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USGS Activity Physical Data: Dave Cacchione

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Location of Containers: drawers on plastic pallets, Rm. 1133 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
131434 L181NC 24 Area A column 15 row 05 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG log printout
131435 L181NC 24 Area A column 15 row 05 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG navigation logsheets
131436 L181NC 24 Area A column 15 row 05 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 12 khz bathymetry
131437 L181NC 24 Area A column 15 row 05 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG uniboom

Location of Containers: drawers on plastic pallets, Rm. 1133 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
131462 F384NC 32 Area A column 20 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 3.5 khz bathymetry
131463 F384NC 32 Area A column 20 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG sidescan
131464 F384NC 32 Area A column 20 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG navigation printout
131465 F384NC 32 Area A column 20 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Berg multichannel seismic
131466 F384NC 32 Area A column 20 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG single-channel airgun

Location of Containers: drawers on plastic pallets, Rm. 1133 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
131478 L486NC 39 Area A column 24 row 03 Dave Cacchione CMG Complete records
131479 L486NC 39 Area A column 24 row 03 Dave Cacchione CMG 3.5 khz bathymetry
131480 L486NC 39 Area A column 24 row 03 Dave Cacchione CMG sidescan
131481 L486NC 39 Area A column 24 row 03 Dave Cacchione CMG bottom photos
131482 L486NC 39 Area A column 24 row 03 Dave Cacchione CMG sediment analysis (RSA)
131483 L486NC 39 Area A column 24 row 03 Dave Cacchione CMG log sheets
131484 L486NC 39 Area A column 24 row 03 Dave Cacchione CMG 12 khz bathymetry

Location of Containers: drawers on plastic pallets, Rm. 141 in Pac. Sci. Center at 400 Natural Bridges Dr.
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents Comments
132730 U183PS 71 Area B column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione CMG Puget Sound experiment notes (2 copies) Puget Sound Experiment, Oct. 1983
132731 U186PS 71 Area B column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione CMG Field notes (2 copies) in letter box  
132732 U186PS 71 Area B column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione CMG Photo of Puget Sound Resuspension Array (4 pictures) in letter box Puget Sound Experiment, July 1986

Location of Containers: drawers on plastic pallets, Rm. 1133 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
134202 F384NC 159 Area A column 20 row 04 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG logsheets

Location of Containers: drawers on plastic pallets, Rm. 1133 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents Comments
134304 F489NC 179 Area A column 27 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG navigation printout  
134305 F489NC 179 Area A column 27 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG logsheets  
134306 F489NC 179 Area A column 27 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG cruise report  
134307 F489NC 179 Area A column 27 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG cruise data index  
134308 F489NC 179 Area A column 27 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG photos of seafloor  
134309 F489NC 179 Area A column 27 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG side scan images  
134310 F489NC 179 Area A column 27 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG side scan sonar rolls STRESS project

Location of Containers: drawers on plastic pallets, Rm. 1133 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
134355 F1388NC 182 Area A column 26 row 01 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG og printout
134356 F1388NC 182 Area A column 26 row 01 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG stations operation logsheets
134357 F1388NC 182 Area A column 26 row 01 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG summary logsheets
134358 F1388NC 182 Area A column 26 row 01 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG acoustic equipment logsheets
134359 F1388NC 182 Area A column 26 row 01 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG side scan sonar rolls
134360 F1388NC 182 Area A column 26 row 01 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 3.5 khz bathymetry rolls
134361 F1388NC 182 Area A column 26 row 01 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG logbook (also contains F489SC and S186NC logs)
134362 F1388NC 182 Area A column 26 row 01 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG memo of cruise plan
134363 F1388NC 182 Area A column 26 row 01 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG cruise data index
134364 F1388NC 182 Area A column 26 row 01 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG paper memos
134365 F1388NC 182 Area A column 26 row 01 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG figures (above not inventoried)
134366 F1388NC 182 Area A column 26 row 01 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Negative VC1 (8x10) in envelope
134367 F1388NC 182 Area A column 26 row 01 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Negative VC2 (8x10) in envelope
134368 F1388NC 182 Area A column 26 row 01 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Negative VC8 (8x10) in envelope

Location of Containers: drawers on plastic pallets, Rm. 1133 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents Comments
134369 P188NC 183 Area A column 26 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Mike Field CMG logsheets  
134370 P188NC 183 Area A column 26 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Mike Field CMG high resolution  
134371 P188NC 183 Area A column 26 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Mike Field CMG sidescan from surveys off Russian River site  
134372 P188NC 183 Area A column 26 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Mike Field CMG Point Sur misc. notes  
134373 P188NC 183 Area A column 26 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Mike Field CMG letters  
134374 P188NC 183 Area A column 26 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Mike Field CMG schedules  
134375 P188NC 183 Area A column 26 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Mike Field CMG water data content  
134376 P188NC 183 Area A column 26 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Mike Field CMG pressure-temperature data  
134377 P188NC 183 Area A column 26 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Mike Field CMG station logs  
134378 P188NC 183 Area A column 26 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Mike Field CMG operations log  
134379 P188NC 183 Area A column 26 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Mike Field CMG equipment log  
134380 P188NC 183 Area A column 26 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Mike Field CMG box core photos  
134381 P188NC 183 Area A column 26 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Mike Field CMG box core positions STRESS experiment
193103 P188NC 183 Area A column 26 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Mike Field CMG Foram count sheets  

Location of Containers: drawers on plastic pallets, Rm. 1133 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
134922 L785NC 236 Area A column 22 row 02 Dave Cacchione CMG sidescan
134923 L785NC 236 Area A column 22 row 02 Dave Cacchione CMG uniboom
134924 L785NC 236 Area A column 22 row 02 Dave Cacchione CMG box core x-rays
134925 L785NC 236 Area A column 22 row 02 Dave Cacchione CMG inventoried:
134926 L785NC 236 Area A column 22 row 02 Dave Cacchione CMG Uniboom roll WO-85-2 Newport (original)
134927 L785NC 236 Area A column 22 row 02 Dave Cacchione CMG Uniboom roll WO-85-2 Newport (copy)

Location of Containers: drawers on plastic pallets, Rm. 1133 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
135190 L785NC 275 Area A column 22 row 04 Dave Cacchione, Mike Field CMG navigation printout
135191 L785NC 275 Area A column 22 row 04 Dave Cacchione, Mike Field CMG logsheets
135192 L785NC 275 Area A column 22 row 04 Dave Cacchione, Mike Field CMG sidescan from coastal (60 m) California

Location of Containers: drawers on plastic pallets, Rm. 1133 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents Comments
135529 W182NC 332 Area A column 19 row 01 Dave Cacchione CMG stations operation logsheetss  
135530 W182NC 332 Area A column 19 row 01 Dave Cacchione CMG cruise data index  
135531 W182NC 332 Area A column 19 row 01 Dave Cacchione CMG pressure sensor geoprobe log  
135532 W182NC 332 Area A column 19 row 01 Dave Cacchione CMG grain size analysis  
135533 W182NC 332 Area A column 19 row 01 Dave Cacchione CMG preliminary cruise report Code 2-1
135534 W282NC 332 Area A column 19 row 01 Dave Cacchione, Bill Grantz CMG stations operation logsheets  
135535 W282NC 332 Area A column 19 row 01 Dave Cacchione, Bill Grantz CMG cruise data index  
135536 W282NC 332 Area A column 19 row 01 Dave Cacchione, Bill Grantz CMG sidescan  
135537 W382NC 332 Area A column 19 row 01 Dave Cacchione CMG cruise data index  
135538 W382NC 332 Area A column 19 row 01 Dave Cacchione CMG stations operation logsheets  
135539 W382NC 332 Area A column 19 row 01 Dave Cacchione CMG cruise data index logsheets  
135540 W382NC 332 Area A column 19 row 01 Dave Cacchione CMG preliminary cruise report  
135541 W382NC 332 Area A column 19 row 01 Dave Cacchione CMG miniranger fixes  

Location of Containers: drawers on plastic pallets, Rm. 1133 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
136150 L181NC 406 Area A column 15 row 06 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 3.5 khz bathymetry
136151 L181NC 406 Area A column 15 row 06 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG uniboom
136152 L181NC 406 Area A column 15 row 06 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG cruise log
136153 L181NC 406 Area A column 15 row 06 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG shipboard log
136154 L181NC 406 Area A column 15 row 06 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Code plots and data
136155 L181NC 406 Area A column 15 row 06 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG MAG-SIDE
136156 L181NC 406 Area A column 15 row 06 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Geoprobe NUC Tower ASCII tapes (** see Main Center Listing **)

Location of Containers: drawers on plastic pallets, Rm. 1133 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
136867 L180NC 449 Area A column 14 row 05 Dave Cacchione CMG gravity
136868 L180NC 449 Area A column 14 row 05 Dave Cacchione CMG logsheets
136869 L180NC 449 Area A column 14 row 05 Dave Cacchione CMG operations log
136870 L180NC 449 Area A column 14 row 05 Dave Cacchione CMG summary log
136871 L180NC 449 Area A column 14 row 05 Dave Cacchione CMG navigation log
136872 L180NC 449 Area A column 14 row 05 Dave Cacchione CMG grain size analysis
136873 L180NC 449 Area A column 14 row 05 Dave Cacchione CMG cruise report
136874 L180NC 449 Area A column 14 row 05 Dave Cacchione CMG crew list
136875 L180NC 449 Area A column 14 row 05 Dave Cacchione CMG geoprobe and mooring log
136876 L180NC 449 Area A column 14 row 05 Dave Cacchione CMG logbook (see L179NC)
136877 L181NC 449 Area A column 14 row 05 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG grain size analysis

Location of Containers: drawers on plastic pallets, Rm. 1133 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
139114 P287SF 649 Area B column 08 row 01 Dave Cacchione CMG 2 side scan rolls
139115 P287SF 649 Area B column 08 row 01 Dave Cacchione CMG logbook
139116 P287SF 649 Area B column 08 row 01 Dave Cacchione CMG misc. forms
139117 P287SF 649 Area B column 08 row 01 Dave Cacchione CMG deployment data forms
139118 P287SF 649 Area B column 08 row 01 Dave Cacchione CMG sample graphs
139119 P287SF 649 Area B column 08 row 01 Dave Cacchione CMG tidal heights graph
139120 P287SF 649 Area B column 08 row 01 Dave Cacchione CMG current observations data
139121 P287SF 649 Area B column 08 row 01 Dave Cacchione CMG data analysis forms

Location of Containers: drawers on plastic pallets, Rm. 1133 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
139478 S5A79NC 676 Area A column 12 row 04 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 3.5KHz bathymetry
139479 S5A79NC 676 Area A column 12 row 04 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 12KHz bathymetry
139480 S5A79NC 676 Area A column 12 row 04 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG uniboom
139481 S5A79NC 676 Area A column 12 row 04 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG single-channel
139482 S5A79NC 676 Area A column 12 row 04 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG arcer
139483 S5A79NC 676 Area A column 12 row 04 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG gravity
139484 S5A79NC 676 Area A column 12 row 04 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG navigation printout
139485 S5A79NC 676 Area A column 12 row 04 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG logsheets

Location of Containers: drawers on plastic pallets, Rm. 1133 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
139889 L486NC 718 Area A column 24 row 04 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG logbook
139890 L486NC 718 Area A column 24 row 04 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG grain size analysis sheets
139891 L486NC 718 Area A column 24 row 04 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG cruise data index
139892 L486NC 718 Area A column 24 row 04 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG station log
139893 L486NC 718 Area A column 24 row 04 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG side scan log
139894 L486NC 718 Area A column 24 row 04 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG navigation log
139895 L486NC 718 Area A column 24 row 04 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG summary log
139896 L486NC 718 Area A column 24 row 04 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG photos
139897 L486NC 718 Area A column 24 row 04 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG box core log data
139898 L486NC 718 Area A column 24 row 04 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG airgun roll
139899 L486NC 718 Area A column 24 row 04 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG trackline map
139900 L486NC 718 Area A column 24 row 04 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG sparker airgun roll
139901 L486NC 718 Area A column 24 row 04 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG operations log
139902 L486NC 718 Area A column 24 row 04 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG summary log
139903 L486NC 718 Area A column 24 row 04 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG equipment log
139904 L486NC 718 Area A column 24 row 04 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG box core photos

Location of Containers: drawers on plastic pallets, Rm. 1133 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents Comments
140019 N176SC 733 Area C column 03 row 05 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG reports  
140020 N176SC 733 Area C column 03 row 05 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG manuals  
140021 N176SC 733 Area C column 03 row 05 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG memos  
140022 N176SC 733 Area C column 03 row 05 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG schedules  
140023 N176SC 733 Area C column 03 row 05 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG temperature data  
140024 N176SC 733 Area C column 03 row 05 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG wind data  
140025 N176SC 733 Area C column 03 row 05 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG wave data  
140026 N176SC 733 Area C column 03 row 05 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG tilt data  
140027 N176SC 733 Area C column 03 row 05 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG tidal data  
140028 N176SC 733 Area C column 03 row 05 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG pressure data  
140029 N176SC 733 Area C column 03 row 05 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG water column temperature  
140030 N176SC 733 Area C column 03 row 05 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG isotherm plots  
140031 N176SC 733 Area C column 03 row 05 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG logbooks  
140032 N176SC 733 Area C column 03 row 05 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG notebook  
140033 N176SC 733 Area C column 03 row 05 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG photos  
140034 N176SC 733 Area C column 03 row 05 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG current meter data  
140035 N176SC 733 Area C column 03 row 05 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG temperature printout SEDYNEX-1, NUC Tower area, July 20-30, 1976

