wildlife.  Thus, it is not meant to be a comprehensive listing of all current grant opportunities.  To search for other federal grants, we encourage you to visit:

Fish and Wildlife Service (visit

June 27, 2008

FY09 National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant Program.  This program is designed to provide funding to coastal state natural resource fish and wildlife agencies to acquire, restore and enhance wetlands. Eligible applicants include any agency designated by the Governor of a coastal state. Applications are due June 27, 2008.  Criteria apply.

The Request for Proposals may be found at the following website:

Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program.  This program provides financial and technical assistance to private landowners and tribes who desire to voluntarily improve their lands for the benefit of federal trust species, such as migratory birds, interjurisdictional fish and federally listed endangered and threatened species.

Projects may include longleaf pine restoration, invasive species control, bottomland hardwood restoration or other on-the-ground projects to benefit fish and wildlife trust species. Contact the local FWS Ecological Services Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program Coordinators to discuss potential projects.  No Due Dates.

August 1, 2008

North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA) Standard Grants Program.   Projects should focus on wetland acquisition, restoration or enhancement.  Provides grants to work in partnership with others to conserve wetlands to benefit species dependent on wetlands, particularly migratory birds.  Those interested in submitting a proposal are encouraged to contact their respective Joint Venture Coordinator to discuss the potential project:

  • Atlantic Coast Joint Venture Coordinator Craig Watson (843 727-4707 x16)
  • Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture Coordinator Bill Uihlein (601 629-6619 x 619)
  • Other Areas throughout the Southeast – Dean Demarest (404 679-7371)

All projects require matching funds of a minimum of 1:1 match (1 federal dollar to 1 non-federal dollar) and grants may range from > $75K to $1 M. For additional information, visit

No Deadline

Wildlife Without Borders.  This grant program, administered by the Service’s International Affairs Program, focuses on providing funds to Latin America and the Caribbean Program for projects related to fish, wildlife or their habitat.

Fish and Wildlife Service Coastal Program.  This program is designed to help support the 22 high-priority coastal ecosystems throughout the country.  Projects directly related to the priorities of those individual programs are encouraged.  Programs in the Southeast are located in the following areas:  Albemarle and Pamlico Sounds, NC; Caribbean; Florida Gulf Coast; South Carolina Coast, South Florida Everglades.  Please contact the local Fish and Wildlife Service Ecological Services Office if you are interested in applying for a grant.  Grant deadlines may vary by office.

Fish Passage Program.  This program funds fish passage restoration projects, such as dam removal or installing fishways that assist fish in reaching their historic habitat.  50% cost-share desired.  Projects range from $1- 50K. Criteria apply. Apply through


Other Grant Opportunities of Interest

May 16, 2008

Environmental Protection Agency.  Wetland Program Development Grants.  Focus is on conservation, management and restoration of wetlands.  Projects should meet EPA National and Regional priorities. For more information:


National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (

NOTE:  The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation recently developed a new online grant application procedure, known as Easygrants, which is very “applicant friendly.”  To learn more about it, visit:

The NFWF funds projects that are directly related to implementation of their Strategic Plan which has 4 Keystone Initiatives: Birds; Freshwater Fish, Wildlife & Habitat; Marine & Coastal.  We invite you to visit their website to become familiar with the NFWF priorities in each of these four areas.

The following “Special Grants” currently have active Requests for Proposals:

May 5, 2008. 

Marine Debris Research and Technology Grants Program.  Pre-proposals are due this date. This program is a partnership with NOAA and involves partnerships with NOAA and NFWF to support research, prevention and reduction of marine debris.

June 1, 2008. 

National Wildlife Refuge Friends Group Grant Program.  This program provides seed funding up to a maximum of $5K to support new ways that engage Friends Groups in addressing conservation issues on National Wildlife Refuges.  Note that there is NO Pre-Proposal for this grant application and the Full Proposal is due this date.

June 16, 2008.

Nature of Learning. This grant program offers funding for projects that involve use of National Wildlife Refuges as outdoor learning centers.  Project proposals should include a community-based conservation educational component. Note that there is NO Pre-Proposal for this grant application and the Full Proposal is due this date.

September 1, 2008. 

ConocoPhillips SPIRIT of Conservation Migration Bird Program.  This is a partnership with ConocoPhillips for grants related to the conservation of migratory birds in areas where ConocoPhillips has an operating presence. Pre-Proposals are due this date submitted through Easygrants online application process.

Watch These NFWF Sites:

Native Plant Conservation Initiative.This program has not been available in recent years but will be open in 2008.  The NFWF is currently drafting the parameters for this grant opportunity that focuses on projects that help restore native plants.  Watch for new information at:

Pulling Together Initiative.  This program supports new partnerships focused on local Weed Management Area initiatives.  The partnership is encouraged to include state, federal, local governments, private landowners and other parties interested in developing long term weed management strategies. With invasive species being such a threat to biodiversity, this program offers an opportunity to build new partnerships and address on—the-ground conservation priority needs.  The Pre-proposals are generally due in the fall of the year.


