Meeting Notes

Monthly USGS/USFWS Director’s Meeting

July 29, 2003


Attendance: Steve Williams, Chip Groat, Marshall Jones, Dan Ashe, Sue Haseltine, Paul Schmidt, Graham Smith, Steve Henry (shadowing Marshall Jones).


Director Williams suggested that the next meeting (August) should be held at the USGS Headquarters, in Reston, VA.  He would like to visit the facility, and has not had the chance to do so.  Director Groat agreed and suggested that their monthly meeting might then be followed by some presentation and discussion with other USGS staff.


USGS provided a briefing on progress inefforts to addressing operational needs at the Bird Banding Laboratory (BBL).


Band Supply: USGS has increased budget from about $120K in 1999-2000, to about $280K in 2003, including $50K for hard metal (i.e., sea duck) bands; currently have a 21.5 year supply of larger (i.e., waterfowl bands); continuing problems with backordered limited supplies of smaller bands which they are addressing with vendors.  Complaints about band supply have been much reduced.


Band Quality:  USGS has implemented a vendor compliance program, including internal, random checks for quality, which seems to have addressed past issues with poor quality bands.  Complaints about band quality have been much reduced.


Data Management:  USGS has converted to an Oracle client-server system to begin building the “relational database” that the community has been demanding for years; Band Manager softwareSoftware allows electronic submission of banding data, and they are working on web-based data entry and retrieval capabilities.  Toll-free number for reporting is operational in U.S. and Canada and service issues have been addressed (78% of band reports now come through the toll-free phone line).  Currently, toll-free number is not available in Mexico.  USGS and FWS staff will be meeting to discuss this issue further and will report at future meetings between the two Directors.


Reward Band Studies:  USGS is using FWS funds for processing reports and payments.  Over 2000 rewards paid in ’02-’03; future expansions to cover Snow and Canada geese, and Mourning doves and Wood ducks are anticipated.




BBBL Staffing:  USGS is filling key positions; Oracle programmer and waterfowl biologist to work with states and flyways; BBL Chief (GS-14) will be advertised this summer.


Proposed BBL Taskforce:  USGS proposes that the two bureaus join in forming a FACA chartered taskforce to chart future vision and course for BBL.  Director Williams said he was encouraged that USGS views Service as an equal partner and principal client for BBL.  He expressed concern that “core mission” of BBL be maintained and that the proposed taskforce not set unrealistic expectations that might be well intentioned but result in dimunitiondiminution of BBL core mission.  Director Groat agreed that support for the bureaus’s’ needs is the first priority.  Sue Haseltine and Dan Ashe were asked to work on revisions to the proposed charter to address these needs and concerns.


The final topic of discussion was to try and reach resolution on dates for the USGS/FWS Science Summit, at NCTC.  This will be a joint meeting of the combined, bureau executive leadership and provide opportunity to develop personal relationships, learn about bureau perspectives and priorities, and identify ways to coordinate and communicate more effectively.  The week of October 27 was selected.  A two day meeting is anticipated toward the end of thate week. Further information will be provided within the next several weeks.