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Lures and other displays of some freshwater mussels of the Upper Mississippi River System

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Quicktime can be downloaded here.

"Canaries of the Deep: The Plight of the Freshwater Mussel"
Flash Quicktime Textual equivalent Canaries of the Deep: The Plight of the Freshwater Mussel
Copyright ©2003 Iowa Department of Natural Resources

"Missing Mussels "

Flash Quicktime Textual equivalent
Missing Mussels
Copyright ©2003 Mike Cashman

Into the Outdoors television series - "Out of the Blue - Higgins' eye mussel"
"What do trees, Amelia, Higgins-Eye Pearly Mussels and Bluebirds all have in common? They’re all on this week’s show! That’s right, first Jake shows us how to climb trees with the best, and how the pros save trees in trouble! Then, Amelia makes a backyard habitat your neighborhood critters will love! Then—we’ll explore some cool efforts to restore the endangered Higgins' Eye Pearly Mussel. It’s a real gem!"

(requires Real Player)
Into the Outdoors television series - "Out of the Blue - Higgins' eye mussel"
Copyright © 2004 Discover Mediaworks, Inc.

"Pearls on the Mississippi: The Story of the Pearl Button Industry"
Flash Quicktime Textual equivalent Pearls of the Mississippi: The Story of the Pearl Button Industry
Muscatine Community College
Copyright ©1994

"Stop Exotics - Clean Your Boat"
Flash Quicktime Textual equivalent Stop Exotics - Clean Your Boat
University of Minnesota
11 minutes
Copyright ©2000

"Saving America's Pearly Mussels"
Flash Quicktime

Saving America's Pearly Mussel

Textual equivalent
Virginia Tech

"One Button/One Clam" - historical footage, no audio
historical footage historical footage historical footage historical footage
historical footage historical footage historical footage historical footage
historical footage historical footage historical footage historical footage
  historical footage historical footage  
historical footage

Fish lure of the Higgins' eye pearlymussel - Lampsilis higginsii
Fish lure of the Higgins' eye pearlymussel - Lampsilis higginsii Fish lure of the Higgins' eye pearlymussel - Lampsilis higginsii
Mike Davis. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources

Genoa National Fish Hatchery. 2000

Glochidia package (ovisac) of the Ouachita kidneyshell mussel
Ptychobranchus occidentalis
Ouachita kidneyshell mussel - Ptychobranchus occidentalis
Chris Barnhart, Unio Gallery. Southwest Missouri University


Lures and other displays of some freshwater mussels
of the Upper Mississippi River System

Common Name Species
Spectaclecase Cumberlandia monodonta (Say, 1829) 47 MB 52 MB   30 MB
Winged mapleleaf Quadrula fragosa (Conrad, 1835) 31.8 MB 28 MB 25 KB 16.5 MB
Pimpleback Quadrula p. pustulosa (I. Lea, 1831) 19 MB 7.5 MB   5 MB
Pistolgrip Tritogonia verrucosa (Rafinesque, 1820) 6.4 MB 4.3 MB   3 MB
Butterfly Ellipsaria lineolata (Rafinesque, 1820) 7.5 MB 2.7 MB 896 KB 1.9 MB
Plain pocketbook Lampsilis cardium (Rafinesque, 1820) 35.1 MB 18.9 MB   12.3 MB
Higgins' eye Lampsilis higginisii ( I. Lea, 1857) 6.4 MB 3.8 MB 29 KB 4.5 MB
Fragile papershell Leptodea fragilis (Rafinesque, 1820) 8.3 MB 2.6 MB   1.6 MB
Black sandshell Ligumia recta (Lamarck, 1819) 9 MB 3.9 MB   4.7 MB
Deertoe Truncilla truncata (Rafinesque, 1820) 10.4 MB 3.9 MB 976 KB 2.8 MB
Purple wartyback Cyclonaias tuberculata (Rafinesque, 1820) 10.2 MB 2.9 MB   2.9 MB
Monkeyface Quadrula metanevra (Rafinesque, 1820) 25.6 MB 13.5 MB   10.8 MB
Pink heelsplitter Potamilus alatus (Say, 1817) 8.3 MB 2.5 MB   2.3 MB
Mucket Actinonaias ligamentina (Lamarck, 1819) 10.3 MB 3.1 MB 597 KB 2.8 MB
Snuffbox Epioblasma triquetra (Rafinesque, 1820)     633 KB  
Round pigtoe Pleurobema sintoxia (Rafinesque, 1820) 10.3 MB 3.0 MB   2.9 MB
Photos/videos/divers: Mike Davis, Bernard Sietman, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Mark Endris, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Nick Rowse, Scot Yess, Tony Brady, Roger Gordon, Greg Sanders, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service; Byron Karns, Bob Whaley, National Park Service.


Species Identification and LocationThreatened and Endangered MusselsLife HistoryEcology Mussel Harvest on the RiverCurrent ThreatsMussel Conservation ActivitiesOngoing Studies and ProjectsMultimediaTeacher ResourcesFrequently Asked QuestionsGlossaryReferencesLinks to Other Mussel Sites


Department of the InteriorU.S. Fish & Wildlife ServiceU.S. Geological Survey
Last updated on December 14, 2006