Communities | Home Weatherization Assistance Program (HWAP)

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American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 - HWAP State Plan (pdf)
2009 HWAP State Plan (pdf)

What is HWAP?
The Ohio Home Weatherization Assistance Program (HWAP) is a no-cost energy assistance program designed to increase the energy efficiency of dwellings owned or occupied by income-eligible Ohioans, reduce participants’ household energy expenditures and improve participants’ health and safety.  HWAP is federally funded by the U.S. Department of Energy and provided to Ohioans at no cost for customers whose annual household income is at or below 200% of the federal poverty guidelines.  Ohio’s HWAP is administered through the Ohio Department of Development (ODOD), Community Development Division (CDD), Office of Community Services (OCS). 

Who Benefits From HWAP?
Households at or below the federal poverty guidelines, PIPP (Percentage of Income Payment Plan) participants, PIPP eligible households or households receiving Supplemental Security Income qualify for this no-cost program.  After weatherization, households that heat with natural gas reduce space heating consumption by an average of 24.7%, and electrically heated homes reduce usage on average of 13%.  HWAP participants increased the percentage of utility bills that they pay and the rate of disconnections of utility service for this group decreased by 50%.

Who Are The Local HWAP Providers?
As provided in the federal regulations, Ohio's HWAP is carried out by community action agencies and other public and nonprofit entities.  A list of the local weatherization providers is available.  The web page shows a map of the state, click on the desired county to see the contact information for the local weatherization provider.  

How Do You Apply For Weatherization Services?
An Applicant needs to complete the Combined Energy Assistance Application (also known as the Home Energy Assistance Program or HEAP application).  The applicant should complete the application, contact the local weatherization provider and notify the provider of interest in the weatherization services, or mail the application to the OCS office at 77 South High Street, P.O. Box 1001, Columbus, Ohio 43216-1001. The applicant can access a listing of weatherization providers and request weatherization service from the local provider is the best and quickest way to access services.  Please note the waiting list for assistance (After eligibility has been determined) varies from provider to provider and, in some cases, could be months.    

What Does HWAP Mean to Ohio?
HWAP has weatherized more than 304,000 dwellings in Ohio since 1977. This will result in a reduction of 376 million pounds of CO2 emissions, 840 thousand pounds of NOx and 2.3 million pounds of SOx.  Statewide, HWAP has created approximately 403 skilled jobs that provide energy conservation services.  Numerous other subcontractors and suppliers benefit from this work.  HWAP has served as the model for the development of energy efficiency programs offered by Ohio's  utility companies.  

What Makes Ohio's Program Distinctive?
Ohio was one of the first states to incorporate blower-door usage, combustion appliance analysis testing for efficiency and safety, and client education as an integral part of the program. The Ohio Weatherization Training Center trains all field staff in state-of-the-art techniques for cost-effectively and safely reducing the energy burden in all types of structures. All programs are monitored annually for cost-effectiveness and accountability by Department of Development staff. Periodically, the State contracts for statewide program evaluations. The 2006 evalutation, which evaluated the 2003 program year, found that the program is cost-effective.  The impact, process and training evaluations are posted at the top of this page. 

Locate ProvidersResidential Services
HWAP FAQsWeatherization Program Standards
HWAP Reporting SystemCombined Energy Assistance Application (pdf)
Ohio Weatherization Training CenterAplicacion Combinada para Los Programas de Asistencia para Energia (pdf)
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