Warehouse MIA

Do you know what happened to these publications?

This section of the Publications Warehouse is undergoing a revision. We are automating this section of the website to pull information directly from the database instead of updating static web pages. The numbers listed below are not necessarily correct as we are currently adding placeholder records for anything missing in the database. An announcement will be posted when we are finished. Thank you for your patience while we work on the site.

Listed below are all the USGS series that are currently or will soon be loaded into the Publication Warehouse.  Each series may have missing report numbers or unverifiable citations.

Missing report numbers are gaps in the numbering sequence of a series.  We do not know if the report was ever released or if there is a reason why the report number was skipped.  These reports may have been cancelled, recalled, or destroyed.  Report numbers may have been issued in blocks and some may never have been used.

Unverified citations Unverified citations are citations for any publication where there was some information about the publication available but that information could not be confirmed, the publication itself has not been found, and we are not sure if the publication was actually released. Many of the unverified reports were found referenced by other publications as "in press".

SeriesTotal Citations FinishedTotal MissingTotal UnverifiedTotal in series
Antarctic Map (A)140014
Annual Report (AR)660066
Bulletin (B)460339124654
Basic Data Contribution (BDC)0000
Biological Report (BR)0000
Biological Science Report (BSR)390140
Circular (CIR)14801921501
Coal Map (COAL)16310164
Circum-Pacific Map (CP)161219
Data Series (DS)41090419
Fish Disease Leaflet (FDL)690069
Fishery Leaflet (FL)0000
Fact Sheet (FS)223885502373
Fish and Wildlife Leaflet (FWL)2002
Fish and Wildlife Research (FWR)0000
FWS/OBS (FWSOBS)711019730
GAP Bulletin (GAP)160016
Folios of the Geologic Atlas (GF)22700227
General Information Publication (GIP)640064
Geophysical Investigation Map (GP)1027511033
Geologic Quadrangle (GQ)17822201804
Hydrologic Atlas (HA)81040814
IMAP (I)33538083441
Investigations in Fish Control (IFC)10200102
Information and Technology Report (ITR)469055
Land Use/ Land Cover (L)200110211
Monograph (M)560056
Missouri Basin Study (MB)190019
Miscellaneous Field Studies Map (MF)33214553371
Mineral Commodities Summaries (MINERAL)130013
Mineral Investigations Resource Map (MR)942096
North American Fauna (NAF)770077
Oil and Gas Investigation Chart (OC)15100151
Open-File Report (OFR)33214103840934661
Oil and Gas Investigation Map (OM)22810229
Professional Paper (PP)3068023070
Resource Publication (RP)15703160
Research Report (RR)800080
Scientific Investigations Map (SIM)22700227
Scientific Investigations Report (SIR)1460041464
Special Scientific Report -- Fisheries (SSRF)0000
Special Scientific Report -- Wildlife (SSRW)223031254
Trace Elements Investigations (TEI)4930264757
Trace Elements Memorandum (TEM)710335406
Topographic Instructions (TI)009191
Techniques and Methods (TM)840084
Technical Paper (TP)11100111
Techniques of Water-Resource Investigation (TWRI)11000110
Water Data Report (WDR)259215172624
Wildlife Leaflet (WL)405470515
Water-Resources Investigations Report (WRI)687967346980
Wildlife Research Report (WRR)150015
Water Supply Paper (WSP)316028113199
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