Carlsbad Fish & Wildlife Office
Pacific Southwest Region  

Environmental Contaminants

Oil and Hazardous Materials - Spill Contingecy





The U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service responds to oil and other hazardous material releases consistent with the Fish and Wildlife Service’s Spill Response Contingency Plan (FWSRCP).  Each region and many of our National Wildlife Refuges develop Regional Response Plans consistent with the FWSRCP that outline the procedures we follow in the event of a spill. Implementation of the FWSRCP and the Incident Command System ensures that effective responses are implemented to best protect fish and wildlife resources and their habitats in the event of an oil and hazardous substance release and that there is national consistency for responding to oil spills.  These guidelines are compatible with the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan, also known as the National Contingency Plan or NCP issued by the Environmental Protection Agency (40 CFR Part 300).

Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife Office - Spill Response Contacts

Early notification of oil and hazardous substance releases is the key to containment and executing cleanup measures to protect fish and wildlife resources and their habitats.  Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife Office is responsible for inland and marine spills in southern California including Los Angeles, Orange, San Diego, Imperial, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties.
Field Response Coordinator (FRC) Alternate Spill Responders
Judy Gibson (primary contact) Katie Zeeman (secondary contact)
Office phone 760-431-9440 ext. 260 Office phone 760-431-9440 ext. 291
Office Fax 760-431-9170 Office Fax 760-431-9170
Office Cell Phone 760-271-6934

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