Bureau of Land Management

BLM logoThe Bureau of Land Management announced $305 million to fund more than 650 projects across the country under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). The investments will restore landscapes and habitat, spur renewable energy development on public lands, and create jobs.

Download a list of all Bureau of Land Management projects by state.PDF

Bureau of Land Management investments include the following types of projects:

Wind Farm
The Bureau of Land Management will invest $41 million in Recovery Act funds to facilitate a rapid and responsible move to large-scale production of solar, wind, and geothermal energy.
Almedia Mine Aquafix
BLM will invest $53.35 million to clean up abandoned mines and legacy wells.

Renewable Energy Authorization
One of the President’s specific goals in implementing the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 is supporting the renewable energy industry and providing capital over the next three years to eventually double domestic renewable energy capacity. Aiding in our nation’s move toward a clean energy economy, the Bureau of Land Management will expedite the processing and permitting of environmentally-responsible renewable energy development on the National System of Public Lands.

Abandoned Mine Land Remediation and Alaska Legacy Well
With funding received from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, the Bureau of Land Management will address abandoned mine land and abandoned well projects. Most of the abandoned mine land projects were selected for ARRA funding because of physical safety hazards and their close proximity to public places and high-use areas such as trails, designated off-highway vehicle areas, and picnic areas.

Habitat Restoration
The Bureau of Land Management will use a portion of funds from the ARRA to restore and protect habitats supporting at-risk plant and animal communities in the BLM’s National Landscape Conservation System. Other special BLM areas, such as Areas of Critical Environmental Concern, Special Recreation Management Areas, Wildland Urban Interface areas, and riparian areas on other BLM-managed public lands will also receive ARRA funding for important restoration work. Riparian-wetlands play a prominent role in ensuring a life-sustaining and precious supply of water, acting as key indicators of watershed health.

Roads, Bridges, and Trails
The Bureau of Land Management maintains over 40,000 miles of roads, 850 bridges, and thousands of miles of trails on the National System of Public Lands. This includes over 18,000 miles of scenic, historic, and recreational trails. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 funds will be used to fund BLM road, bridge, and trail projects that improve the infrastructure and enhance recreation experiences on the National System of Public Lands. These projects will also provide safer transportation routes for BLM personnel and visitors to the public lands.

Construction and Deferred Maintenance
The Bureau of Land Management maintains many structural facilities to support visitors and users of the BLM’s National System of Public Lands. To help maintain these facilities, the BLM invests in capital improvements, including replacing aging and deficient communication towers; constructing facilities at popular recreation sites; installing energy-efficient systems on buildings to reduce energy use and related costs; repairing or replacing comfort stations, potable water systems and waste water treatment facilities; constructing new BLM facilities consistent with Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) standards; and replacing buildings due to critical health and safety issues.

Recent posts in "Bureau of Land Management":

Salazar Announces $305 Million Economic Stimulus Investment through the Bureau of Land Management to Restore Landscapes, Develop Renewable Energy, and Create Jobs

Red Rock National Conservation Area, Nevada –Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar today announced $305 million will fund more than 650 Bureau of Land Management projects across the country under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. The investments will restore landscapes and habitat, spur renewable energy development on public lands, and create jobs. Read more.

DOI Recovery Investments by Bureau

Last Updated: April 01, 2009
Content contact: recovery@ios.doi.gov