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The ADPH Center for Emergency Preparedness (CEP) coordinates Alabama's health, medical, and social services in the event of public health threats and emergencies. Under the state Emergency Operations Plan (EOP), Emergency Support Function (ESF) 8 includes all medical aspects of an emergency response. ADPH is the lead agency in ESF 8 and the support agency for healthcare organizations that provide direct patient care in an emergency response. Each of the 11 public health areas has an Emergency Preparedness (EP) team devoted to preparedness planning. Team members include some combination of the following:

  • Emergency Preparedness (EP) Coordinator
  • Disease Intervention Director (DID)
  • Senior Environmentalist
  • Surveillance Nurse
  • Administrative Support Assistant
  • Social Worker

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Additional Information

For more information and other helpful resources, reference the following links:

What's New?

Emergency planning is an ongoing process. Find the newest information and tools available to aid preparedness efforts below. To view previously posted items and a comprehensive list of preparedness related topics, please access the Preparedness A-Z webpage.

Image of a firewoman

Image of a poison label

Image of smokestacks