Meeting Notes

Monthly USGS/USFWS Director’s Meeting

September 17, 2003


Attendance: Steve Williams, Chip Groat, Matt Hogan, Dan Ashe, Sue Haseltine.


Bird Banding Laboratory:  The Directors received a report on the status of efforts since their last meeting on July 29, 2003.  USGS staff (Graham Smith) is leading an effort, in consultation with FWS staff (Bob Blohm) to draft a white paper that will represent consensus between the two agencies regarding the core mission and responsibilities of the BBL.  Our goal is to complete this white paper in early to mid-October and to make it an addendum to the Charter for the proposed BBL Taskforce.  The process of developing and approving the Charter will proceed simultaneously with work on the white paper.  The BBL Taskforce will require FACA chartering, including approval by both bureaus’ Assistant Secretaries:  Water and Science: and Fish, Wildlife, and Parks.  The goal for completion of the chartering process is late-October or early-November.


The Directors asked for reports from the respective bureau staff on presentations and discussions related to BBL within IAFWA committees at the recent Madison, WI meeting.  Judd Howell will prepare a summary report for USGS.  Steve Williams said he will ask for a report from FWS representatives who attended the meetings.


Steve Williams will re-examine the Department’s response to IAFWA’s BBL letter and recommend any necessary changes to USGS before finalization.  Post meeting update: Director Williams approved the letter to the IAFWA and it has been sent (10-06-03).


Great Lakes Science Center:  The Directors shared a common concern for erosion of support for both facilities and operations.  Director Groat said that the “community” wants another $3 million in funding to support the Center.  He provided a summary of the FY 04 and FY 05 status:  For FY 04 both House and Senate have added $300k and the Senate has included an additional $700k; for FY 05 the USGS component of the bureaus’ joint science initiative contains an increase of $500k for the Great Lakes Science Center to support these activities.  Also, he noted, for FY 04, the USGS budget includes a technical adjustment that moves $600k from Center science operations to their facilities maintenance account.  The funding will be used for vessel maintenance, but some may misperceive it as a funding cut.


Both Directors expressed support for stock assessment and monitoring as a core function and responsibility of the Great Lakes Science Center.


The Directors requested a status report on establishment of the FWS liaison to the Great Lakes Science Center.  Robyn Thorson and Leon Carl will be asked to provide a joint status report by October 15, 2003


USGS staff will redraft pending responses to stakeholder and congressional letters on this subject (Sue Haseltine/lead).  Post meeting update:  USGS has provided a revised letter for FWS review.  Dan Ashe is coordinating with Robyn Thorson and Mamie Parker (10-06-03).


Joint Awards:  Both Directors endorsed the idea of jointly acknowledging employees who are modeling excellence in coordination and cooperation between the two bureaus.  Sue Haseltine and Dan Ashe were tasked to design a process for acknowledging and awarding such employees.


Joint Positions:  The Directors discussed several positions currently being considered that will enhance coordination and cooperation between the bureaus and other partners.  The USGS has advertised and is in the final stages of selection for a liaison to the IAFWA.  This is a GS-14/15 position.  It is possible that the position will need to be re-advertised.  Regardless, the Directors agreed to work together and that this position offers great potential to improve cooperation on science issues between both bureaus and our common partners in the States.


The FWS is considering a liaison position (IPA) with The Wildlife Society.  This led to a general discussion about improving relationships with professional societies.  For instance, USGS reported that it has been working with the American Fisheries Society (including financial support for information enhancements).  Both Directors agreed that we need to coordinate our efforts with regard to professional societies.


As an action item, the Directors agreed that their next meeting should have a focus in this area and that they would like to invite IAFWA Executive Vice President, John Baughman, to the discussion.