Other Grant Opportunities of Interest

June 6, 2008. 

National Forest Foundation.  This non-profit organization funds projects that address invasive species in and adjacent to National Forests and Grasslands.  1:1 match of non-federal funds required.   Pre-proposals are due June 6, 2008.

June 30, 2008. 

Captain Planet Foundation.  This private foundation awards small grants ($250 - $2500) to non-profit organizations for undertaking projects that help children and youth better understand environmental issues. Emphasis is on children and youth and hands-on experiences.  Grant applications are solicited four times per year, Mar. 31, June 30, Sept. 30 and Dec. 31.  Grants are typically no more than $500 for organic gardens and $400 for “adopt-a-stream” projects.

July 1, 2008. 

Wildlife Forever.   Provides three types of grants: (1) Wildlife Forever Challenge Grants to nonprofit conservation or governmental agencies ($1-$10K) that may be used for habitat restoration, acquisition, research or management; (2) Sportsmen’s Challenge Grants Fund ($2500/project); and (3) Friends Challenge Grants Fund ($2500/project) to National Wildlife Refuges Friends Groups.  Projects may include habitat restoration, environmental educational or research.  A 1:1 match is required from a third party donor and sent through Wildlife Forever. Grant applications are due January 1st and July 1st of each year.  Contact:

September 1, 2008. 

Curtis and Edith Munson Foundation.  This private foundation emphasizes conservation of natural resources in the US and Caribbean.  Their three major priority areas of interest, in priority order, include:  marine resource conservation with emphasis on fisheries; South Florida Ecosystems such as Everglades, Biscayne Bay, Florida Bay and Florida Keys and Alabama environmental issues.  To be considered for a potential grant, applicants should submit a letter of inquiry. Become familiar with their priorities and their grant process at:

No Due Dates

FishAmerica Foundation.  This grant opportunity is open to non-profit organizations, civic associations, conservation groups and State agencies wishing to undertake projects that have direct benefits to sport fishing and sport fishing populations.  The Conservation Grants are currently open and can be for projects such as freshwater fish habitat restoration.  For more information, see:

Merck Family Fund.   This Foundation has identified “Protecting the Natural Environment” as one of its priorities, and under it, “Protecting and Restoring Vital Eastern Ecosystems.”  Ecosystem grants are currently restricted to the following areas:

  • -Southern Appalachian spruce fir and hardwood forests of TN, NC, KY, SC, GA and VA; and,
  • Southeastern coastal forests and wetlands of SC.
  • Northern Forest of VT, NH and ME

Letters of inquiry are accepted at any time.  Proposals are by invitation with two funding cycles per year.  Guidance may be found at: and

Charles Steward Mott Foundation.  Environmental Program.  Conservation of Freshwater Ecosystems.  Potential applicants should become familiar with their priorities and application procedure is by Letter of Inquiry.  For more information, visit:

May 26, 2008. 

Bikes Belong Coalition.  Will accept applications from entities that support biking.  Grants are for up to $10K and must meet certain criteria and complement their Strategic Plan.  Applications must be submitted online and are reviewed quarterly.  Upcoming due dates for emailed applications are:  May 26, August 25 and November 24, 2008.  Grants may be for construction of bike trails, education and capacity projects.  Contact:

Project Learning Tree.   “GreenWorks Grants,” are available for action-oriented projects involving students.  Grants range from $500 to $1,000 and are to support the teachers’ needs.  Some grants are available up to $5K but are very competitive. Grants funds may not be used for salary, but they can be used to conduct projects such as creating a butterfly garden, outdoor classroom, or a stream cleanup project.

Spring 2008 Funding Cycle - Applications due Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Fall 2008 Funding Cycle - Applications due Friday, October 31, 2008
Contact your state PLT Coordinator to discuss grant applications:

Surdna Foundation. This private foundation supports grants related to the environment in three major environmental areas:

  • “I. Build support for programs to stabilize climate change at the local, state and national level.
  • II. Improve transportation systems and patterns of land use across metropolitan areas, working landscapes, and intact ecosystems.
  • III. Safeguard the biological diversity and productivity of U.S. domestic oceans.”

 Application process is by letter of inquiry.  If interested, the Foundation will invite a full proposal.  For more information, visit

Birdnet.  This is a website that has lots of interesting information for those interested in ornithology, including listings of upcoming professional meetings, grants, ornithological links, research awards and some limited internships.  A major goal of this Smithsonian Institution website is to link researchers, managers, public policy people, private groups interested in birding. When applying for a grant, please direct it to the granting source and not to Birdnet! Visit:

McKnight Foundation.  This Foundation is particularly interested in environmental issues related to the Mississippi River.   Water quality, conserve & restore land to improve water quality and citizen advocacy are their current three major focus areas.  Visit:

Other Information About Seeking Grants

EPA’s Grant Writing Tutorial – An Excellent Training Program where you can Learn How to Write a Grant Application!   Lots of grant tips available at this site!! -- And click on “Continue” or “Next”

Seeking federal grants:  Try


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