Location of Containers: drawers on plastic pallets, in Warehouse at 1050 O'Brien St .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
140208 S477BS 740 Area B column 36 row 07 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 3.5 khz bathymetry
140209 S477BS 740 Area B column 36 row 07 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 12 khz bathymetry
140210 S477BS 740 Area B column 36 row 07 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG thermosalinograph
140211 S477BS 740 Area B column 36 row 07 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG gravity
140212 S477BS 740 Area B column 36 row 07 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG sidescan
140213 S477BS 740 Area B column 36 row 07 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG uniboom
140214 S477BS 740 Area B column 36 row 07 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG expendable bathy
140215 S477BS 740 Area B column 36 row 07 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG thermo graph
140216 S477BS 740 Area B column 36 row 07 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG thermosalinograph logs
140217 S477BS 740 Area B column 36 row 07 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG station logs
140218 S477BS 740 Area B column 36 row 07 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG systems logs
140219 S477BS 740 Area B column 36 row 07 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG cruise data index
140220 S477BS 740 Area B column 36 row 07 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG box core xrays

Location of Containers: drawers on plastic pallets, Rm. 1133 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents Comments
140602 W282NC 752 Area A column 19 row 02 Dave Cacchione CMG sample station forms  
140603 W282NC 752 Area A column 19 row 02 Dave Cacchione CMG sample location map  
140604 W282NC 752 Area A column 19 row 02 Dave Cacchione CMG CTD simple-minded logger  
140605 W282NC 752 Area A column 19 row 02 Dave Cacchione CMG cruise data index  
140606 W282NC 752 Area A column 19 row 02 Dave Cacchione CMG preliminary cruise report  
140607 W282NC 752 Area A column 19 row 02 Dave Cacchione CMG navigation log data  
140608 W282NC 752 Area A column 19 row 02 Dave Cacchione CMG grain size anaylsis  
140609 W282NC 752 Area A column 19 row 02 Dave Cacchione CMG logbooks  
140610 W282NC 752 Area A column 19 row 02 Dave Cacchione CMG mooring log  
140611 W282NC 752 Area A column 19 row 02 Dave Cacchione CMG operations log  
140612 W282NC 752 Area A column 19 row 02 Dave Cacchione CMG side scan log  
140613 W282NC 752 Area A column 19 row 02 Dave Cacchione CMG CTD-Probe deployment log  
140614 W282NC 752 Area A column 19 row 02 Dave Cacchione CMG CTD navigation log  
140615 W282NC 752 Area A column 19 row 02 Dave Cacchione CMG samples log  
140616 W282NC 752 Area A column 19 row 02 Dave Cacchione CMG reports  
140617 W282NC 752 Area A column 19 row 02 Dave Cacchione CMG geoprobe data  
140618 W282NC 752 Area A column 19 row 02 Dave Cacchione CMG misc. figures  
140619 W282NC 752 Area A column 19 row 02 Dave Cacchione CMG summary log  
140620 W382NC 752 Area A column 19 row 02 Dave Cacchione CMG sample log  
140621 W382NC 752 Area A column 19 row 02 Dave Cacchione CMG grain size analysis  
140622 W382NC 752 Area A column 19 row 02 Dave Cacchione CMG cruise data index  
140623 W382NC 752 Area A column 19 row 02 Dave Cacchione CMG navigation log  
140624 W382NC 752 Area A column 19 row 02 Dave Cacchione CMG sea surface thermal analysis  
140625 W382NC 752 Area A column 19 row 02 Dave Cacchione CMG station data forms Code 2-4, Leg 10, Wecoma

Location of Containers: drawers on plastic pallets, Rm. 1133 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents Comments
140830 S186NC 786 Area A column 24 row 06 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG grab samples  
140831 S186NC 786 Area A column 24 row 06 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG temperature data r/v Susan K.

Location of Containers: drawers on plastic pallets, Rm. 1133 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents Comments
140832   787 Area A column 18 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG report  
140833   787 Area A column 18 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG figures on transparencies  
140834   787 Area A column 18 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG research proposal  
140835   787 Area A column 18 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG calculation notes  
140836   787 Area A column 18 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG AGU abstract Code C3 station area, Nov.-Dec. 1981

Location of Containers: drawers on plastic pallets, Rm. 1133 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
140840 L181NC 789 Area A column 16 row 02 Dave Drake, Dave Cacchione CMG uniboom on mylar
140841 L181NC 789 Area A column 16 row 02 Dave Drake, Dave Cacchione CMG map on mylar
140842 L181NC 789 Area A column 16 row 02 Dave Drake, Dave Cacchione CMG box core x-rays

Location of Containers: drawers on plastic pallets, Rm. 1133 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents Comments
140921 L181NC 791 Area A column 16 row 01 Dave Drake, Dave Cacchione CMG box core sampling log  
140922 L181NC 791 Area A column 16 row 01 Dave Drake, Dave Cacchione CMG TV camera station log  
140923 L181NC 791 Area A column 16 row 01 Dave Drake, Dave Cacchione CMG cruise log Code 1  
140924 L181NC 791 Area A column 16 row 01 Dave Drake, Dave Cacchione CMG equipment summary log  
140925 L181NC 791 Area A column 16 row 01 Dave Drake, Dave Cacchione CMG station operations log  
140926 L181NC 791 Area A column 16 row 01 Dave Drake, Dave Cacchione CMG Tow Tank records  
140927 L181NC 791 Area A column 16 row 01 Dave Drake, Dave Cacchione CMG sample station log  
140928 L181NC 791 Area A column 16 row 01 Dave Drake, Dave Cacchione CMG miniranger transponder log  
140929 L181NC 791 Area A column 16 row 01 Dave Drake, Dave Cacchione CMG positions and depths of V1-80 samples  
140930 L181NC 791 Area A column 16 row 01 Dave Drake, Dave Cacchione CMG Code 1 mooring positions  
140931 L181NC 791 Area A column 16 row 01 Dave Drake, Dave Cacchione CMG box core station locations  
140932 L181NC 791 Area A column 16 row 01 Dave Drake, Dave Cacchione CMG water sample data  
140933 L181NC 791 Area A column 16 row 01 Dave Drake, Dave Cacchione CMG CTD data  
140934 L181NC 791 Area A column 16 row 01 Dave Drake, Dave Cacchione CMG cruise data index  
140935 L181NC 791 Area A column 16 row 01 Dave Drake, Dave Cacchione CMG box core logbook  
140936 L181NC 791 Area A column 16 row 01 Dave Drake, Dave Cacchione CMG miniranger navigation printout  
140937 L181NC 791 Area A column 16 row 01 Dave Drake, Dave Cacchione CMG waves printout (above not inventoried)  
140938 L181NC 791 Area A column 16 row 01 Dave Drake, Dave Cacchione CMG Box cores location map in black binder Box Cores Sediemnt Analysis  
140939 L181NC 791 Area A column 16 row 01 Dave Drake, Dave Cacchione CMG Grain size analysis in black binder Box Cores Sediemnt Analysis  
140940 L181NC 791 Area A column 16 row 01 Dave Drake, Dave Cacchione CMG Logs in black binder Box Cores Sediemnt Analysis  
140941 L181NC 791 Area A column 16 row 01 Dave Drake, Dave Cacchione CMG Sediment lab computer coding form for 3-30 in black binder Box Cores Sediemnt  
140942 L181NC 791 Area A column 16 row 01 Dave Drake, Dave Cacchione CMG Analysis  
140943 L181NC 791 Area A column 16 row 01 Dave Drake, Dave Cacchione CMG Foram data in black binder Analyses  
140944 L181NC 791 Area A column 16 row 01 Dave Drake, Dave Cacchione CMG Pollen data in black binder Analyses  
140945 L181NC 791 Area A column 16 row 01 Dave Drake, Dave Cacchione CMG Carbon analyses in black binder Analyses  
140946 L181NC 791 Area A column 16 row 01 Dave Drake, Dave Cacchione CMG C-14 data in black binder Analyses  
140947 L181NC 791 Area A column 16 row 01 Dave Drake, Dave Cacchione CMG Box cores station logs 1-30 in black binder Box Cores Russian River Shelf Area  
140948 L181NC 791 Area A column 16 row 01 Dave Drake, Dave Cacchione CMG Box cores sample logs 1-30 in black binder Box Cores Russian River Shelf Area  
140949 L181NC 791 Area A column 16 row 01 Dave Drake, Dave Cacchione CMG Box cores location maps in black binder Box Cores Russian River Shelf Area Code 1

Location of Containers: drawers on plastic pallets, Rm. 1133 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
141304   811 Area D column 15 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG University of Washington computer punch cards
141305   811 Area D column 15 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG weather data
141309 S271WO 811 Area D column 15 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG 12 khz bathymetry
141310 S271WO 811 Area D column 15 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG seismic data

Location of Containers: drawers on plastic pallets, Rm. 1133 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents Comments
141599 W681NC 847 Area A column 18 row 03 Dave Cacchione CMG sidescan  
141600 W681NC 847 Area A column 18 row 03 Dave Cacchione CMG CTD bottom profiles  
141601 W681NC 847 Area A column 18 row 03 Dave Cacchione CMG bathymetry  
141602 W681NC 847 Area A column 18 row 03 Dave Cacchione CMG side scan log  
141603 W681NC 847 Area A column 18 row 03 Dave Cacchione CMG tripod deployment log  
141604 W681NC 847 Area A column 18 row 03 Dave Cacchione CMG miniranger transponder log  
141605 W681NC 847 Area A column 18 row 03 Dave Cacchione CMG location maps  
141606 W681NC 847 Area A column 18 row 03 Dave Cacchione CMG grain size analysis  
141607 W681NC 847 Area A column 18 row 03 Dave Cacchione CMG box core locations  
141608 W681NC 847 Area A column 18 row 03 Dave Cacchione CMG CTD drop locations  
141609 W681NC 847 Area A column 18 row 03 Dave Cacchione CMG water sample data  
141610 W681NC 847 Area A column 18 row 03 Dave Cacchione CMG tripod locations  
141611 W681NC 847 Area A column 18 row 03 Dave Cacchione CMG station locations  
141612 W681NC 847 Area A column 18 row 03 Dave Cacchione CMG Del Norte readings for CTD  
141613 W681NC 847 Area A column 18 row 03 Dave Cacchione CMG box core x-rays Code 2-1

Location of Containers: drawers on plastic pallets, Rm. 1133 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
142203 S187SC 874 Area C column 10 row 06 Dave Cacchione CMG cruise report
142204 S187SC 874 Area C column 10 row 06 Dave Cacchione CMG letter
142205 S187SC 874 Area C column 10 row 06 Dave Cacchione CMG misc. notes
142206 S187SC 874 Area C column 10 row 06 Dave Cacchione CMG memos
142207 S187SC 874 Area C column 10 row 06 Dave Cacchione CMG reports
142208 S187SC 874 Area C column 10 row 06 Dave Cacchione CMG current-tidal data
142209 S187SC 874 Area C column 10 row 06 Dave Cacchione CMG side scan images
142210 S187SC 874 Area C column 10 row 06 Dave Cacchione CMG navigation log
142211 S187SC 874 Area C column 10 row 06 Dave Cacchione CMG salinity-temperature plots
142212 S187SC 874 Area C column 10 row 06 Dave Cacchione CMG sediment map
142213 S187SC 874 Area C column 10 row 06 Dave Cacchione CMG depth plot
142214 S187SC 874 Area C column 10 row 06 Dave Cacchione CMG pre-cruise report

Location of Containers: drawers on plastic pallets, Rm. 1133 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
142460 S187SC 888 Area C column 10 row 05 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG side scan sonar rolls
142461 S187SC 888 Area C column 10 row 05 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG cruise plan

Location of Containers: drawers on plastic pallets, Rm. 1133 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents Comments
142541 P286SF 893 Area B column 04 row 05 Dave Cacchione CMG Research Vessel Cruise Assessment (2 copies in folder)  
142542 P286SF 893 Area B column 04 row 05 Dave Cacchione CMG Cruise Report (2 copies in folder)  
142543 P286SF 893 Area B column 04 row 05 Dave Cacchione CMG Letter 9/24/86 (in folder)  
142544 P286SF 893 Area B column 04 row 05 Dave Cacchione CMG Memo 10/21/86 (in folder)  
142545 P286SF 893 Area B column 04 row 05 Dave Cacchione CMG Cruise Plan forms (in folder)  
142546 P286SF 893 Area B column 04 row 05 Dave Cacchione CMG Trackline map (8 page-sized sheets in folder)  
142547 P286SF 893 Area B column 04 row 05 Dave Cacchione CMG R/V Point Sur Cruise Planning Manual (in folder)  
142548 P286SF 893 Area B column 04 row 05 Dave Cacchione CMG Cruise notes (2 copies from logbook in folder)  
142549 P286SF 893 Area B column 04 row 05 Dave Cacchione CMG Navigation logbook for P286SF and P287SF  
142550 P286SF 893 Area B column 04 row 05 Dave Cacchione CMG 3.5 khz Klein subbottom roll 1  
142551 P286SF 893 Area B column 04 row 05 Dave Cacchione CMG 3.5 khz Klein subbottom roll 2 SFB-2
142552 P287SF 893 Area B column 04 row 05 Dave Cacchione CMG Copy of logbook (2 copies)  
142553 P287SF 893 Area B column 04 row 05 Dave Cacchione CMG Memo 1/30/87  
142554 P287SF 893 Area B column 04 row 05 Dave Cacchione CMG Page-size sample location map  
142555 P287SF 893 Area B column 04 row 05 Dave Cacchione CMG Tide data (in folder)  
142556 P287SF 893 Area B column 04 row 05 Dave Cacchione CMG Data analyses (in folder)  
142557 P287SF 893 Area B column 04 row 05 Dave Cacchione CMG Geoprobe data and plots (in folder)  
142558 P287SF 893 Area B column 04 row 05 Dave Cacchione CMG 1987 Tide Table (in folder) SFB-2

