NCI Cancer Bulletin
A Trusted Source for Cancer Research News
April 25, 2006 • Volume 3 / Number 17 E-Mail This Document  |  Download PDF  |  Bulletin Archive/Search  |  Subscribe

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New Nanotech Design Improves Drug Efficacy, Lowers Toxicity

Director's Update
Promoting the Development and Delivery of Targeted Therapies

Natural Killer Cells Power Immune System Response to Cancer

Cancer Research Highlights
Prostate Cancer Risk Calculator Available Online

Elderly Female Cancer Survivors Face Functional Limitations

Parents Need Help Talking to Children about Their Cancer

Funding Opportunities

CCR Grand Rounds

Featured Clinical Trial
Immunotherapy for Advanced Pancreatic Cancer

NCI CAM Newsletter Debuts

Breast Cancer Video Available

NCI Staff Win Plain Language Awards

CCOP Profile
Southeast Cancer Control Consortium, Inc.

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Featured Meetings and Events
A calendar of scientific meetings and events sponsored by the National Institutes of Health is available at
NCI CAM Newsletter NCI CAM Newsletter Debuts
NCI CAM News, a new biannual newsletter produced by NCI's Office of Cancer Complementary and Alternative Medicine, features the latest news on NCI's complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) activities. Content includes highlights of NCI-sponsored CAM research; resources for researchers, such as funding opportunities and grant-writing workshops; upcoming meetings and lectures; and information about CAM modalities for cancer. The free newsletter is available online at To subscribe, go to

Breast Cancer Video Available
A new, free educational video, Moving Beyond Breast Cancer, for women finishing breast cancer treatment is now available.

Most women finishing breast cancer treatment are eager to put the cancer experience behind them and get back to normal. However, the time immediately following treatment can be particularly difficult, with a wide range of emotions and reactions.

The 23-minute video features vignettes of women in different life stages who share their concerns and experiences about body changes, emotions, relationships, and new perspectives. Breast cancer surgeon Dr. Susan Love also provides medical insight on common reactions of breast cancer survivors in each of these areas.

The video was funded by an NCI grant to the UCLA School of Public Health and the Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center. The Susan G. Komen Foundation provided funding for a portion of duplication and distribution costs. Copies in VHS or DVD formats are available by contacting NCI's Cancer Information Service toll free at 1-800-4-CANCER (1-800-422-6237) or online at

NCI Staff Win Plain Language Awards
NCI was well represented among the winners of this year's Plain Language Awards Program, which honors staff whose work best exemplifies the clear and concise writing that helps improve communication within NIH and among NIH, other government entities, and the public. Winners were honored at an April 19 ceremony hosted by NIH Director Dr. Elias Zerhouni.

Nearly a quarter of the winning entries this year were written by NCI staff. Two projects won Outstanding Awards: "Graphic Standards for Use of NCI Logo," by Donna Bonner, Paul LaMasters, Malka Scher, Walt Burroughs, Del Harrod, Kathryn Hollen, Elizabeth Johnson, and David Fridberg; and "When Cancer Returns," by Louise Cunningham, Lori Keesey, Susan Spangler, Rhonda DeJoice, and Melinda Moyer.

Excellent Awards went to: "NCI Office of Communications Orientation Resources," by Robyn Bason, Cheryl Burg, Ilene Burstyn, Kevin Broun, Nina Ghanem, Tanisha Gregory, Cindy Lollar, Sahil Malik, Henry Ostapiej, Nicole Saiontz, and Valerie Secker; and "Understanding Cancer," by Donna Kerrigan, Miguel Monroy, and Jeanne Kelly. Seven other NCI projects received Honorable Mention awards.

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