Texas Colonial Waterbird Census

There are nearly 30 species of colonial waterbirds that regularly nest along the Texas Coast from Sabine Lake to the Lower Laguna Madre.  The Clear Lake Field Office is responsible for compiling and updating the database, which began in 1973. This data is collected by a variety of volunteers from State, Federal, Non-profit Organizations, and Professional Organizations and are estimates of breeding pairs at each colony site censused during the late May - early June annual count period. This data is intended for following long-term trends of colonial waterbird numbers along the Texas Coast.

Texas Colonial Waterbird Database includes Counts, Lat./long. data, and Summaries from 1973 to 2003 (Downloadable EXCEL FILE)

Web-based Texas Colonial Waterbird Searchable Database

1973 - 2002 Texas Colonial Waterbird Trends (Powerpoint Presentation)

Colony Locations - Arcview Shapefile (point data) Download (ZIP format)

Most Recent Texas Colonial Waterbird Database file for downloading

The image on the left is an example of the shapefile used in a DOQQ or Raster image whereas the image on the right is a graphic interpretation using Department of Commerce Tiger Data.



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