Location of Containers: drawers on plastic pallets, Rm. 1133 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents Comments
142566 L179NC 895 Area A column 10 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake, Steve Eittreim CMG cruise data index  
142567 L179NC 895 Area A column 10 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake, Steve Eittreim CMG miniranger positions  
142568 L179NC 895 Area A column 10 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake, Steve Eittreim CMG miniranger printout  
142569 L179NC 895 Area A column 10 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake, Steve Eittreim CMG navigation log  
142570 L179NC 895 Area A column 10 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake, Steve Eittreim CMG 12khz bathymetry  
142571 L179NC 895 Area A column 10 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake, Steve Eittreim CMG 3.5 khz bathymetry  
142572 L179NC 895 Area A column 10 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake, Steve Eittreim CMG shipboard logsheets  
142573 L179NC 895 Area A column 10 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake, Steve Eittreim CMG sample codes  
142574 L179NC 895 Area A column 10 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake, Steve Eittreim CMG notebook  
142575 L179NC 895 Area A column 10 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake, Steve Eittreim CMG operation log  
142576 L179NC 895 Area A column 10 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake, Steve Eittreim CMG equipment log  
142577 L179NC 895 Area A column 10 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake, Steve Eittreim CMG logbook  
142578 L179NC 895 Area A column 10 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake, Steve Eittreim CMG geoprobe plots REX-2

Location of Containers: drawers on plastic pallets, in Warehouse at 1050 O'Brien St .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
143157 S778WG 925 Area C column 26 row 07 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG sidescan
143158 S778WG 925 Area C column 26 row 07 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG transmissometer
143159 S778WG 925 Area C column 26 row 07 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG thermosalinity
143160 S778WG 925 Area C column 26 row 07 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG cruise data index

Location of Containers: drawers on plastic pallets, Rm. 1133 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
143481 S178SC 932 Area C column 05 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG station logs
143482 S178SC 932 Area C column 05 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG acoustic logs
143483 S178SC 932 Area C column 05 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG cruise data index
143484 S178SC 932 Area C column 05 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG temperature-salinity printout
143485 S178SC 932 Area C column 05 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG sidescan
143486 S178SC 932 Area C column 05 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG transmissometer
143487 S178SC 932 Area C column 05 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG salinity
143488 S178SC 932 Area C column 05 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG temperature-depth
143489 S178SC 932 Area C column 05 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG uniboom
143490 S178SC 932 Area C column 05 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG San Pedro Channel navigation chart
143491 S178SC 932 Area C column 05 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG geoprobe and mooring logbook
143492 S178SC 932 Area C column 05 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG memos
143493 S178SC 932 Area C column 05 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG salinity-temperature data
143494 S178SC 932 Area C column 05 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG notebook
143495 S178SC 932 Area C column 05 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG station log
143496 S178SC 932 Area C column 05 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG cruise report
143497 S178SC 932 Area C column 05 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG navigation log
143498 S178SC 932 Area C column 05 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG CTD Cast information field log
143499 S178SC 932 Area C column 05 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG x-radiographs
143500 S178SC 932 Area C column 05 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG geoprobe data

Location of Containers: drawers on plastic pallets, Rm. 1133 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
143918 J882SF 962 Area B column 03 row 06 Dave Cacchione CMG Geoprobe logbook
143919 J882SF 962 Area B column 03 row 06 Dave Cacchione CMG Geoprobe logbook copy
143920 J882SF 962 Area B column 03 row 06 Dave Cacchione CMG Fathometer roll 1 (paper)
143921 J882SF 962 Area B column 03 row 06 Dave Cacchione CMG Grain size analysis printout copy (in folder)
143922 J882SF 962 Area B column 03 row 06 Dave Cacchione CMG Preliminary cruise report printout
143923 J882SF 962 Area B column 03 row 06 Dave Cacchione CMG Cruise data index logsheets (paper)
143924 J882SF 962 Area B column 03 row 06 Dave Cacchione CMG Cruise data index printout
143925 J882SF 962 Area B column 03 row 06 Dave Cacchione CMG Cruise data index copy (paper)
143926 J882SF 962 Area B column 03 row 06 Dave Cacchione CMG Bathymetry map of Goat Island area (paper)
143927 J882SF 962 Area B column 03 row 06 Dave Cacchione CMG Current profile data (paper)
143928 J882SF 962 Area B column 03 row 06 Dave Cacchione CMG Grain size data (in folder)
143929 J882SF 962 Area B column 03 row 06 Dave Cacchione CMG Unlabeled graph plot current data? (paper)

Location of Containers: drawers on plastic pallets, Rm. 1133 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
143968 L785NC 971 Area A column 22 row 05 Mike Field, Dave Cacchione CMG cruise data index
143969 L785NC 971 Area A column 22 row 05 Mike Field, Dave Cacchione CMG grain size analysis
143970 L785NC 971 Area A column 22 row 05 Mike Field, Dave Cacchione CMG misc. notes
143971 L785NC 971 Area A column 22 row 05 Mike Field, Dave Cacchione CMG receipts
143972 L785NC 971 Area A column 22 row 05 Mike Field, Dave Cacchione CMG photos of ship and crew
143973 L785NC 971 Area A column 22 row 05 Mike Field, Dave Cacchione CMG cruise report
143974 L785NC 971 Area A column 22 row 05 Mike Field, Dave Cacchione CMG side scan-mooring logbook
143975 L785NC 971 Area A column 22 row 05 Mike Field, Dave Cacchione CMG side scan sonar

Location of Containers: drawers on plastic pallets, Rm. 1133 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
147966 J782SF 1178 Area B column 03 row 05 Dave Cacchione CMG Side scan roll lines 1, 2, 3, 4 (paper)
147967 J782SF 1178 Area B column 03 row 05 Dave Cacchione CMG Side scan roll lines 5, 6 (paper)
147968 J782SF 1178 Area B column 03 row 05 Dave Cacchione CMG Fathometer roll 9/15-9/16
147969 J782SF 1178 Area B column 03 row 05 Dave Cacchione CMG grain size analysis
147970 J782SF 1178 Area B column 03 row 05 Dave Cacchione CMG core sample data
147971 J782SF 1178 Area B column 03 row 05 Dave Cacchione CMG sediment sample sheets
147972 J782SF 1178 Area B column 03 row 05 Dave Cacchione CMG Side scan data (paper)
147973 J782SF 1178 Area B column 03 row 05 Dave Cacchione CMG Side scan data copies (paper)
147974 J782SF 1178 Area B column 03 row 05 Dave Cacchione CMG Tides and currents 1982 tables booklet
147975 J782SF 1178 Area B column 03 row 05 Dave Cacchione CMG Tides and currents 1982 tables copies (paper)
147976 J782SF 1178 Area B column 03 row 05 Dave Cacchione CMG Salinity plot Station Bay 19 (paper)
147977 J782SF 1178 Area B column 03 row 05 Dave Cacchione CMG Temperature plot Station Bay 19 (paper)
147978 J782SF 1178 Area B column 03 row 05 Dave Cacchione CMG Nephalometer plot Station Bay 19 (paper)
147979 J782SF 1178 Area B column 03 row 05 Dave Cacchione CMG Oxygen plot Station Bay 19 (paper)
147980 J782SF 1178 Area B column 03 row 05 Dave Cacchione CMG Sigma-T plot Station Bay 19 (paper)
147981 J782SF 1178 Area B column 03 row 05 Dave Cacchione CMG Hydrophotometer data and plots printout (paper)
147982 J782SF 1178 Area B column 03 row 05 Dave Cacchione CMG Hydrophotometer data and plots printout copy 1 (paper)
147983 J782SF 1178 Area B column 03 row 05 Dave Cacchione CMG Hydrophotometer data and plots printout copy 2 (paper)
147984 J782SF 1178 Area B column 03 row 05 Dave Cacchione CMG Sample data (in folder)
147985 J782SF 1178 Area B column 03 row 05 Dave Cacchione CMG Page-size map of sample locations and sidescan trackline (paper)
147986 J782SF 1178 Area B column 03 row 05 Dave Cacchione CMG Page-size map of sample locations and sidescan trackline copy (paper)
147987 J782SF 1178 Area B column 03 row 05 Dave Cacchione CMG Field and sample data logbook

Location of Containers: drawers on plastic pallets, Rm. 1133 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
147988 F384NC 1179 Area A column 20 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG logbooks
147989 F384NC 1179 Area A column 20 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG digital mosaiking sheets
147990 F384NC 1179 Area A column 20 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Gloria tape list
147991 F384NC 1179 Area A column 20 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG notes
147992 F384NC 1179 Area A column 20 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG papers
147993 F384NC 1179 Area A column 20 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG cruise report
147994 F384NC 1179 Area A column 20 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG cruise data index
147995 F384NC 1179 Area A column 20 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG equipment log
147996 F384NC 1179 Area A column 20 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG salinity-temperature data
147997 F384NC 1179 Area A column 20 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG prints for mosaic
147998 F384NC 1179 Area A column 20 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Loran printout
147999 F384NC 1179 Area A column 20 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG satellite navigation

Location of Containers: drawers on plastic pallets, Rm. 1133 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
148000 F384NC 1180 Area A column 20 row 05 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG single channel airgun
148001 F384NC 1180 Area A column 20 row 05 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 3.5 khz bathymetry
148002 F384NC 1180 Area A column 20 row 05 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG single channel airgun mylar sheets

Location of Containers: drawers on plastic pallets, Rm. 1133 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
183859 S178SC 1188 Area C column 05 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 3.5 kHz roll 1
183860 S178SC 1188 Area C column 05 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Uniboom roll 1
183861 S178SC 1188 Area C column 05 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 12 kHz roll 3
183862 S178SC 1188 Area C column 05 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 12 kHz roll 1
183863 S178SC 1188 Area C column 05 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 12 kHz roll 2
183864 S178SC 1188 Area C column 05 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 12 kHz roll 4
183865 S178SC 1188 Area C column 05 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 3.5 kHz roll 5
183866 S178SC 1188 Area C column 05 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 3.5 kHz Bathymetry Roll 2
183867 S178SC 1188 Area C column 05 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 3.5 kHz Bathymetry Roll 3
183868 S178SC 1188 Area C column 05 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 3.5 kHz Bathymetry Roll 4

Location of Containers: drawers on plastic pallets, Rm. 1133 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
148612 A687SC 1195 Area C column 10 row 02 Dave Drake, Dave Cacchione CMG Cruise report
148613 A687SC 1195 Area C column 10 row 02 Dave Drake, Dave Cacchione CMG cruise plan

Location of Containers: drawers on plastic pallets, Rm. 1133 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
183843 S5A79NC 1196 Area C column 17 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG REX 1 Offshore Northern California Coast General and Clay Mineralogy rolls (3rolls)

Location of Containers: drawers on plastic pallets, in Warehouse at 1050 O'Brien St .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
149654 S576BS 1272 Area B column 33 row 02 Dave Cacchione CMG grain size analysis
149655 S576BS 1272 Area B column 33 row 02 Dave Cacchione CMG misc. notes
149656 S576BS 1272 Area B column 33 row 02 Dave Cacchione CMG weather log
149657 S576BS 1272 Area B column 33 row 02 Dave Cacchione CMG geoprobe log
149658 S576BS 1272 Area B column 33 row 02 Dave Cacchione CMG current data
149659 S576BS 1272 Area B column 33 row 02 Dave Cacchione CMG bridge logbook
149660 S576BS 1272 Area B column 33 row 02 Dave Cacchione CMG navigation log
149661 S576BS 1272 Area B column 33 row 02 Dave Cacchione CMG equipment instructions
149662 S576BS 1272 Area B column 33 row 02 Dave Cacchione CMG cruise memo
149663 S576BS 1272 Area B column 33 row 02 Dave Cacchione CMG bill of lading
149664 S576BS 1272 Area B column 33 row 02 Dave Cacchione CMG letters
149665 S576BS 1272 Area B column 33 row 02 Dave Cacchione CMG thermo log
149666 S576BS 1272 Area B column 33 row 02 Dave Cacchione CMG Hans Nelson annual report 1977
149667 S576BS 1272 Area B column 33 row 02 Dave Cacchione CMG AV drop data sheet
149668 S576BS 1272 Area B column 33 row 02 Dave Cacchione CMG Norton Sound quarterly annual reports
149669 S576BS 1272 Area B column 33 row 02 Dave Cacchione CMG water and current data
149670 S576BS 1272 Area B column 33 row 02 Dave Cacchione CMG notes on camera thresholds
149671 S576BS 1272 Area B column 33 row 02 Dave Cacchione CMG profiles book
149672 S576BS 1272 Area B column 33 row 02 Dave Cacchione CMG Geoprobe data

