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Letters are listed in reverse chronological order by year.


SR 97-32 (SUP)
Sound Practices Guidance for Information Security for Networks
SR 97-25 (SUP)
Risk-Focused Framework for the Supervision of Community Banks
SR 97-24 (SUP)
Risk-Focused Framework for Supervision of Large Complex Institutions
SR 97-22 (SUP)
Report of Assets and Liabilities of U.S. Branches and Agencies of Foreign Banks ("FFIEC 002") - Filing Requirements for "Zero Assets" Branches and Agencies
SR 97-21 (SUP)
Risk Management and Capital Adequacy of Exposures Arising from Secondary Market Credit Activities
SR 97-20 (GEN)
Superseded SR Letters
SR 97-19 (SUP)
Private Banking Activities
SR 97-18 (GEN)
Application of Market Risk Capital Requirements to Credit Derivatives
SR 97-17 (SUP)
Access to Books and Records of Financial Institutions During Examinations and Inspections
SR 97-13 (APP)
Streamlined Section 4 Procedures for Well-Capitalized and Well-Managed Banking Organizations
SR 97-12 (APP)
Streamlined Section 3 Procedures for Well-Capitalized and Well-Managed Banking Organizations
SR 97-10 (APP)
Guidance on Protested Proposals
SR 97-9 (SUP)
Revised Examination Guidelines for Representative Offices of Foreign Banks
SR 97-8 (SUP)
Revisions to Examination Frequency Guidelines For State Member Banks
SR 97-6 (ENF)
Civil Money Penalty Assessment Procedures
SR 97-5 (ENF)
Policy Statement on Interagency Notification and Coordination of Enforcement Actions
SR 97-4 (SUP)
Interagency Guidance on Common Questions About the Application of the Revised CAMELS Rating System
SR 97-3 (SPE)
Conversion of Common Trust Funds to Mutual Funds
SR 97-2 (SPE)
Section 20 Subsidiaries - Additional Clarification of Revenue Test Treatment of Interest Income

SR Letters 1998 1996