U S Fish and Wildlife Service



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Federal Assistance Program

The mission of the Federal Assistance Program is to strengthen the ability of State and Territorial fish and wildlife agencies to meet the consumptive and non-consumptive needs of the public for fish and wildlife resources. The Division of Federal Assistance is responsible for administering grant programs to help States meet these needs.

Federal Assistance administers the following grant programs that can be used to obtain funding for pollinator conservation:

The Landowner Incentive Program (LIP) is a State grant program designed to restore habitat while also benefiting fish and wildlife species at risk.  The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service awards LIP grants through a competitive process to State Fish and Wildlife agencies.   These grants allow State agencies to develop private landowner programs and fund on-the-ground projects for species as risk. 

LIP Program Guidelines
How LIP is helping a pollinator in Michigan

The State Wildlife Grant (SWG) program.  This State grant program funds projects for species in greatest conservation need and their habitats.  To receive continued funding for this program, Congress directed that all States develop Wildlife Action Plans.  These Action Plans are comprehensive Statewide assessments of species and habitats, their threats, and proposed actions and monitoring.  Although this SWG does not fund insect projects, any bat or bird pollinator species that a State lists in their Action Plan as a species of greatest conservation need is eligible for funding.  Pollinators also benefit generally from the Action Plans’ habitat driven conservation actions.  More information on State Wildlife Grants and Wildlife Actions Plans can be found at :  http://federalaid.fws.gov/swg/swg.html  and http://www.wildlifeactionplans.org/

Last Updated: June 27, 2007