Location of Containers: drawers on plastic pallets, in Warehouse at 1050 O'Brien St .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
149764 S477BS 1277 Area B column 35 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG wave reports
149765 S477BS 1277 Area B column 35 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG grain size analysis
149766 S477BS 1277 Area B column 35 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG thermo log
149767 S477BS 1277 Area B column 35 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG station operations log
149768 S477BS 1277 Area B column 35 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG temperature data
149769 S477BS 1277 Area B column 35 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG current data
149770 S477BS 1277 Area B column 35 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG polar plots
149771 S477BS 1277 Area B column 35 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG CTD data
149772 S477BS 1277 Area B column 35 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG geoprobe recovery
149773 S477BS 1277 Area B column 35 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG voyage report
149774 S477BS 1277 Area B column 35 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG time reports
149775 S477BS 1277 Area B column 35 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG administration notes
149776 S477BS 1277 Area B column 35 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG climatological report
149777 S477BS 1277 Area B column 35 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG letters
149778 S477BS 1277 Area B column 35 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG box core data
149779 S477BS 1277 Area B column 35 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG equipment log
149780 S477BS 1277 Area B column 35 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG geoprobe report
149781 S477BS 1277 Area B column 35 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG travel reports
149782 S477BS 1277 Area B column 35 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG messages
149783 S477BS 1277 Area B column 35 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG tidal graphs
149784 S477BS 1277 Area B column 35 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG thermogenic gas reports
149785 S477BS 1277 Area B column 35 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG Cook Inlet tidal stream atlas
149786 S477BS 1277 Area B column 35 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG test report
149787 S477BS 1277 Area B column 35 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG salinity sample reports
149788 S477BS 1277 Area B column 35 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG station log
149789 S477BS 1277 Area B column 35 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG weather log
149790 S477BS 1277 Area B column 35 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG investigation report
149791 S477BS 1277 Area B column 35 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG navigation log
149792 S477BS 1277 Area B column 35 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG misc. notes
149793 S477BS 1277 Area B column 35 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG experiment plan
149794 S477BS 1277 Area B column 35 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG envelope of medical forms
149795 S477BS 1277 Area B column 35 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG investigation report
149796 S477BS 1277 Area B column 35 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG cruise memos
149797 S477BS 1277 Area B column 35 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG glass slides
149798 S477BS 1277 Area B column 35 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG cruise data index
149799 S477BS 1277 Area B column 35 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG cruise log
149800 S477BS 1277 Area B column 35 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG conversion data
149801 S477BS 1277 Area B column 35 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG geoprobe data

Location of Containers: drawers on plastic pallets, in Warehouse at 1050 O'Brien St .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents Comments
149988 S778WG 1303 Area C column 26 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG shipboard logs  
149989 S778WG 1303 Area C column 26 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG equipment files  
149990 S778WG 1303 Area C column 26 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG administration files  
149991 S778WG 1303 Area C column 26 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG sample log  
149992 S778WG 1303 Area C column 26 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG bridge speed log  
149993 S778WG 1303 Area C column 26 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG geoprobe recovery log  
149994 S778WG 1303 Area C column 26 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG equipment log  
149995 S778WG 1303 Area C column 26 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG operations log  
149996 S778WG 1303 Area C column 26 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG current data  
149997 S778WG 1303 Area C column 26 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG wind data  
149998 S778WG 1303 Area C column 26 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG depthsalinity data  
149999 S778WG 1303 Area C column 26 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG manuscripts  
150000 S778WG 1303 Area C column 26 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG papers Lower Cook Inlet, July 2031, 1978

Location of Containers: drawers on plastic pallets, in Warehouse at 1050 O'Brien St .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents Comments
150021 K184SP 1310 Area C column 34 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Joanne Thede Ferreira, George Tate CMG misc. notes  
150022 K184SP 1310 Area C column 34 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Joanne Thede Ferreira, George Tate CMG letters  
150023 K184SP 1310 Area C column 34 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Joanne Thede Ferreira, George Tate CMG reports  
150024 K184SP 1310 Area C column 34 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Joanne Thede Ferreira, George Tate CMG bathymetry map  
150025 K184SP 1310 Area C column 34 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Joanne Thede Ferreira, George Tate CMG wind and current data  
150026 K184SP 1310 Area C column 34 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Joanne Thede Ferreira, George Tate CMG temperature data  
150027 K184SP 1310 Area C column 34 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Joanne Thede Ferreira, George Tate CMG current meter printout  
150028 K184SP 1310 Area C column 34 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Joanne Thede Ferreira, George Tate CMG track charts  
150029 K184SP 1310 Area C column 34 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Joanne Thede Ferreira, George Tate CMG logbook  
150030 K184SP 1310 Area C column 34 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Joanne Thede Ferreira, George Tate CMG data analysis  
150031 K184SP 1310 Area C column 34 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Joanne Thede Ferreira, George Tate CMG geoprobe data BASS IX 1984, r/v Kimbla, Feb. 27, 1984

Location of Containers: drawers on plastic pallets, in Warehouse at 1050 O'Brien St .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
150064 I190AT 1318 Area C column 35 row 05 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG cruise report
150065 I190AT 1318 Area C column 35 row 05 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG logbook
150066 I191AT 1318 Area C column 35 row 05 Dave Cacchione CMG cruise report

Location of Containers: metal shelves, in Warehouse at 1050 O'Brien St .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
150076   1331 Area A2 column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione CMG GLORIA atlas from California, Oregon, Washington (COW)

Location of Containers: boxes on wooden pallets, in Warehouse at 1030 O'Brien St .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Accession Number NewContainer !Old Container Number Box ID Accession Submitter Contents
100351 S178SC 1542 Area D column 08 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG MARFAC 1542 1344 100351 DAVE CACCHIONE Box core slabs from Southern California.

Location of Containers: boxes on wooden pallets, in Warehouse at 1030 O'Brien St .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Accession Number NewContainer !Old Container Number Box ID Accession Submitter Contents Suley Comments
127213 S679NP 1555 Area C column 14 row 03 Hans Nelson, Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 83-04-1599 1555 3586 11 JIM HEIN Gulf of Alaska. Samples collected in late 1970s. Content info modified based on information from the Accession sheet and sample boxes. No mention of the scientist names (Nelson, Cacchione, Drake) on the Accession sheets nor on the boxes (boxes have J. Hein). Also based on the year info on the Accession sheets and boxes, the Activity ID cannot be true. There must be multiple Activity IDs. Possible IDs are K178BS (Nelson), S978BS (Nelson), S679NP (Hein). Couldn't find a likely cruise for the Kodiak-Cook Inlet boxes for the mentioned scientist.
127214 S679NP 1555 Area C column 14 row 03 Hans Nelson, Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 83-04-1599 1555 3586 12 JIM HEIN Gulf of Alaska. Samples collected in late 1970s. Content info modified based on information from the Accession sheet and sample boxes. No mention of the scientist names (Nelson, Cacchione, Drake) on the Accession sheets nor on the boxes (boxes have J. Hein). Also based on the year info on the Accession sheets and boxes, the Activity ID cannot be true. There must be multiple Activity IDs. Possible IDs are K178BS (Nelson), S978BS (Nelson), S679NP (Hein). Couldn't find a likely cruise for the Kodiak-Cook Inlet boxes for the mentioned scientist.
127215 S679NP 1555 Area C column 14 row 03 Hans Nelson, Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 83-04-1599 1555 3586 13 JIM HEIN Atka (Aleutian) Island, Alaska, samples, collected in 1979. Content info modified based on information from the Accession sheet and sample boxes. No mention of the scientist names (Nelson, Cacchione, Drake) on the Accession sheets nor on the boxes (boxes have J. Hein). Also based on the year info on the Accession sheets and boxes, the Activity ID cannot be true. There must be multiple Activity IDs. Possible IDs are K178BS (Nelson), S978BS (Nelson), S679NP (Hein). Couldn't find a likely cruise for the Kodiak-Cook Inlet boxes for the mentioned scientist.

Location of Containers: rolled map racks, in Warehouse at 1050 O'Brien St .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
151442 L785NC 1772 Area A3 column 05 row 02 Dave Cacchione CMG side scan

Location of Containers: rolled map racks, in Warehouse at 1050 O'Brien St .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
151470 F384NC 1784 Area A4 column 02 row 02 Dave Cacchione CMG Trackline map

Location of Containers: standard map cabinets, in Warehouse at 1050 O'Brien St .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
191952 L785NC 1888 Area A16 column 01 row 19 Dave Cacchione CMG Track chart

Location of Containers: rolled map racks, in Warehouse at 1050 O'Brien St .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
151842 F1389HW 1990 Area A8 column 04 row 06 Dave Cacchione CMG side scan
151843 F1389HW 1990 Area A8 column 04 row 06 Dave Cacchione CMG trackline chart

Location of Containers: sensitive media cabinets, Rm. 1249 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
152509 F389NC 2051 Area A column 01 row 06 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 5-inch floppy disk: navigation (033/0647) - (033/1900)
152514 F489NC 2051 Area A column 01 row 06 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 5-inch floppy disk: navigation (053/1049) - (059/0145)
152515 F489NC 2051 Area A column 01 row 06 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 5-inch floppy disk 1: navigation (053/1046) - (054/0522)
152516 F489NC 2051 Area A column 01 row 06 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 5-inch floppy disk 2: navigation (054/0523) - (056/0434)
152517 F489NC 2051 Area A column 01 row 06 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 5-inch floppy disk 3: navigation (056/0436) - (059/0145)
152617 L486NC 2051 Area A column 01 row 06 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 5-inch floppy disk 1: GPS navigation
152618 L486NC 2051 Area A column 01 row 06 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 5-inch floppy disk 2: GPS navigation
152619 L486NC 2051 Area A column 01 row 06 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 5-inch floppy disk: sta 03B
152620 L486NC 2051 Area A column 01 row 06 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 5-inch floppy disk: MENSTA 4, 4A, 4B, 5
152621 L486NC 2051 Area A column 01 row 06 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 5-inch floppy disk: MENSTA 5, 6, 7
152622 L486NC 2051 Area A column 01 row 06 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 5-inch floppy disk: CAMSTA 08, 08A, MENSTA BX5, B5, 9A, B5, 10
152623 L486NC 2051 Area A column 01 row 06 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 5-inch floppy disk: MENSTA 10A, 11-14, 14A
152624 L486NC 2051 Area A column 01 row 06 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 5-inch floppy disk: CAL01
152625 L486NC 2051 Area A column 01 row 06 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 5-inch floppy disk: CAMSTA 03
152626 L486NC 2051 Area A column 01 row 06 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 5-inch floppy disk: CAMSTA 4, 5
152676 S187SC 2051 Area A column 01 row 06 Brad Butman, Dave Cacchione, Cheryl Ann Butman CMG 5-inch floppy disk: PTSAL-001
152677 S187SC 2051 Area A column 01 row 06 Brad Butman, Dave Cacchione, Cheryl Ann Butman CMG 5-inch floppy disk: PTSAL-002
152678 S187SC 2051 Area A column 01 row 06 Brad Butman, Dave Cacchione, Cheryl Ann Butman CMG 5-inch floppy disk: PTSAL-003
152679 S187SC 2051 Area A column 01 row 06 Brad Butman, Dave Cacchione, Cheryl Ann Butman CMG 5-inch floppy disk: PTSAL-004
152680 S187SC 2051 Area A column 01 row 06 Brad Butman, Dave Cacchione, Cheryl Ann Butman CMG 5-inch floppy disk 1/2: PTSAL-005
152681 S187SC 2051 Area A column 01 row 06 Brad Butman, Dave Cacchione, Cheryl Ann Butman CMG 5-inch floppy disk 2/2: PTSAL-005
152682 S187SC 2051 Area A column 01 row 06 Brad Butman, Dave Cacchione, Cheryl Ann Butman CMG 5-inch floppy disk 1/2: PTSAL-006
152683 S187SC 2051 Area A column 01 row 06 Brad Butman, Dave Cacchione, Cheryl Ann Butman CMG 5-inch floppy disk 2/2: PTSAL-006
152684 S187SC 2051 Area A column 01 row 06 Brad Butman, Dave Cacchione, Cheryl Ann Butman CMG 5-inch floppy disk: PTSAL-007
152685 S187SC 2051 Area A column 01 row 06 Brad Butman, Dave Cacchione, Cheryl Ann Butman CMG 5-inch floppy disk: PTSAL-008 CTD
152686 S187SC 2051 Area A column 01 row 06 Brad Butman, Dave Cacchione, Cheryl Ann Butman CMG 5-inch floppy disk: PTSAL-009 CTD
152687 S187SC 2051 Area A column 01 row 06 Brad Butman, Dave Cacchione, Cheryl Ann Butman CMG 5-inch floppy disk: PTSAL-0010 CTD
152688 S187SC 2051 Area A column 01 row 06 Brad Butman, Dave Cacchione, Cheryl Ann Butman CMG 5-inch floppy disk: PTSAL-0011 CTD
152689 S187SC 2051 Area A column 01 row 06 Brad Butman, Dave Cacchione, Cheryl Ann Butman CMG 5-inch floppy disk: PTSAL-0012 CTD
152690 S187SC 2051 Area A column 01 row 06 Brad Butman, Dave Cacchione, Cheryl Ann Butman CMG 5-inch floppy disk: PTSAL-0013 CTD
152691 S187SC 2051 Area A column 01 row 06 Brad Butman, Dave Cacchione, Cheryl Ann Butman CMG 5-inch floppy disk: PTSAL-0014 CTD
152692 S187SC 2051 Area A column 01 row 06 Brad Butman, Dave Cacchione, Cheryl Ann Butman CMG 5-inch floppy disk: PTSAL-0015 CTD

Location of Containers: sensitive media cabinets, Rm. 1249 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
153930 S5A79NC 2060 Area B column 01 row 05 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 35mm microfilm duplicate 18: ship charts
153931 S5A79NC 2060 Area B column 01 row 05 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 35mm microfilm master: uniboom

