SLAC Colloquium Series

SLAC Colloquium Series


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The Compact Light Source: Its Beginning, Development and Recent Experiments

Date: 5/11/2009

Ron Ruth
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

Time: 4:15 pm
 Location: Panofsky Auditorium. Event is open to the public.

Past research at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center introduced a new x-ray source concept, a miniature synchrotron light source [1]. This early research led later to the formation of a corporation, Lyncean Technologies, Inc. to develop the Compact Light Source. The prototype development of the Compact Light Source (CLS) is nearing completion now[2]. The CLS, as reformulated at Lyncean, is a near-monochromatic, tunable, homelab-size, hard x-ray source with beamlines that can be used like the x-ray beamlines at the synchrotrons--but it is about 200 times smaller than a synchrotron light source. The compact size is achieved using a “laser undulator” and a miniature electron-beam storage ring, in other words--inverse Compton scattering from an electron beam in a miniature storage ring. The CLS is designed to produce a photon flux on sample that is comparable to the flux of many highly-productive synchrotron beamlines. This presentation will first discuss the beginnings of Lyncean and the CLS ideas, and then introduce the basic principles of the Compact Light Source. Next, the design and the testing phase will be discussed. Hardware from the prototype and the second ‘Beta’ CLS (part of the second round of the Protein Structure Initiative [3]) will be shown to illustrate the scope of the effort, The presentation will show details of the storage ring, laser system and x-ray optics and finally will conclude with the results of initial experiments using the CLS.


  1. Z. Huang and R. D. Ruth, "Laser-Electron Storage Ring”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 80:976-979, 1998.
  2. Supported by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, the National Institutes of Health, R44 GM66511 and R44 GM074437.
  3. The Accelerated Technology Center for Gene to 3D Structure (ATCG3D) supported by PSI II, the National Institute of General Medical Sciences and the National Center for Research Resources, NIH, 5U54 GM074961.

Last update: March 12, 2009