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Request for Proposals

Applications received: Great Lakes Pollution Prevention and Reduction and Rochester RAP Management

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  1. GL2008-4-01
    Proper Fertilizer Selection and Application for Citizens
  2. GL2008-4-02
    Lake Superior Basin Landowner and Realtor Outreach Project
  3. GL2008-4-03
    CMU Chemical Inventory and Management System
  4. GL2008-4-04
    Sediment Transport in the Genesee River Plume
  5. GL2008-4-05
    Web-based Decision Support System for LID and Watershed Management
  6. GL2008-4-06
    Follow-on Analysis for New Potential PBT Chemicals
  7. GL2008-4-07
    Mobilizing/Coordinating Industry GLBTS Support – 2008/2009
  8. GL2008-4-08
    Biological Effects and Elimination of Estrogenic Septic Discharge
  9. GL2008-4-09
    Flushing is Not an Option
  10. GL2008-4-10
    Ottawa River Scrap Yard Pollution Prevention Program (SYP3
  11. GL2008-4-11
    Accounting for fetch and stability in atmospheric toxic loading estimates
  12. GL2008-4-12
    Understanding Sediment Movement and Associated Contaminants in Support of Buffalo River Remediation
  13. GL2008-4-13
    Passive Oxidation of Contaminated Sediments for Enhanced PCB Bioremediation
  14. GL2008-4-14
    Product Stewardship and Pharmaceutical Partnerships Program
  15. GL2008-4-15
    Nonpoint Source Modeling Using Road-weighted Export Coefficients
  16. GL2008-4-16
    Emerging Halogenated Organic Pollutants in the Sediment of the Great Lakes
  17. GL2008-4-17
    Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Released from Parking Lots – A Controlled Field Experiment to Determine if Sealcoat is a Significant Source of PAHs in the Environment
  18. GL2008-4-18
    Mercury Science & Policy Conference
  19. GL2008-4-19
    Permanent medication take back/education program for residents and health facilities
  20. GL2008-4-20
    Continuation of Delisting Process for the Rochester Embayment Area of Concern
  21. GL2008-4-21
    Environmental Data Wiki-Map for Erie County Watersheds
  22. GL2008-4-22
    The LOOW Site–Lake Ontario Impact Project
  23. GL2008-4-23
    Development of Stable Isotope Tools for Tracking Cadmium
  24. GL2008-4-24
    P2 Opportunities in Ballast Water Management in the Great Lakes Region
  25. GL2008-4-25
    The protection of Fish against Mercury Poisoning by Dietary Thiamine and Magnesium
  26. GL2008-4-26
    Innovative Strategies For Pollution Reduction
  27. GL2008-4-27
    The Use of Ornamental Natural Grass Fences to Reduce or Eliminate Pollution in the Great Lakes
  28. GL2008-4-28
    The Effects of Nutrients on Lake St. Clair’s Ecosystem
  29. GL2008-4-29
    Old Pill Collection Events and Sustainable Process Development
  30. GL2008-4-30
    Continuing Outreach and Reduction of Critical Pollutants



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