Location of Containers: sensitive media cabinets, Rm. 1249 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents Comments
153961 L180NC 2061 Area B column 01 row 06 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 35mm microfilm 1/1: side scan sonar, 3.5 khz bathymetry  
153962 L180NC 2061 Area B column 01 row 06 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 16mm microfilm master 19: ship charts, also contains L380NP ship charts  
153963 L180NC 2061 Area B column 01 row 06 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 16mm microfilm duplicate 19: ship charts, also contains L380NP ship charts  
153964 L181NC 2061 Area B column 01 row 06 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 35mm microfilm master 1/1: side scan sonar, 3.5 khz bathymetry, uniboom  
153965 L181NC 2061 Area B column 01 row 06 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 35mm microfilm duplicate 1/1: side scan sonar, 3.5 khz bathymetry, uniboom  
153966 L181NC 2061 Area B column 01 row 06 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 35mm microfilm master: CODE I Deep 1.4  
153967 L181NC 2061 Area B column 01 row 06 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 35mm microfilm master: CODE I 2nd shallow tripod  
153968 L181NC 2061 Area B column 01 row 06 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 35mm microfilm: CODE I deep tripod  
153969 L181NC 2061 Area B column 01 row 06 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 35mm microfilm master: CODE I 1.3  
153970 L181NC 2061 Area B column 01 row 06 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 35mm microfilm master: CODE I shallow tripod #2 (color)  
153971 L181NC 2061 Area B column 01 row 06 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 35mm microfilm master: CODE I 2nd shallow tripod (color)  
153972 L181NC 2061 Area B column 01 row 06 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 35mm microfilm: CODE I Deep  
153975 L380NP 2061 Area B column 01 row 06 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG See L180NC  
153976 L380NP 2061 Area B column 01 row 06 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 16mm microfilm master 19 for L180NC: ship charts  
153977 L380NP 2061 Area B column 01 row 06 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 16mm microfilm duplicate 19 for L180NC: ship charts filed under L180NC
154003 S5A79NC 2061 Area B column 01 row 06 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 35mm microfilm master: Rex 1 deploy 5.1  
154004 S5A79NC 2061 Area B column 01 row 06 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 35mm microfilm duplicate: Rex 1 deploy 5.1  
154005 S5A79NC 2061 Area B column 01 row 06 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 16mm microfilm duplicate 47: ship charts  
154006 S5A79NC 2061 Area B column 01 row 06 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 35mm microfilm master 1/1: 12 khz bathymetry, 3.5 khz bathymetry, uniboom  

Location of Containers: sensitive media cabinets, Rm. 1249 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
154039 F384NC 2062 Area B column 01 row 07 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 35mm microfilm duplicate: Gloria single-channel airgun, 3.5 khz bathymetry
154065 L486NC 2062 Area B column 01 row 07 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 35mm microfilm master: 12 khz bathymetry, 3.5 khz bathymetry, 4 sec watergun, 0-8 sec watergun, side scan sonar
154075 L785NC 2062 Area B column 01 row 07 Dave Cacchione, Mike Field CMG 35mm microfilm master 2/2: 12 khz bathymetry, single-channel airgun
154076 L785NC 2062 Area B column 01 row 07 Dave Cacchione, Mike Field CMG 35mm microfilm master 1/2: 3.5 khz bathymetry, uniboom
154077 L785NC 2062 Area B column 01 row 07 Dave Cacchione, Mike Field CMG 35mm microfilm duplicate: 3.5 khz bathymetry, uniboom

Location of Containers: sensitive media cabinets, Rm. 1249 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
154245 S178SC 2065 Area B column 01 row 10 Dave Cacchione CMG 35mm microfilm master 1/1: bathymetry, arcer
154246 S178SC 2065 Area B column 01 row 10 Dave Cacchione CMG 35mm microfilm master: side scan sonar
154247 S178SC 2065 Area B column 01 row 10 Dave Cacchione CMG 16mm microfilm duplicate 42: ship charts, also contains S578EG ship charts

Location of Containers: sensitive media cabinets, Rm. 1249 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents Comments
154726 C197SF 2072 Area D column 01 row 01 John Chin, Dave Cacchione CMG Data cartridge: EM1000 tar  
154758 J882SF 2072 Area D column 01 row 01 Dave Cacchione CMG Data cartridge: CTD San Francisco Bay
154791 L785NC 2072 Area D column 01 row 01 Dave Cacchione, Mike Field CMG Data cartridge: sidescan navigation  
154796 W182NC 2072 Area D column 01 row 01 Dave Cacchione CMG Data cartridge: CTD cast Code 2-3

Location of Containers: sensitive media cabinets, Rm. 1249 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
154836 L785NC 2073 Area D column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 1: uniboom
154837 L785NC 2073 Area D column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 2: uniboom
154838 L785NC 2073 Area D column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 3: uniboom
154839 L785NC 2073 Area D column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 4: uniboom
154840 L785NC 2073 Area D column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 5: uniboom
154841 L785NC 2073 Area D column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 6: uniboom
154842 L785NC 2073 Area D column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 7: uniboom
154843 L785NC 2073 Area D column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 8: uniboom
154844 L785NC 2073 Area D column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 9: uniboom
154845 L785NC 2073 Area D column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 10: uniboom
154846 L785NC 2073 Area D column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 11: uniboom
154847 L785NC 2073 Area D column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 12: uniboom 316-317
154848 L785NC 2073 Area D column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 13: uniboom 317-319
154849 L785NC 2073 Area D column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 14: uniboom 321-322
154850 L785NC 2073 Area D column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 15: uniboom 322
154851 L785NC 2073 Area D column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 16: uniboom 322-323
154852 L785NC 2073 Area D column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 17: uniboom 323-424
154853 L785NC 2073 Area D column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 18: uniboom 324-324
154854 L785NC 2073 Area D column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 19: uniboom 324-326
154855 L785NC 2073 Area D column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 20: uniboom 326-326
154856 L785NC 2073 Area D column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 21: uniboom 326-328
154857 L785NC 2073 Area D column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 22: uniboom 328-330
154858 L785NC 2073 Area D column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 23: uniboom 330-330
154859 L785NC 2073 Area D column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 24: uniboom 331-332
154860 L785NC 2073 Area D column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 25: uniboom 332-334
154861 L785NC 2073 Area D column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 26: uniboom 334-336
154862 L785NC 2073 Area D column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 27: uniboom 336-337
154863 L785NC 2073 Area D column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 28: uniboom 337-338
154864 L785NC 2073 Area D column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 29: uniboom 338-338
154865 L785NC 2073 Area D column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 30: uniboom 339-339
154866 L785NC 2073 Area D column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 31: uniboom 339-339
154867 L785NC 2073 Area D column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 32: uniboom 341-341
154868 L785NC 2073 Area D column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 33: uniboom 341-tran
154869 L785NC 2073 Area D column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 34: uniboom 343-344
154870 L785NC 2073 Area D column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 35: uniboom 344-346
154871 L785NC 2073 Area D column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 36: uniboom
154872 L785NC 2073 Area D column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 37: uniboom
154873 L785NC 2073 Area D column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 38: uniboom
154874 L785NC 2073 Area D column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 39: uniboom
154875 L785NC 2073 Area D column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 40: uniboom
154876 L785NC 2073 Area D column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 41: uniboom
154877 L785NC 2073 Area D column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 42: uniboom
154878 L785NC 2073 Area D column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 43: uniboom
154879 L785NC 2073 Area D column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 44: uniboom
154880 L785NC 2073 Area D column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 45: uniboom
154881 L785NC 2073 Area D column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 46: uniboom

Location of Containers: sensitive media cabinets, Rm. 1249 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
154900 L486NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 1: watergun
154901 L486NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 2: watergun
154902 L486NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 3: watergun
154903 L486NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 4: watergun
154904 L486NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 5: watergun
154905 L486NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 6: watergun
154906 L486NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 7: watergun
154907 L486NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 8: watergun
154908 L486NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 9: watergun
154909 L486NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 10: watergun
154910 L486NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 11: watergun
154911 L486NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 12: watergun
154912 L486NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 13: watergun
154913 L486NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 14: watergun
154914 L486NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 15: watergun
154915 L486NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 16: watergun
154916 L486NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 17: watergun
154917 L486NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 18: watergun
154918 L486NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 19: watergun
154919 L486NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 20: watergun
154920 L486NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 21: watergun
154921 L486NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 22: watergun
154922 L486NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 23: watergun
154923 L486NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 24: watergun
154924 L486NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 25: watergun
154925 L486NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 26: watergun
154926 L486NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 27: watergun
154927 L486NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 1: side scan sonar
154928 L486NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 2: side scan sonar
154929 L486NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 3: side scan sonar
154930 L486NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 4: side scan sonar
154931 L486NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 5: side scan sonar
154932 L486NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 6: side scan sonar
154933 L486NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 7: side scan sonar
154934 L486NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 8: side scan sonar
154935 L486NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 9: side scan sonar
154936 L486NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 10: side scan sonar
154937 L486NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 11: side scan sonar
154938 L486NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 12: side scan sonar
154939 L486NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Magnetic audio tape 13: side scan sonar
154940 P188NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Mike Field CMG Magnetic audio tape 1: side scan sonar
154941 P188NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Mike Field CMG Magnetic audio tape 2: side scan sonar
154942 P188NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Mike Field CMG Magnetic audio tape 3: side scan sonar
154943 P188NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Mike Field CMG Magnetic audio tape 4: side scan sonar
154944 P188NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Mike Field CMG Magnetic audio tape 5: side scan sonar
154945 P188NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Mike Field CMG Magnetic audio tape 6: side scan sonar
154946 P188NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Mike Field CMG Magnetic audio tape 7: side scan sonar
154947 P188NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Mike Field CMG Magnetic audio tape 8: side scan sonar
154948 P188NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Mike Field CMG Magnetic audio tape 9: side scan sonar
154949 P188NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Mike Field CMG Magnetic audio tape 10: side scan sonar
154950 P188NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Mike Field CMG Magnetic audio tape 11: side scan sonar
154951 P188NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Mike Field CMG Magnetic audio tape 12: side scan sonar
154952 P188NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Mike Field CMG Magnetic audio tape 13: side scan sonar
154953 P188NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Mike Field CMG Magnetic audio tape 14: side scan sonar
154954 P188NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Mike Field CMG Magnetic audio tape 15: side scan sonar
154955 P188NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Mike Field CMG Magnetic audio tape 16: side scan sonar
154956 P188NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Mike Field CMG Magnetic audio tape 17: side scan sonar
154957 P188NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Mike Field CMG Magnetic audio tape 18: side scan sonar
154958 P188NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Mike Field CMG Magnetic audio tape 19: side scan sonar
154959 P188NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Mike Field CMG Magnetic audio tape 20: side scan sonar
154960 P188NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Mike Field CMG Magnetic audio tape 21: side scan sonar
154961 P188NC 2074 Area D column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Mike Field CMG Magnetic audio tape 22: side scan sonar

Location of Containers: sensitive media cabinets, Rm. 1249 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
155019 P286SF 2075 Area D column 01 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG Magnetic audio tape 1: side scan sonar
155020 P286SF 2075 Area D column 01 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG Magnetic audio tape 2: side scan sonar
155021 P286SF 2075 Area D column 01 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG Magnetic audio tape 3: side scan sonar
155022 P286SF 2075 Area D column 01 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG Magnetic audio tape 4: side scan sonar
155023 P286SF 2075 Area D column 01 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG Magnetic audio tape 5: side scan sonar
155024 P286SF 2075 Area D column 01 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG Magnetic audio tape 6: side scan sonar
155025 P286SF 2075 Area D column 01 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG Magnetic audio tape 7: side scan sonar
155026 P287SF 2075 Area D column 01 row 04 Dave Cacchione CMG Magnetic audio tape 1: side scan sonar

Location of Containers: sensitive media cabinets, Rm. 1249 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
156637 S477BS 2094 Area C column 01 row 07 Dave Cacchione CMG 16mm microfilm master 39: ship charts, includes S677BS
156638 S477BS 2094 Area C column 01 row 07 Dave Cacchione CMG 16mm microfilm duplicate 39: ship charts, includes S677BS

Location of Containers: sensitive media cabinets, Rm. 1249 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
156868 S778WG 2097 Area C column 01 row 10 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 35mm microfilm master 1: video positive
156869 S778WG 2097 Area C column 01 row 10 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 35mm microfilm master 2: video positive
156870 S778WG 2097 Area C column 01 row 10 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 35mm microfilm master 3: video positive
156871 S778WG 2097 Area C column 01 row 10 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 35mm microfilm master 1/1: 12 khz bathymetry, 3.5 khz bathymetry, uniboom, sparker, side scan sonar
156872 S778WG 2097 Area C column 01 row 10 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 35mm microfilm master 4: video positive

Location of Containers: sensitive media cabinets, Rm. 1249 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
164084 S778WG 2237 Area C column 01 row 15 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Super 8 Film 6798: Cook 78

Location of Containers: sensitive media cabinets, Rm. 1249 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
164095 P287SF 2238 Area F column 01 row 01 Dave Cacchione CMG Slides

