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The Patuxent Bird Quiz
Version 2.0

United States Department of the Interior
Laurel, MD, USA

Last modified: 02/09/2000
The new, expanded Patuxent Bird Quiz lets you test your knowledge of North American bird identification, distribution in winter (from the Audubon Christmas Bird Count) and summer (from the North American Breeding Bird Survey), and song. Note that we use the term "song" loosely, here, and that you might have look pretty hard to see some of the photographed bird species in North America!

Elsewhere, we have information on how to interpret the breeding distribution and wintering distribution relative abundance maps, along with information on the photographs and songs. And, of course, you might want to review the breeding distribution and wintering distribution relative abundance maps, photographs, or songs.

We thank everyone who contributed songs and pictures to the Home Page and game. Please note that photographer and recorder information is listed at the infocenter . Of course, as our disclaimer specifies, all decisions of the judges are final!

We have a beginner's section and an advanced section. At least for the map quiz, I suggest you stick with the beginner group, unless you feel particularly hubris-ridden.

Please select your skill level:

Beginner Advanced

Now, please select the category of information you want to test:

Breeding Distribution Maps
Winter Distribution Maps

This new version is still in development, and your comments are very welcome.

Links to Additional Information Sources