USDA Forest Service

Just For Kids

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NPNHT Administration
12730 Highway 12
Orofino, Idaho 83544

(208) 476-8334

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

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Have Fun!

This section is just for kids, and includes a coloring book, word games and puzzles, a math game, and other fun activities for kids. While you're having fun here, you can learn a little about the Nez Perce National Historic Trail.

If there are other things you'd like us to add to this section for a class project, just EMAIL us, and we'll try to add it here for you. Also, if you or your class have a project on the Nez Perce National Historic Trail or the Nez Perce we'd really like to hear about it!

FUN RECIPE: We're adding a collection of recipes for you to make at home (or at school) and our newest one is MAPLE SUGAR CANDY like the Indians made. It's easy and fun! Try it out and tell us what you think.

FUN GAME: Test your knowledge of the Nez Perce National Historic Trail in our Nez Perce Trail Jeopardy Game.

HINT: You'll do better at the word games and the quizzes if you read through some of the other sections of this website!

Kids' Projects

THANKS FROM KIMBERLY, ID 4th GRADE CLASS: These are the thank you notes from Sheryll Sharp, 4th grade class in Kimberly ID. These students have completed the Idaho History project where they used the resources from the web site and the coloring books that they were given during the visit. the teacher also said that the kids have done an outstanding job of respecting the things that were handed out during the presentation.

[Image}: Kimberly Elementary 4th Grade. [Image}: Thank You Card. [Image}: Thank You Card. [Image}: Thank You Card.

FLORIDA GIRL LEARNS ABOUT THE NEZ PERCE: Tisha Wroblewski wrote into us asking for information about the Nez Perce culture including crafts and recipes. Her daughter Claudia had a class project on the Nez Perce so we sent Tisha some information. This is Claudia from Sarasota, Florida and a picture of her diorama.

NPNHT PICKS UP THE P.A.C.E.: Nearly 25 PACE (Preparing for Academic Excellence) students visited the Clearwater National Forest July 23. The goal of the PACE summer camp is to prepare Native American students for their first high school algebra class.

Here are some photos from the program.

AMERICAN GIRL DOLL HISTORY CLUB: Diane Distefano, who is a teacher at the York Homeschool Association from York County, Pennsylvania, sent us a photo of the girls at a recent meeting.

"The girls have really enjoyed all their studies about the Nez Perce."

Some of the things that they have done during their studies: made a petroglyph, listened to pow-wow music, tried different foods, made toy ducks from cattails.

girls with parflechesIn the photo that they sent us the girls are showing off their finished parfleches! Qe´ciyéw´yew´ (thank you!) to Diane for sharing this with us.

HISTORY FAIR AT HEIGHTS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Debi Moody, who teaches Northwest History to 4th graders at Heights Elementary School in Clarkston, Washington, sent us some photos of projects her students did for their History Fair.

"These projects, along with a few others, will be in the Lewis & Clark Discovery Museum in Clarkston," says Moody. She received rave reviews from parents and tribal members on what the students learned from the projects. "They were happy that we were working to stop the stereotyping," says Moody. She adds that they plan to make more miniature tipis with other miniatures of other items inside, and they hope to make them as realistic as possible. "I was astounded to find out that most students know absolutely nothing about our neighbors, the Nez Perce," says Moody. "I decided to go way beyond the book and do some educating. All of our field trips were cancelled this year, so I tried to bring as many visitors to the school as possible."

Congratulations to Debi Moody and to Heights Elementary School -- and especially to the 4th graders for all their wonderful work? And Qe'ciyéw'yew' (thank you?) to Debi for sharing this project with us. If you have school projects related to the Nez Perce Trail, please let us know about them.

miniature tipi pictographs exhibit tipi miniatures

MINNESOTA GIRLS LEARN ABOUT NEZ PERCE: The "Meet Kaya, An American Girl" program was a terrific success at the Great River Regional Library in St. Cloud, Minnesota -- and they sent us photos from their program? "We had a great time," says Chris Mallo, Children's Specialist at the library. "The girls learned a lot, and I have promised them that we will do it again real soon?"

Fifty girls participated in the program, learning about Kaya and the Nez Perce. They made some traditional items and played some Nez Perce games, and even sent us a thank-you card for the information and items we sent for their program. Qe'ciyéw'yew' (thank you?) to the American Girls of St. Cloud for the great news and photos?

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thank you card from the girls

Click on item to enlarge

Kaya is the latest in the "American Girl" series of dolls representing periods in American history, and the Nez Perce doll Kaya was awarded the Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Platinum Award for 2003. Kaya is the first Native American doll in the collection. Her name is short for the Nez Perce name Kaya'aton'my' meaning "she who arranges rocks."

WILDFIRES: Because we've had several years of severe wildfires, campfire safety is more important than ever. We've added some "campfire safety tips" from Smokey Bear to our kids' pages.

WANTED:Kid Artists & Writers -- Do you like to draw, write, or spend time outdoors? We are looking for your help. We're on the lookout for kids' artwork - pictures of nature and outdoor recreation on the Nez Perce National Historic Trail. We also want to hear about your stories and any cool stuff you've seen on the trail. Artwork and stories can be sent to:

NPNHT Administration
12730 Hwy 12
Orofino, Idaho 83544

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USDA Forest Service - Nez Perce National Historic Trail
Last Modified: Friday, 08 May 2009 at 20:48:49 EDT

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Hanna Schluckebier recently completed a 30 page report about the Nez Perce that included sections on Chief Joseph and the Appaloosa horse. Hanna also made herself a deerskin bag.

Because we've had several years of severe wildfires, campfire safety is more important than ever. We've added some "campfire safety tips" from Smokey Bear to our kids' pages.

Arts & Crafts of the Nez Perce
Many of the people living in the Plains and Plateau areas wore breastplates for decoration. They were first made from the narrow dentallum shells acquired in trading with the coastal tribes.