Location of Containers: sensitive media cabinets, Rm. 1249 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
164629 L180NC 2248 Area G column 01 row 01 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Video tape 1: geoprobe frame recovery
164630 L180NC 2248 Area G column 01 row 01 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Video tape 2: current meter prep and mooring
164631 L180NC 2248 Area G column 01 row 01 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Video tape 4: attempted recovery
164632 L181NC 2248 Area G column 01 row 01 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Video tape 1: camera drop, geoprobe deployment
164633 L181NC 2248 Area G column 01 row 01 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Video tape 2: CODE-1 sta. 2, 3, 4
164634 L181NC 2248 Area G column 01 row 01 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Video tape 3: CODE-1 sta. 5, 6, 7
164635 L181NC 2248 Area G column 01 row 01 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Video tape 4: CODE-1 sta. 8
164636 L181NC 2248 Area G column 01 row 01 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Video tape 5: 2nd launch of geoprobe #2
164637 L181NC 2248 Area G column 01 row 01 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Video tape 6: 3rd launch of geoprobe #2
164638 L380NC 2248 Area G column 01 row 01 Dave Cacchione CMG Video tape 1: geoprobe rescue and test
164639 S5A79NC 2248 Area G column 01 row 01 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Video tape: Rex 1

Location of Containers: sensitive media cabinets, Rm. 1249 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
164648 N176SC 2249 Area G column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Video tape 1: NUC Tower experiment
164649 N176SC 2249 Area G column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Video tape 2: NUC Tower experiment
164650 N176SC 2249 Area G column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Video tape 3: NUC Tower experiment
164651 N176SC 2249 Area G column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Video tape 4: NUC Tower experiment
164652 N176SC 2249 Area G column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Video tape 5: NUC Tower experiment
164653 N176SC 2249 Area G column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Video tape 6: NUC Tower experiment
164654 N176SC 2249 Area G column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Video tape 7: NUC Tower experiment
164655 S178SC 2249 Area G column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione CMG Video tape: SPEX-1
164667 S778WG 2249 Area G column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Video tape 1: Lower Cook Inlet
164668 S778WG 2249 Area G column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Video tape 2: Lower Cook Inlet
164669 S778WG 2249 Area G column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Video tape 3: Lower Cook Inlet
164670 S778WG 2249 Area G column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Video tape 4: Lower Cook Inlet
164671 S778WG 2249 Area G column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Video tape 5: Lower Cook Inlet
164672 S778WG 2249 Area G column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Video tape 6: Lower Cook Inlet
164673 S778WG 2249 Area G column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Video tape 7: Lower Cook Inlet
164674 S778WG 2249 Area G column 01 row 02 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Video tape 3: searching for geoprobe REX 3

Location of Containers: sensitive media cabinets, Rm. 1249 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
164692 S477BS 2250 Area G column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione CMG Video tape 1: TVIS 1
164693 S477BS 2250 Area G column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione CMG Video tape 2: TVIS 2 geoprobe

Location of Containers: sensitive media cabinets, Rm. 1249 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents Comments
164960 L486NC 2255 Area G column 01 row 08 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG VHS Video Cassette 1/3: cam sta. 1  
164961 L486NC 2255 Area G column 01 row 08 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG VHS Video Cassette 2/3: cam sta. 1  
164962 L486NC 2255 Area G column 01 row 08 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG VHS Video Cassette 3/3: cam sta. 1  
164963 L486NC 2255 Area G column 01 row 08 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG VHS Video Cassette 1: cam sta. 2  
164964 L486NC 2255 Area G column 01 row 08 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG VHS Video Cassette 2: cam sta. 2  
164965 L486NC 2255 Area G column 01 row 08 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG VHS Video Cassette 3: cam sta. 2  
164966 L486NC 2255 Area G column 01 row 08 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG VHS Video Cassette 1/2: cam sta. 3  
164967 L486NC 2255 Area G column 01 row 08 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG VHS Video Cassette 2/2: cam sta. 3  
164968 L486NC 2255 Area G column 01 row 08 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Betamaxc Video Cassette 1/3: Cam. Sta. 1  
164969 L486NC 2255 Area G column 01 row 08 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Betamaxc Video Cassette 2/3: Cam. Sta. 2  
164970 L486NC 2255 Area G column 01 row 08 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Betamaxc Video Cassette 3/3: Cam. Sta. 3 Betamax copied to DVD Nov. 2001
164980 L785NC 2255 Area G column 01 row 08 Dave Cacchione, Mike Field CMG Betamax Video Cassette 185 (1/4): ship sta. 257, cam sta. 1  
164981 L785NC 2255 Area G column 01 row 08 Dave Cacchione, Mike Field CMG Betamaxc Video Cassette 186 (2/4): ship sta. 268, cam sta. 2  
164982 L785NC 2255 Area G column 01 row 08 Dave Cacchione, Mike Field CMG VHS Video Cassette 187 (3/4): ship sta. 269, cam sta. 3  
164983 L785NC 2255 Area G column 01 row 08 Dave Cacchione, Mike Field CMG VHS Video Cassette 188 (4/4): ship sta. 269, cam sta. 3  
164984 L785NC 2255 Area G column 01 row 08 Dave Cacchione, Mike Field CMG VHS Video Cassette 1/3 duplicate: ship sta. 257, cam sta. 2  
164985 L785NC 2255 Area G column 01 row 08 Dave Cacchione, Mike Field CMG VHS Video Cassette 2/3 duplicate: ship sta. 257, cam sta. 2  
164986 L785NC 2255 Area G column 01 row 08 Dave Cacchione, Mike Field CMG VHS Video Cassette 3/3 duplicate: ship sta. 257, cam sta. 2  
164987 L785NC 2255 Area G column 01 row 08 Dave Cacchione, Mike Field CMG VHS Video Cassette 1/2 duplicate: ship sta. 269, cam sta. 3  
164988 L785NC 2255 Area G column 01 row 08 Dave Cacchione, Mike Field CMG VHS Video Cassette 2/2 duplicate: ship sta. 269, cam sta. 3  
164989 P188NC 2255 Area G column 01 row 08 Dave Cacchione, Mike Field CMG VHS Video Cassette: cam sta. 41 and 42, off Stewarts Pt.  
164990 P194MB 2255 Area G column 01 row 08 Dave Cacchione CMG VHS Video Cassette: 6/94 Pt. Lobos ROV, Soquel Canyon  
164991 P286SF 2255 Area G column 01 row 08 Dave Cacchione CMG VHS Video Cassette SFB2: Deployment recon 12/3/86  

Location of Containers: rock cabinets, in Warehouse at 1050 O'Brien St .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
166040 S477BS 2579 Area A1 column 01 row 18 Dave Cacchione CMG samples

Location of Containers: drawers on plastic pallets, Rm. 141 in Pac. Sci. Center at 400 Natural Bridges Dr.
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
167572 S183MB 2913 Area A column 06 row 01 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 3.5 kHz bathymetry fanfold line 18
167573 S183MB 2913 Area A column 06 row 01 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 3.5 kHz bathymetry fanfold line 915
167574 S183MB 2913 Area A column 06 row 01 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 3.5 kHz bathymetry fanfold line 16
167575 S183MB 2913 Area A column 06 row 01 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 3.5 kHz bathymetry fanfold line 1720
167576 S183MB 2913 Area A column 06 row 01 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 12.5 kHz bathymetry fanfold line 18
167577 S183MB 2913 Area A column 06 row 01 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 12.5 kHz bathymetry fanfold line 915
167578 S183MB 2913 Area A column 06 row 01 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 12.5 kHz bathymetry fanfold line 16
167579 S183MB 2913 Area A column 06 row 01 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 12.5 kHz bathymetry fanfold line 1720

Location of Containers: boxes on wooden pallets, in Warehouse at 1030 O'Brien St .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Accession Number NewContainer !Old Container Number Box ID Accession Submitter Contents Suley Comments
127219   3037 Area F column 09 row 04 Hans Nelson, Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 83-04-1599 3037 3586 14 JIM HEIN Adak (Aleutian) Island, Alaska, samples, collected in 1980. Content info modified based on information from the Accession sheet and sample boxes. No mention of the scientist names (Nelson, Cacchione, Drake) on the Accession sheets nor on the boxes (boxes have J. Hein). Also based on the year info on the Accession sheets and boxes, the Activity ID cannot be true. There must be multiple Activity IDs. Possible IDs are K178BS (Nelson), S978BS (Nelson), S679NP (Hein). Couldn't find a likely cruise for the Kodiak-Cook Inlet boxes for the mentioned scientist.
127263 S978BS 3037 Area F column 09 row 04 Hans Nelson, Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 83-04-1599 3037 3586 18 JIM HEIN Norton Sound, Alaska Rivers, Cook Inlet, Alaska samples collected in 1978. Content info modified based on information from the Accession sheet and sample boxes. No mention of the scientist names (Nelson, Cacchione, Drake) on the Accession sheets nor on the boxes (boxes have J. Hein). Also based on the year info on the Accession sheets and boxes, the Activity ID cannot be true. There must be multiple Activity IDs. Possible IDs are K178BS (Nelson), S978BS (Nelson), S679NP (Hein). Couldn't find a likely cruise for the Kodiak-Cook Inlet boxes for the mentioned scientist.
127274 S978BS 3037 Area F column 09 row 04 Hans Nelson, Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 83-04-1599 3037 3586 19 JIM HEIN Norton Sound, Bering Sea, Alaska samples collected in 1978. Content info modified based on information from the Accession sheet and sample boxes. No mention of the scientist names (Nelson, Cacchione, Drake) on the Accession sheets nor on the boxes (boxes have J. Hein). Also based on the year info on the Accession sheets and boxes, the Activity ID cannot be true. There must be multiple Activity IDs. Possible IDs are K178BS (Nelson), S978BS (Nelson), S679NP (Hein). Couldn't find a likely cruise for the Kodiak-Cook Inlet boxes for the mentioned scientist.

Location of Containers: boxes on wooden pallets, in Warehouse at 1030 O'Brien St .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Accession Number NewContainer !Old Container Number Box ID Accession Submitter Contents Suley Comments
127230 S778WG 3101 Area E column 07 row 03 Hans Nelson, Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 83-04-1599 3101 3586 15 JIM HEIN Cook Inlet, Alaska, samples, collected in 1978. Content info modified based on information from the Accession sheet and sample boxes. No mention of the scientist names (Nelson, Cacchione, Drake) on the Accession sheets nor on the boxes (boxes have J. Hein). Also based on the year info on the Accession sheets and boxes, the Activity ID cannot be true. There must be multiple Activity IDs. Possible IDs are K178BS (Nelson), S978BS (Nelson), S679NP (Hein). Couldn't find a likely cruise for the Kodiak-Cook Inlet boxes for the mentioned scientist.
127241 S778WG 3101 Area E column 07 row 03 Hans Nelson, Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 83-04-1599 3101 3586 16 JIM HEIN Kodiak Fiord, Kodiak Shelf, Cook Inlet, Alaska, samples, collected in 1978. Content info modified based on information from the Accession sheet and sample boxes. No mention of the scientist names (Nelson, Cacchione, Drake) on the Accession sheets nor on the boxes (boxes have J. Hein). Also based on the year info on the Accession sheets and boxes, the Activity ID cannot be true. There must be multiple Activity IDs. Possible IDs are K178BS (Nelson), S978BS (Nelson), S679NP (Hein). Couldn't find a likely cruise for the Kodiak-Cook Inlet boxes for the mentioned scientist.
127252 S778WG 3101 Area E column 07 row 03 Hans Nelson, Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG 83-04-1599 3101 3586 17 JIM HEIN Cook Inlet, Alaska, samples, collected in 1978. Content info modified based on information from the Accession sheet and sample boxes. No mention of the scientist names (Nelson, Cacchione, Drake) on the Accession sheets nor on the boxes (boxes have J. Hein). Also based on the year info on the Accession sheets and boxes, the Activity ID cannot be true. There must be multiple Activity IDs. Possible IDs are K178BS (Nelson), S978BS (Nelson), S679NP (Hein). Couldn't find a likely cruise for the Kodiak-Cook Inlet boxes for the mentioned scientist.

Location of Containers: boxes on wooden pallets, in Warehouse at 1030 O'Brien St .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Accession Number NewContainer !Old Container Number Box ID Accession Submitter Contents Suley Comments
100330 L486NC 3774 Area C column 01 row 04 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake, Homa Lee, Mike Field CMG MARFAC 3774 1343 100330 DAVE CACCHIONE / DAVE DRAKE / HOMA LEE / MIKE FIELD Samples from offshore Northern California, in small plastic bags. The Farnella cruise (F890NC) is not clear. The bags show "F90NC" which could be either "F890NC" or "F790NC" both of which had chief scientists Dave Drake and Karl Herman.
192437 C283NC 3774 Area C column 01 row 04 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake, Homa Lee, Mike Field CMG MARFAC 3774 1343 100330 DAVE CACCHIONE / DAVE DRAKE / HOMA LEE / MIKE FIELD Samples from offshore Northern California, in small plastic bags. The Farnella cruise (F890NC) is not clear. The bags show "F90NC" which could be either "F890NC" or "F790NC" both of which had chief scientists Dave Drake and Karl Herman.
192438   3774 Area C column 01 row 04 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake, Homa Lee, Mike Field CMG MARFAC 3774 1343 100330 DAVE CACCHIONE / DAVE DRAKE / HOMA LEE / MIKE FIELD Samples from offshore Northern California, in small plastic bags. The Farnella cruise (F890NC) is not clear. The bags show "F90NC" which could be either "F890NC" or "F790NC" both of which had chief scientists Dave Drake and Karl Herman.

