Endangered Species Program
Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund (Section 6) Grants to States & Territories
Fiscal Year 2009

Grants offered through the Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund (authorized under section 6 of the Endangered Species Act) fund participation in a wide array of voluntary conservation projects for candidate, proposed and listed species. These funds may, in turn, be awarded to private landowners and groups for conservation projects. Catalog of Domestic Federal Assistance Number 15.615.

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FY 2009 Awards new

Awards for Fiscal Year 2009 announced April 20, 2009.

bullet Read the news release

bullet Read the full list of awards [pdf]

FY 2009 Request for Proposals

We accepted grant proposals for the FY 2007 funding period between July 23, 2008 and September 22, 2008.

bullet Read the news release

bullet Full text of the program announcement—request for proposals and application information [pdf]

bullet Standard Form 424 "Application for Federal Assistance" [pdf]

bullet Federal Aid Tool Kit (forms and compliance requirements for receiving Federal grants) [pdf]

bullet Director’s Memorandum Regarding Prescribed Burning Off-Service Lands [pdf]

bullet Archive of section 6 grants information

bullet Other Endangered Species Program grants

bullet Other USFWS grant programs available

bullet Fact sheet about Section 6 grants

bullet How to contact us for more information

This table shows the different grant programs funded through the Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund, with the funding levels for this fiscal year. Eligibility criteria and the application process for each grant program is different. To learn more about each program, please contact the Fish and Wildlife Service Endangered Species grants specialist in your region.

Grant Program

Purpose Species Benefiting Applicants Competition Financial Match Requirement*

Conservation Grants


implementation of conservation projects federally listed threatened or endangered species States or Territories that have entered into cooperative agreements with the Service for endangered and threatened species conservation formula 25% of estimated project cost; or 10% when two or more States or Territories implement a joint project

Recovery Land Acquisition


acquisition of habitat in support of approved recovery goals or objectives federally listed threatened or endangered species States or Territories that have entered into cooperative agreements with the Service for endangered and threatened species conservation regional competition 25% of estimated project cost; or 10% when two or more States or Territories implement a joint project

Habitat Conservation Planning Assistance


support development of Habitat Conservation Plans (HCPs) federally listed threatened or endangered species, proposed and candidate species, and unlisted species proposed to be covered by the HCP** States or Territories that have entered into cooperative agreements with the Service for endangered and threatened species conservation national competition 25% of estimated project cost; or 10% when two or more States or Territories implement a joint project

Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) Land Acquisition


acquisition of land associated with approved HCPs federally listed threatened or endangered species, unlisted (including State-listed species), proposed and candidate species covered by the HCP** States or Territories that have entered into cooperative agreements with the Service for endangered and threatened species conservation national competition 25% of estimated project cost; or 10% when two or more States or Territories implement a joint project

*As required under Section 6 of the Endangered Species Act, grants to States and Territories must include a minimum contribution by the project's non-Federal partners. These contributions can be in-kind, through staff time or use of non-Federal equipment, or financial assistance.

**A species covered by the HCP is any species (listed or unlisted) that is included in the section 10(a)(1)(B) permit, thus receiving incidental take authorization.

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Contact us

For more information on how to apply for Federal grants to assist States, Territories, and landowners in conserving species on non-Federal lands, please contact your nearest U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service section 6 grants representative or:

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Division of Consultation, Habitat Conservation Planning, Recovery and State Grants
4401 N. Fairfax Drive, Room 420
Arlington, VA 22203

The Service also offers many other grant programs that may benefit endangered and threatened species.

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Last updated: May 5, 2009