Digest of Federal Resource Laws of Interest to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service


Fish-Rice Rotation Farming Program Act

Fish-Rice Rotation Farming Program Act -- Approved March 15, 1958, (16 U.S.C. 778-778c; 72 Stat. 35) P.L. 85-342 authorizes the appropriations of funds and directs the Secretary of the Interior to establish experiment stations for research and experimentation to:

1) determine species of fishes most suitable for culture on a commercial basis in shallow reservoirs and flooded rice lands,

2) determine methods of production of fingerling fishes for stocking in reservoirs,

3) develop methods for the control of parasites and diseases,

4) develop economical methods for raising the more desirable fish,

5) determine, in cooperation with the Department of Agriculture, the effect of fish-rice rotations, including crops other than rice commonly grown on rice farms, upon both the fish and other crops, and

6) develop suitable methods for harvesting the fish crop and preparing it for marketing.

Authorizes the acquisition of lands and construction of facilities, cooperation with States and others, and dissemination of research results.

The amendments of 1996 (Public Law 104-127, Title VIII, 889(a)(1), April 4, 1996. 110 Stat.1180) changes authority for the establishment and operation of research centers from the Department of the Interior to the Department of Agriculture and authorizes the Secretary of Agriculture to acquire land to build research centers for fish-rice rotation farming.

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