Location of Containers: metal shelves, Rm. M1205A in Bldg. 15 at 345 Middlefield Rd.
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
168346 L486NC 5552 Area L column 01 row 03 Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake CMG Samples in box

Location of Containers: metal shelves, Rm. M1205A in Bldg. 15 at 345 Middlefield Rd.
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Contents
168442 L181NC 5560 Area M column 01 row 05 Dave Cacchione CMG Residues in box

Location of Containers: D-tube racks, in Warehouse at 1020 O'Brien St .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Disposition Region Labeled Position Core and Section Interval Working or Archive Number of Dtubes
173904 L486NC 10226 Area E column 04 row 05 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG keep NC L4-86-NC 5 STA1 GC1/2 36-126 W 1
173905 L486NC 10226 Area E column 04 row 05 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG keep NC L4-86-NC 6 "STA1 GC1/1,2" 0-26/36-126 W/A A 1
173906 L486NC 10226 Area E column 04 row 05 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG keep NC L4-86-NC 9 STA1 GC1/3 136-226 W 1
173907 L486NC 10226 Area E column 04 row 05 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG keep NC L4-86-NC 10 STA1 GC1/3 136-226 A 1
173908 L486NC 10226 Area E column 04 row 05 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG keep NC L4-86-NC 27 STA23 GC6 0-78 W 1
173909 L486NC 10226 Area E column 04 row 05 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG keep NC L4-86-NC 28 STA21 GC4 0-97 A 1
173910 L486NC 10226 Area E column 04 row 05 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG keep NC L4-86-NC 1 STA11 BX7/STA13 BX9/STA10 BX6 0-50/0-35/0-48 W 1
173911 L486NC 10226 Area E column 04 row 05 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG keep NC L4-86-NC 2 STA11 GC5 10-42/52-140 A 1
173913 L486NC 10226 Area E column 04 row 05 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG keep NC L4-86-NC 4 STA23 GC6/2 88-178 W 1
173914 L486NC 10226 Area E column 04 row 05 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG keep NC L4-86-NC 5 STA23 GC6/2 88-178 A 1
173915 L486NC 10226 Area E column 04 row 05 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG keep NC L4-86-NC 6 STA23 GC6/1 0-78 A 1
173918 L486NC 10226 Area E column 04 row 05 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG keep NC L4-86-NC 9 STA4 BX1 0-56 W/A 1
173920 L486NC 10226 Area E column 04 row 05 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG keep NC L4-86-NC 11 STA12 BX8/STA11 BX7 0-47/0-50 W/A W 1
173934 L486NC 10226 Area E column 04 row 05 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG keep NC L4-86-NC 1 STA BX15/STA19 BX14 0-51/0-43 W/A W 1
173935 L486NC 10226 Area E column 04 row 05 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG keep NC L4-86-NC 5 STA16 BX11 0-50/0-43 A W/A 1
173936 L486NC 10226 Area E column 04 row 05 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG keep NC L4-86-NC 6 G13/1 NA W/A 1
173939 L486NC 10226 Area E column 04 row 05 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG keep NC L4-86-NC 9 STA19 BX14/STA18 BX13 0-52 W/A 1
173940 L486NC 10226 Area E column 04 row 05 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG keep NC L4-86-NC 10 G13/2 NA W 1
173941 L486NC 10226 Area E column 04 row 05 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG keep NC L4-86-NC 12 G13/2 NA A 1
173944 L486NC 10226 Area E column 04 row 05 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG keep NC L4-86-NC 16 STA28 BX19/STA27 BX18 0-46/0-46 W/A W 1

Location of Containers: D-tube racks, in Warehouse at 1020 O'Brien St .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Clint Comment Disposition Region Labeled Position Core and Section Interval Working or Archive Number of Dtubes
173912 L486NC 10227 Area E column 04 row 06 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG   keep NC L4-86-NC 3 STA24 GC7 0-70 W 1
173916 L486NC 10227 Area E column 04 row 06 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG   keep NC L4-86-NC 7 STA24 GC7/2 80-170 A 1
173917 L486NC 10227 Area E column 04 row 06 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG   keep NC L4-86-NC 8 STA24 GC7/1 0-70 A 1
173921 L486NC 10227 Area E column 04 row 06 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG   keep NC L4-86-NC 12 STA24 GC7/3 180-270 W 1
173922 L486NC 10227 Area E column 04 row 06 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG   keep NC L4-86-NC 13 STA30 GC8 212-302 A 1
173923 L486NC 10227 Area E column 04 row 06 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG   keep NC L4-86-NC 14 STA24 GC7/3 180-270 A 1
173924 L486NC 10227 Area E column 04 row 06 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG   keep NC L4-86-NC 15 STA30 GC8/1&2 0-18/28-102 W 1
173925 L486NC 10227 Area E column 04 row 06 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG   keep NC L4-86-NC 16 STA30 GC8/1&2 0-18/28-102 A 1
173927 L486NC 10227 Area E column 04 row 06 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG   keep NC L4-86-NC 18 STA30 GC8/4 212-302 W 1
173928 L486NC 10227 Area E column 04 row 06 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG   keep NC L4-86-NC 19 STA30 GC8/3 112-202 W 1
173929 L486NC 10227 Area E column 04 row 06 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG   keep NC L4-86-NC 20 STA30 GC8/3 112-202 W 1
173930 L486NC 10227 Area E column 04 row 06 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG   keep NC L4-86-NC 24 STA32 GC10 175-265 W 1
173931 L486NC 10227 Area E column 04 row 06 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG   keep NC L4-86-NC 25 STA32 GC10 175-265 A 1
173932 L486NC 10227 Area E column 04 row 06 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG   keep NC L4-86-NC 26 STA32 GC10 75-165 W 1
173933 L486NC 10227 Area E column 04 row 06 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG   keep NC L4-86-NC 28 STA32 GC10 75-165 A 1
173937 L486NC 10227 Area E column 04 row 06 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG   keep NC L4-86-NC 7 STA31 GC9 0-41/51-141 A 1
173938 L486NC 10227 Area E column 04 row 06 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG   keep NC L4-86-NC 8 STA27 BX18 0-46/0-46 A W/A 1
173942 L486NC 10227 Area E column 04 row 06 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG   keep NC L4-86-NC 14 STA32 GC10/1 0-65 W/A 1
173943 L486NC 10227 Area E column 04 row 06 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG   keep NC L4-86-NC 15 STA31 GC9 0-41/51-141 W 1
173945 L486NC 10227 Area E column 04 row 06 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG   keep NC L4-86-NC 19 STA29 BX20 0-37 W/A 1
173946 L486NC 10227 Area E column 04 row 06 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG   keep NC L4-86-NC 20 STA35 BX21 0-46 A/W 1
173947 L486NC 10227 Area E column 04 row 06 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG   keep NC L4-86-NC 4 31/GC9 151-241 A 1
177892   10227 Area E column 04 row 06 Dave Cacchione CMG NeedID1st ? NC RUSSIAN RIVER 1986 14 1.02E+14   W 1
177896   10227 Area E column 04 row 06 Dave Cacchione CMG NeedID1st ? NC RUSSIAN RIVER 1986 4 317319340   A 1

Location of Containers: D-tube racks, in Warehouse at 1020 O'Brien St .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Clint Comment Disposition Region Labeled Position Core and Section Working or Archive Number of Dtubes
177879   10228 Area E column 05 row 09 Dave Cacchione CMG NeedID1st ? NC RUSSIAN RIVER 1986 21 1.10E+14 W 1
177880   10228 Area E column 05 row 09 Dave Cacchione CMG NeedID1st ? NC RUSSIAN RIVER 1986 22 "108,109,110,111,112," A 1
177881   10228 Area E column 05 row 09 Dave Cacchione CMG NeedID1st ? NC RUSSIAN RIVER 1986 23 "201B,202,209,210A,211," A 1
177882   10228 Area E column 05 row 09 Dave Cacchione CMG NeedID1st ? NC RUSSIAN RIVER 1986 24 "203,204,205,207,208,208A" A 1
177883   10228 Area E column 05 row 09 Dave Cacchione CMG NeedID1st ? NC RUSSIAN RIVER 1986 25 "203,204,205,207,208,208A" W 1
177884   10228 Area E column 05 row 09 Dave Cacchione CMG NeedID1st ? NC RUSSIAN RIVER 1986 27 "102,104,105,106,107," A 1
177885   10228 Area E column 05 row 09 Dave Cacchione CMG NeedID1st ? NC RUSSIAN RIVER 1986 28 "102,104,105,106,107," W 1
177886   10228 Area E column 05 row 09 Dave Cacchione CMG "Need ID to determine further needs, Dave Klise thesis materials (Wong)" ? NC RUSSIAN RIVER 1986 28   A 1
177887   10228 Area E column 05 row 09 Dave Cacchione CMG NeedID1st ? NC RUSSIAN RIVER 1986 9 2.06E+14 A 1
177888   10228 Area E column 05 row 09 Dave Cacchione CMG NeedID1st ? NC RUSSIAN RIVER 1986 10 2.06E+14 W 1
177889   10228 Area E column 05 row 09 Dave Cacchione CMG NeedID1st ? NC RUSSIAN RIVER 1986 11 3.06E+11 W 1
177890   10228 Area E column 05 row 09 Dave Cacchione CMG NeedID1st ? NC RUSSIAN RIVER 1986 12 3.06E+11 A 1
177891   10228 Area E column 05 row 09 Dave Cacchione CMG NeedID1st ? NC RUSSIAN RIVER 1986 13 1.02E+14 A 1
186953   10228 Area E column 05 row 09 Dave Cacchione CMG NeedID1st ? NC RUSSIAN RIVER 1986 26 "201B,202,209,210A,211," W 1

Location of Containers: D-tube racks, in Warehouse at 1020 O'Brien St .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Disposition Region Labeled Position Core and Section Interval Working or Archive Number of Dtubes Number of Unsplits
173948 L486NC 10231 Area E column 05 row 03 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG keep NC L4-86-NC 1 GE3 STA14 173-263 UNSPLIT 0 1

Location of Containers: D-tube racks, in Warehouse at 1020 O'Brien St .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Disposition Region Labeled Position Core and Section Interval Working or Archive Number of Dtubes Comments
173513 L1380NP 10242 Area G column 03 row 11 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG keep NP L13-80-NP 1 "6,12,3/1" 0-34/0-28/0-89   1 Refrigeration Compromised
173514 L1380NP 10242 Area G column 03 row 11 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG keep NP L13-80-NP 17 G10/1 0-134 W 1  
173515 L1380NP 10242 Area G column 03 row 11 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG keep NP L13-80-NP 18 G10/1 0-134 A 1  
173516 L1380NP 10242 Area G column 03 row 11 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG keep NP L13-80-NP 19 G8/2 14-164 W 1  
173517 L1380NP 10242 Area G column 03 row 11 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG keep NP L13-80-NP 20 G8/2 14-164 A 1  

Location of Containers: D-tube racks, in Warehouse at 1020 O'Brien St .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Disposition Region Labeled Position Core and Section Interval Working or Archive Number of Dtubes
174092 L785NC 10308 Area E column 04 row 07 "Dave Cacchione, Mike Field" CMG keep NC L7-85-NC 19 265G1 0-150 A 1
174106 L785NC 10308 Area E column 04 row 07 "Dave Cacchione, Mike Field" CMG keep NC L7-85-NC 9 250G1 0-122 W 1
174107 L785NC 10308 Area E column 04 row 07 "Dave Cacchione, Mike Field" CMG keep NC L7-85-NC 10 250G1 0-122 A 1
174108 L785NC 10308 Area E column 04 row 07 "Dave Cacchione, Mike Field" CMG keep NC L7-85-NC 11 251G1 0-150 A 1
174111 L785NC 10308 Area E column 04 row 07 "Dave Cacchione, Mike Field" CMG keep NC L7-85-NC 14 251G1/1 0-150 W 1
174112 L785NC 10308 Area E column 04 row 07 "Dave Cacchione, Mike Field" CMG keep NC L7-85-NC 15 251G1/2 252G1/2 150-188/150-173 A 1
174113 L785NC 10308 Area E column 04 row 07 "Dave Cacchione, Mike Field" CMG keep NC L7-85-NC 16 252G1/1 0-150 A 1
174114 L785NC 10308 Area E column 04 row 07 "Dave Cacchione, Mike Field" CMG keep NC L7-85-NC 17 251G1/2 252G1/2 150-188/150-173 W 1
174115 L785NC 10308 Area E column 04 row 07 "Dave Cacchione, Mike Field" CMG keep NC L7-85-NC 18 252G1/1 0-150 W 1

