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INShape 150

The INShape Exercise Mob was created to help remind you that you can be active anwhere and at any time.  We all know it is important to be active, but how much is enough?  According to the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans individuals should engage in a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise (brisk walking) per week in order to improve their personal health. 150 minutes per week can seem like a hard number to reach, but there is some good news.  The CDC states that the 150 minute target can be broken down into smaller chunks of time.  Physical activity can be spread out over the course of the week and completed in 10 minute increments.  Moderate to vigorous walking for 10 minutes, three times a day would total 30 minutes of aerobic exercise.  When viewed in these smaller segments completing the 150 minute per week becomes much more achievable.

INShape 150 Week 1 

INShape 150 Week 2