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  • Nature Photo Contest: Submit your best nature shots to The Nature Conservancy’s 2009 Photo Contest – deadline ends September 30th!
  • Creative approaches by The Nature Conservancy and local activists could help revive Maine’s struggling fisheries.
  • Take Action on Climate Change: Send your message to global leaders through The Nature Conservancy’s new interactive website!
  • Underwater Wonders: Learn how the Conservancy is saving Earth’s richest coral reefs!
  • Farming for Wildlife: The Conservancy’s model of rotating crops and bird habitat could benefit the entire Pacific Flyway!
  • Could the Conservancy and partners get Minnesotans to vote yes for clean water?
The Nature Conservancy protects Earth's most important natural places — for you and future generations — through great science and smart partnerships.
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Conservancy News

Indonesia – Berau – logging – reduced impact logging – redd – reduced emissions from deforestation and degradation

Reduced-Impact Logging

An Indonesian logger now works with the Conservancy to harvest forests sustainably.

remotely operated vehicle - marine robot - underwater research - seafloor video - underwater video

And the Winner Is…

Votes are in — find out the name of our new marine robot, and see amazing underwater video!

climate change legislation - Senate bill -emissions reduction - 20 percent by 2020

Senate Climate Change Bill

The Senate introduces legislation aiming for 20 percent emissions reductions by 2020.

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Nature pictures (left to right, top to bottom): Photos © Howard B. Cheek (Your Photo Here); © Harvey Payne/TNC (Climate Change); © Dean Forbes via a Creative Commons license (Farming for Wildlife); © Jerry Monkman (Community-Supported Fish); © Daniel & Robbie Wisdom (Underwater Wonders); © Ariana Lindquist (Yes We Can?); © Bridget Besaw (Reduced Impact Logging); © CSUMB/MARE/TNC (And the Winner Is…); © Jonathon Colman (Senate Climate Change Bill); © Ariana Lindquist (Nature Conservancy Magazine); © Cheryl Rose (Volunteer Photographers); © Suzi Eszterhas (Featured Image); © Erika Nortemann (Photo of the Month); © Rick McEwan (Natural Light); © johncudw2399 via a Creative Commons license (Hunting Poet); © David Dennis Photos via a Creative Commons license (Noah's Raft); © Sierrasportsmen via a Creative Commons license (Riel's Hunting Stories); © ImageMD/Flickr through a Creative Commons license (The Price of Rice); © Doug Kliewer (Inspiration) © Jeffrey Robinson (Birds); © Andy Hyslop (Forests); © Flickr User: 4D7 (Butterflies)

Nature Stories Podcast: Jesse Dukes (Hunting Poet); Laura Durnford and Daniel Grossman with Radio Netherlands (Noah's Raft); Neil Sandell with the CBC's Outfront (Riel's Hunting Stories); Stephanie Guyer-Stevens with Outer Voices (The Price of Rice) Close


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