Endangered Species Program
Midwest Region


Species Information

Listed Species in the Upper Midwest

Listed Species' Ranges by State and County

Candidate Species

Species of Concern

Featured Species

Bald Eagle

Canada Lynx

Freshwater Mussels

Gray Wolf

Indiana Bat

Karner Blue Butterfly

Kirtland's Warbler

Piping Plover

Whooping Crane

Endangered Species Act









S7 Consultation


Regional Office Staff

ES Field Offices



Endangered Species Section 6 Non-traditional Grants

2006 Funded Projects in the Midwest (Iowa, Michigan, and Wisconsin)


News Release (Sept. 26, 2006)
List of 2006 awards nationwide (pdf, 13 pages)


Habitat Conservation Plan Land Acquisition Grants

photo of piping plover on shoreline
Photo by USFWS

Point Betsie Piping Plover HCP (Benzie County, MI): $550,823 (partially funded).

This grant will acquire inholdings of piping plover habitat along Lake Michigan within the Zetterberg Preserve. The Michigan Department of Natural Resources and The Nature Conservancy have developed this acquisition strategy to support the Magic Carpet Woods Association Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) by providing land management and protection for both piping plover and Pitcher’s thistle. This site is designated piping plover critical habitat and is ranked by the Michigan Natural Area as very good quality for Pitcher’s thistle. The site was identified in the Pitcher’s thistle recovery plan as an acquisition target to meet the recovery goals for the plant. A Lake Michigan dune and swale management plan will be jointly developed by The Nature Conservancy and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources that will guide protection and management activities to aid in the recovery of both species.


Recovery Land Acquisition Grants

Photo of northern wild monkshood flower

Northern Monkshood and Iowa Pleistocene Snail Recovery Land Acquisition (Clayton County, IA): $326,887.

The Iowa Department of Natural Resources will acquire 167 acres for the conservation and protection of Northern monkshood and Iowa Pleistocene snail. Both species require cold, moist conditions provided by the outflow of cold air on algific talus slopes. The site is in the Cow Branch and is adjacent to a 110 acre unit of the Driftless Area National Wildlife Refuge. It contains sinkholes and critical buffer areas important to the function of the algific slope habitat that both species depend upon.



Western Prairie Fringed Orchid in Minnesota (Kittson County, MN): $110,865. Project was unable to be completed. Money was transferred in 2008 to Missouri for Gray Bat and Niangua Darter Land Acquisition (14-page PDF)

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources will acquire approximately 190 acres of orchid habitat for the nation’s most northern population of Western prairie fringed orchid. The acquisition will unite two halves of the Lake Bronson Parkland State Natural Area into a single unit. Ownership of the site will result in enhanced fire management that is essential to the perpetuation of the documented orchid population.


Photo of a Mitchell satyr butterfly
photo by John Shuey

Conservation Easement Acquisition for Mitchell’s Satyr (Washtenaw County, MI): $268,625.

The Michigan Department of Natural Resources will acquire two conservation easements for Mitchell’s satyr totaling 129 acres. The Mill Creek fen area is geologically and biologically unique, providing habitat for over 32 State and federally listed plant and animal species, including the eastern massasauga and Blanding’s turtle. These acquisitions will protect the existing ecosystem by preserving the high-quality fen and supporting uplands. The project will serve as a model for subsequent land protection on adjacent lands.


photo of the eastern prairie fringed orchidWisconsin

Eastern Prairie Fringed Orchid in Wisconsin (Rock County, WI):$93,800.

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources will purchase a conservation easement on approximately 61 acres of eastern prairie fringed orchid habitat and surrounding oak savanna. The Department will hold the easement and manage the land in perpetuity for the long-term benefit of the orchid. The site contains natural communities including wet prairie, wet-mesic prairie, and oak savanna. Monitoring results for the last few years indicate this is one of Wisconsin’s larger populations containing between 50-100 flowering plants. The acquisition greatly complements the management and protection efforts occurring at the site and on adjacent properties.



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Last updated: September 17, 2008