Location of Containers: D-tube racks, in Warehouse at 1020 O'Brien St .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Disposition Region Labeled Position Core and Section Interval Working or Archive Number of Dtubes
173926 L486NC 10309 Area E column 04 row 12 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG keep NC L4-86-NC 17 G1/3 210-265 A 1
174084 L785NC 10309 Area E column 04 row 12 "Dave Cacchione, Mike Field" CMG keep NC L7-85-NC 1 264G1 0-79 W 1
174085 L785NC 10309 Area E column 04 row 12 "Dave Cacchione, Mike Field" CMG keep NC L7-85-NC 2 264G1 0-79 A 1
174086 L785NC 10309 Area E column 04 row 12 "Dave Cacchione, Mike Field" CMG keep NC L7-85-NC 6 266G/1 0-150 A 1
174087 L785NC 10309 Area E column 04 row 12 "Dave Cacchione, Mike Field" CMG keep NC L7-85-NC 9 266G/1 0-150 W 1
174088 L785NC 10309 Area E column 04 row 12 "Dave Cacchione, Mike Field" CMG keep NC L7-85-NC 10 265G/2 266G/2 0-176/150-190 W 1
174089 L785NC 10309 Area E column 04 row 12 "Dave Cacchione, Mike Field" CMG keep NC L7-85-NC 13 263G1/1 263G2/1 0-42/0-40   1
174090 L785NC 10309 Area E column 04 row 12 "Dave Cacchione, Mike Field" CMG keep NC L7-85-NC 17 265G1 0-150 W 1
174091 L785NC 10309 Area E column 04 row 12 "Dave Cacchione, Mike Field" CMG keep NC L7-85-NC 18 265G1 0-150 A 1
174093 L785NC 10309 Area E column 04 row 12 "Dave Cacchione, Mike Field" CMG keep NC L7-85-NC 22 263G1/1 263G2/1 0-42/0-40 A 1
174094 L785NC 10309 Area E column 04 row 12 "Dave Cacchione, Mike Field" CMG keep NC L7-85-NC 17 262G1 /255G1 0-65/0-66 A 1
174095 L785NC 10309 Area E column 04 row 12 "Dave Cacchione, Mike Field" CMG keep NC L7-85-NC 18 262G1 /255G1 0-65/0-66 W 1
174096 L785NC 10309 Area E column 04 row 12 "Dave Cacchione, Mike Field" CMG keep NC L7-85-NC 19 261G1 0-150 A 1
174097 L785NC 10309 Area E column 04 row 12 "Dave Cacchione, Mike Field" CMG keep NC L7-85-NC 20 261G1 0-150 W 1
174098 L785NC 10309 Area E column 04 row 12 "Dave Cacchione, Mike Field" CMG keep NC L7-85-NC 21 259G1 /258G1 0-64/0-33 A 1
174099 L785NC 10309 Area E column 04 row 12 "Dave Cacchione, Mike Field" CMG keep NC L7-85-NC 22 259G1 /258G1 0-64/0-33 W 1
174100 L785NC 10309 Area E column 04 row 12 "Dave Cacchione, Mike Field" CMG keep NC L7-85-NC 1 261G2 150-225 A 1
174101 L785NC 10309 Area E column 04 row 12 "Dave Cacchione, Mike Field" CMG keep NC L7-85-NC 2 261G2 150-225 W 1
174102 L785NC 10309 Area E column 04 row 12 "Dave Cacchione, Mike Field" CMG keep NC L7-85-NC 3 260G1 0-94 W 1
174103 L785NC 10309 Area E column 04 row 12 "Dave Cacchione, Mike Field" CMG keep NC L7-85-NC 4 260G1 0-94 A 1
174104 L785NC 10309 Area E column 04 row 12 "Dave Cacchione, Mike Field" CMG keep NC L7-85-NC 5 256G2/1 0-134 A 1
174105 L785NC 10309 Area E column 04 row 12 "Dave Cacchione, Mike Field" CMG keep NC L7-85-NC 6 256G2/1 0-134 W 1
174109 L785NC 10309 Area E column 04 row 12 "Dave Cacchione, Mike Field" CMG keep NC L7-85-NC 12 256G1 0-87 W 1
174110 L785NC 10309 Area E column 04 row 12 "Dave Cacchione, Mike Field" CMG keep NC L7-85-NC 13 253G3/1 0-83 W 1
174116 L785NC 10309 Area E column 04 row 12 "Dave Cacchione, Mike Field" CMG keep NC L7-85-NC 19 256G1/1 0-87 A 1

Location of Containers: ,
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Disposition Region Labeled What Is It Core Section Number of Unsplit
182045 L181NC 10434 column 00 row 00 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG keep NC L1-81-NC UNSPLIT SHORT CORES "BX17,13,8,12" 34

Location of Containers: D-tube racks, in Warehouse at 1020 O'Brien St .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Disposition Region Labeled Position Core and Section Interval Working or Archive Number of Dtubes Comments
176911 S778WG 10872 Area C column 02 row 03 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG keep WG S7-78-WG 1 SOUTAR   A 1 Refrigeration Compromised
176912 S778WG 10872 Area C column 02 row 03 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG keep WG S7-78-WG 2 "1,6A,1A"   W/A 1 Refrigeration Compromised
176913 S778WG 10872 Area C column 02 row 03 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG keep WG S7-78-WG 3 1G2 150-258 W 1 Refrigeration Compromised
176914 S778WG 10872 Area C column 02 row 03 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG keep WG S7-78-WG 4 1G2 150-258 A 1 Refrigeration Compromised
176915 S778WG 10872 Area C column 02 row 03 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG keep WG S7-78-WG 5 1G1   W 1 Refrigeration Compromised
176916 S778WG 10872 Area C column 02 row 03 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG keep WG S7-78-WG 6 1G1   A 1 Refrigeration Compromised

Location of Containers: ,
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Disposition Region Labeled Type of Canister What Is It Number of Unsplit
182102 L486NC 11230 column 00 row 00 "Homa Lee, Dave Cacchione" CMG keep NC L4-86-NC 30 QT. BIN    
182104 L486NC 11230 column 00 row 00 "Homa Lee, Dave Cacchione" CMG keep NC L4-86-NC   SHORT CORES 18
182238 P188NC 11230 column 00 row 00 "Mike Field, Dave Cacchione" CMG keep NC P1-88-NC 44 QT. BIN SLABS  
183507 L486NC 11230 column 00 row 00 "Homa Lee, Dave Cacchione" CMG keep NC 64-86-NC ROCKBOX SHORT CORE  

Location of Containers: D-tube racks, in Warehouse at 1020 O'Brien St .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Disposition Region Labeled Position Core and Section Interval Working or Archive Number of Dtubes
173919 L486NC 11261 Area E column 04 row 15 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG keep NC L4-86-NC 10 STA24 GC7/2 80-170 W 1

Location of Containers: D-tube racks, in Warehouse at 1020 O'Brien St .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Clint Comment Disposition Region Labeled Position Core and Section Working or Archive Number of Dtubes
177893   11262 Area E column 04 row 16 Dave Cacchione CMG NeedID1st ? NC RUSSIAN RIVER 1986 1 "213,215,216," W 1
177894   11262 Area E column 04 row 16 Dave Cacchione CMG NeedID1st ? NC RUSSIAN RIVER 1986 2 "213,215,216," A 1
177895   11262 Area E column 04 row 16 Dave Cacchione CMG NeedID1st ? NC RUSSIAN RIVER 1986 3 "311,317,319," W/A 1

Location of Containers: D-tube racks, in Warehouse at 1020 O'Brien St .
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Disposition Region Labeled Position Core and Section Interval Working or Archive Number of Dtubes Comments
173518 L1380NP 11283 Area G column 03 row 12 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG keep NP L13-80-NP 21 G6/2 34-182 W 1  
173519 L1380NP 11283 Area G column 03 row 12 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG keep NP L13-80-NP 22 G6/2 34-182 A 1  
173520 L1380NP 11283 Area G column 03 row 12 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG keep NP L13-80-NP 23 G8 G15 0-14/0-40 W 1  
173521 L1380NP 11283 Area G column 03 row 12 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG keep NP L13-80-NP 24 G8 G15 0-14/0-40 A 1  
173522 L1380NP 11283 Area G column 03 row 12 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG keep NP L13-80-NP 25 G5/2 36-186 W 1  
173523 L1380NP 11283 Area G column 03 row 12 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG keep NP L13-80-NP 26 G5/2 36-186 A 1 Refrigeration Compromised
173524 L1380NP 11283 Area G column 03 row 12 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG keep NP L13-80-NP 27 G1 G5 0-43/0-36 A 1 Refrigeration Compromised
173525 L1380NP 11283 Area G column 03 row 12 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG keep NP L13-80-NP 28 G4/2 82-232 W 1 Refrigeration Compromised
173526 L1380NP 11283 Area G column 03 row 12 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG keep NP L13-80-NP 29 552G2 0-74 W 1 Refrigeration Compromised

Location of Containers: ,
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Clint Comment Disposition Region Labeled Type of Canister What Is It
182750   11493 column 00 row 00 Dave Cacchione CMG Need ID to determine further needs ? SF SFB-82 10 QT. BIN GRABS

Location of Containers: ,
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Disposition Region Labeled What Is It Number of Unsplit
182101 L486NC 11502 column 00 row 00 "Homa Lee, Dave Cacchione" CMG keep NC L4-86-NC UNSPLIT SHORT CORE SECTION 1

Location of Containers: ,
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Disposition Region Labeled Type of Canister What Is It
181629 F1388NC 11517 column 00 row 00 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG keep NC F13-88-NC 30 QT. BIN BULK SAMPS

Location of Containers: ,
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Disposition Region Labeled What Is It Core Section Interval Number of Unsplit
182078 L486NC 11526 column 00 row 00 "Homa Lee, Dave Cacchione" CMG keep NC L4-86-NC WAXED & WRAPPED SHORT CORE STA.25/BX 16 0-49 1
182079 L486NC 11526 column 00 row 00 "Homa Lee, Dave Cacchione" CMG keep NC L4-86-NC WAXED & WRAPPED SHORT CORE STA.14/GE3 0-63 1
182080 L486NC 11526 column 00 row 00 "Homa Lee, Dave Cacchione" CMG keep NC L4-86-NC WAXED & WRAPPED SHORT CORE STA.6/BX3 0-56 1
182081 L486NC 11526 column 00 row 00 "Homa Lee, Dave Cacchione" CMG keep NC L4-86-NC WAXED & WRAPPED SHORT CORE STA.7/BX4 0-48 1
182082 L486NC 11526 column 00 row 00 "Homa Lee, Dave Cacchione" CMG keep NC L4-86-NC WAXED & WRAPPED SHORT CORE STA.12/BX 8 0-50 1
182083 L486NC 11526 column 00 row 00 "Homa Lee, Dave Cacchione" CMG keep NC L4-86-NC WAXED & WRAPPED SHORT CORE STA.?/BX 1 0-62 1
182084 L486NC 11526 column 00 row 00 "Homa Lee, Dave Cacchione" CMG keep NC L4-86-NC WAXED & WRAPPED SHORT CORE STA.35/BX 21 0-44 1
182085 L486NC 11526 column 00 row 00 "Homa Lee, Dave Cacchione" CMG keep NC L4-86-NC WAXED & WRAPPED SHORT CORE STA.5/BX 2 0-54 1
182086 L486NC 11526 column 00 row 00 "Homa Lee, Dave Cacchione" CMG keep NC L4-86-NC WAXED & WRAPPED SHORT CORE STA.26/BX 17 0-48 1
182087 L486NC 11526 column 00 row 00 "Homa Lee, Dave Cacchione" CMG keep NC L4-86-NC WAXED & WRAPPED SHORT CORE STA.10/BX 6 0-48 1
182088 L486NC 11526 column 00 row 00 "Homa Lee, Dave Cacchione" CMG keep NC L4-86-NC WAXED & WRAPPED SHORT CORE STA.9/BX 5 0-54 1
182089 L486NC 11526 column 00 row 00 "Homa Lee, Dave Cacchione" CMG keep NC L4-86-NC WAXED & WRAPPED SHORT CORE STA.10/BX 6 0-48 1
182090 L486NC 11526 column 00 row 00 "Homa Lee, Dave Cacchione" CMG keep NC L4-86-NC WAXED & WRAPPED SHORT CORE STA.11/BX 7 0-61 1
182091 L486NC 11526 column 00 row 00 "Homa Lee, Dave Cacchione" CMG keep NC L4-86-NC WAXED & WRAPPED SHORT CORE STA.11/BX 12 0-58 1
182092 L486NC 11526 column 00 row 00 "Homa Lee, Dave Cacchione" CMG keep NC L4-86-NC WAXED & WRAPPED SHORT CORE STA.18/BX 13 0-63 1
182093 L486NC 11526 column 00 row 00 "Homa Lee, Dave Cacchione" CMG keep NC L4-86-NC WAXED & WRAPPED SHORT CORE STA.28/BX 19 0-47 1
182094 L486NC 11526 column 00 row 00 "Homa Lee, Dave Cacchione" CMG keep NC L4-86-NC WAXED & WRAPPED SHORT CORE STA.27/BX 18 0-50 1
182095 L486NC 11526 column 00 row 00 "Homa Lee, Dave Cacchione" CMG keep NC L4-86-NC WAXED & WRAPPED SHORT CORE STA.16/BX 11 0-54 1
182096 L486NC 11526 column 00 row 00 "Homa Lee, Dave Cacchione" CMG keep NC L4-86-NC WAXED & WRAPPED SHORT CORE STA.29/BX 20 0-49 1
182097 L486NC 11526 column 00 row 00 "Homa Lee, Dave Cacchione" CMG keep NC L4-86-NC WAXED & WRAPPED SHORT CORE STA.20/BX 15 0-44 1
182098 L486NC 11526 column 00 row 00 "Homa Lee, Dave Cacchione" CMG keep NC L4-86-NC WAXED & WRAPPED SHORT CORE STA.15/BX 10 0-42 1
182099 L486NC 11526 column 00 row 00 "Homa Lee, Dave Cacchione" CMG keep NC L4-86-NC WAXED & WRAPPED SHORT CORE STA.19/BX 14 0-53 1

Location of Containers: ,
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Disposition Region Labeled Type of Canister What Is It
182392 S178SC 11537 column 00 row 00 Dave Cacchione CMG keep SC S1-78-SC 20 QT. BIN SUB-SAMPLES

Location of Containers: ,
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Disposition Region Labeled Type of Canister What Is It
182049 L181NC 11538 column 00 row 00 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG keep NC L1-81-NC 15 QT. BIN MIN. & GRAINSIZE SUB-SAMPLES

Location of Containers: ,
Item # Activity ID Container # Container Area Column Row Contact Team Clint Comment Disposition Region Labeled
182642 A687SC 11559 column 00 row 00 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG NavOKNeedLocs ? SC AL7-30-87-1
182643 A687SC 11559 column 00 row 00 "Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake" CMG NavOKNeedLocs ? SC AL7-30-87-2

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