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Lake Sturgeon Spawning Reef Announcement Held at Fighting Island Lodge
Midwest Region, April 19, 2008
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Michigan DNR Biologist Gary Towns and Service Biologist James Boase discuss habitat issues in the Detroit River with Congressman John Dingell at the Fighting Island Lodge on April 19, 2008.  Photo by Karen Boase.
Michigan DNR Biologist Gary Towns and Service Biologist James Boase discuss habitat issues in the Detroit River with Congressman John Dingell at the Fighting Island Lodge on April 19, 2008. Photo by Karen Boase.
Service Biologist Jim McFee, Dennis Fijalkowski (Michigan Wildlife Conservancy), Refuge Manager Dr. John Hartig, Jeff Watson (Canadian Member of Parliament), Ed Nuermberg (BASF Corporation), and Service Biologist James Boase hoist a lake sturgeon captured in front of the BASF Fighting Island Lodge in the Detroit River on April 19, 2008.  Photo by Karen Boase.
Service Biologist Jim McFee, Dennis Fijalkowski (Michigan Wildlife Conservancy), Refuge Manager Dr. John Hartig, Jeff Watson (Canadian Member of Parliament), Ed Nuermberg (BASF Corporation), and Service Biologist James Boase hoist a lake sturgeon captured in front of the BASF Fighting Island Lodge in the Detroit River on April 19, 2008. Photo by Karen Boase.
Greg Kennedy from the Great Lakes Science Center and James Boase and Jim McFee from the Alpena NFWCO lift a lake sturgeon captured in front of the Fighting Island Lodge in the Detroit River on April 19, 2008.  Photo by Karen Boase.
Greg Kennedy from the Great Lakes Science Center and James Boase and Jim McFee from the Alpena NFWCO lift a lake sturgeon captured in front of the Fighting Island Lodge in the Detroit River on April 19, 2008. Photo by Karen Boase.

United States and Canadian partners met at Fighting Island on April 19th to announce the second phase of construction of a new lake sturgeon spawning reef at Fighting Island in LaSalle, Ontario.  Approximately 80 researchers, media representatives and interested citizens from both the U.S. and Canada came to the Fighting Island Lodge to celebrate the announcement of the lake sturgeon spawning reef at Fighting Island. 

Fishery Biologist Dr. Bruce Manny from the USGS Great Lakes Science Center (USGS) and Fishery Biologist James Boase from the Alpena National Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office (NFWCO) presented information regarding the history of the site and the specifics about the proposed reef construction.  John Hartig, Manager of the Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge (Refuge), presented information about funding for the project.

 "Both the U.S. and Canada have pooled resources to create a lake sturgeon spawning reef located at Fighting Island in the Detroit River, and to date $178,000 dollars have been raised for construction of the reef,” Hartig said.  Members from the Essex Region Conservation Authority, Michigan Wildlife Conservancy, and BASF presented information about the project.  This effort is the first such environmental project in the Refuge jointly funded by both the U.S. and Canada. 

Corporate sponsorship for this project includes both BASF and DTE Energy and both have committed in-kind support for construction and materials.  As this project develops, the team continues to seek additional funding to increase the size of the reef and funds to conduct post-construction assessment.  The reef will be located near the international boundary at the northeast corner of Fighting Island and when completed should provide spawning habitat for lake sturgeon, walleye, lake whitefish and other native species of fish. 

Funding for reef construction has been provided by the following agencies:

• Canada-Ontario Agreement – Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources ($65,000)

• National Fish and Wildlife Foundation – Bring Back the Natives Program ($45,000)

• Michigan Wildlife Conservancy ($30,000)

• U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service – Coastal and Challenge Cost Share Grants ($23,000)

• Environment Canada’s Great Lakes Sustainability Fund ($15,000)

Pre-Construction Assessment began in the fall of 2005 and was completed in fall 2007 with $34,500 from Environment Canada’s Great Lakes Sustainability Fund and the Service’s Challenge Cost Share Grant Program and Coastal Grant Program.  This initial phase involved researchers from Alpena, USGS and Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR). The second phase of reef construction, will be undertaken in 2008-2009. Following Reef Construction, Post-Construction Assessment will be undertaken in 2009-2010, including a public education and outreach component.

“This is the first time both Canadian and U.S. money is being pooled for a common fish habitat rehabilitation project in the Great Lakes,” said U.S. Congressman John Dingell. “This sturgeon reef construction project is precedent setting and shows the strength of our U.S.-Canada partnership for the Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge.”

"We are proud to be contributing to the first-ever fish habitat rehabilitation project in the Great Lakes," said Canadian Member of Parliament Jeff Watson. "Canada's government is committed to restoring the health of our lakes and waterways. Today's announcement builds upon the significant financial commitment we have already made to help restore this important water system, and demonstrates our commitment to the residents who rely on the watersheds of Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie and the connecting Detroit River."

The highlight of the event took place in front of the lodge as an adult lake sturgeon that was captured on a setline the night before, was netted and lifted onto the Service boat the Sentinel to the surprise and excitement of the guests.  The fish was 70 inches long and weighed 72 pounds.  By the time the Sentinel pulled up to the Fighting Island dock the crowd of guests, including Congressman John Dingell and Member of Canadian Parliament Jeff Watson, were waiting to ask questions.  Guests had an opportunity to jump on board the Sentinel and view the captured lake sturgeon up close.  Jim McFee and James Boase from Alpena, and Greg Kennedy, Dr. Bruce Manny and Dr. Ed Roseman from USGS were present to answer questions from the guests.

The lake sturgeon is a remnant of the dinosaur age and can grow over eight feet in length and weigh over 200 pounds.  It is listed as either threatened or endangered in 19 of 20 states within its original range in the U.S. In Canada, it was identified as threatened by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife.  Lake sturgeon is endemic to the Great Lakes, and historically, the Huron-Erie Corridor was one of the most productive waters for lake sturgeon in North America.  In 2001, lake sturgeon spawning was documented in the Detroit River for the first time in over 30 years, but their numbers are estimated to be only one percent of their original population.  Scientists have now determined that lack of spawning habitat is one of the factors limiting lake sturgeon population growth.

Over the past six years, lake sturgeon spawning habitat has been constructed off Belle Isle in Detroit, off McKee Park in Windsor, and off Fort Malden in Amherstburg to increase available spawning habitat for lake sturgeon and other native fish.  Historically, the area surrounding Fighting Island was well known as an important spawning and nursery area for lake sturgeon and thus was targeted as a potential habitat construction site.  Recent research by the Service, USGS and MDNR has shown that water velocity and depth characteristics off the northeast corner of Fighting Island are ideal for spawning, and the river bed can support a constructed reef.  In addition, scientists have caught juvenile lake sturgeon just downstream of the proposed Fighting Island reef site, providing further justification for building the reef in this location.  Current partners in the project include: Environment Canada, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Essex Region Conservation Authority, U.S. Geological Survey Great Lakes Science Center, Michigan Wildlife Conservancy, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Detroit River Canadian Cleanup, BASF Corporation, DTE Energy, Landmark Engineers Inc., International Wildlife Refuge Alliance, Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Michigan Sea Grant, and Wildlife Habitat Council.

The Detroit River has the distinction of being the only International Wildlife Refuge in North America and the only river system in North America to hold both American Heritage River and Canadian Heritage River designations.  This project is being undertaken in direct response to the sturgeon spawning habitat restoration objective in the Comprehensive Conservation Plan for the Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge.

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Contact Info: Midwest Region Public Affairs, 612-713-5313,

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