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DOT LogoMemorandum
U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration

Subject: ACTION: Pavement Preservation Technical Assistance Review and Evaluation
Date: May 12, 2005
From: (Original Signed by)
David R. Geiger, P.E.
Director, Office of Asset Management
In Reply Refer to: HIAM-20
To: Directors of Field Services
Resource Center Managers
Division Administrators
Federal Lands Highway Division Engineers

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) provides support and technical assistance to State departments of transportation (DOT's) seeking to develop, expand, or improve their programs for pavement preservation. Nationwide, some DOT's have developed well-established and successful pavement preservation programs, and the local practices, resources, and procedures they use can often be shared and applied within other agencies to increase the effective use of pavement preservation in those States. Each highway agency faces different challenges in applying pavement preservation treatments and establishing an effective preservation program. Preservation involves a paradigm shift from "worst first" to more proactive "optimum timing." Preservation programs must focus on demonstrating benefit, securing commitment of top agency management, convincing the public, and selecting the right treatment for the right pavement at the right time.

Over the next 2 years, the FHWA Office of Asset Management will lead an effort to conduct a series of comprehensive technical reviews and evaluations of DOT's pavement preservation programs at the request of individual States. For each review, we will conduct approximately 80 hours of program review and interviews of key personnel and provide both an oral closeout and a written report highlighting strengths, identifying gaps and making recommendations for improvement of that DOT's program. The contract will consist of a maximum of 10 such reviews during the first year, with the likelihood that the effort will be extended by 10 more such reviews in FY 2006.

Each review will be conducted in partnership with the FHWA division office and the State DOT and will gather the perspectives of DOT personnel involved in the development, implementation, and management of the State's preservation program. Each review will be tailored to the DOT's existing programs, policies, guidance, specifications, and organizational structure. We anticipate a series of meetings with staff from the DOT's central office and field over a period of several weeks during which time the team would familiarize itself with the State's unique program. The review will assess program aspects and related areas of departmental operations that could be refined or improved to provide a more effective pavement preservation program. The review team will work with the local FHWA division office and the DOT to develop a roadmap of current and future activities that, if implemented, can influence the success of their pavement preservation program.

At the end of each review there will be a closeout meeting of the review team and DOT management to discuss the recommendations and refine a future plan for their implementation. Recognizing the DOT's existing program, operations, and structure, the closeout will consider logistics and short- and long-term effects of implementation. We will provide the DOTs with a formal report for the States future consideration.

Pavement preservation is a powerful tool through which any highway agency can improve pavement condition and significantly prolong its life within existing budgets. The focus must be to "keep good pavements in good condition," preserving the pavement asset while maximizing the economic efficiency. Our experience with preservation programs is showing the DOTs are gaining flexibility for funding capital needs while providing the traveling public higher level of service. Pavement preservation provides greater value to the highway system, improves safety, enhances mobility, and provides a higher level of satisfaction of highway users.

We encourage you to invite your State DOT to take advantage of this unique opportunity. To arrange for the review, please advise us of your interest and provide a contact at the division office and one at the DOT and a desired timeframe to initiate the review. Requests will be scheduled on a first come, first served basis. For more information, or to schedule a review and evaluation, please contact Christopher Newman at (202) 366-2033, email, or Tom Deddens at (202) 366-1557, email

This page last modified on 01/12/07

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration