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Principal Magazine

Principal is NAESP's award-winning magazine written for K-8 principals. It is published in September, November, January, March, and May each year.

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The Gifted and Talented Child
May/June 2009 Table of Contents
Susan K. Johnsen
No single test can capture a gifted student’s dynamic abilities.

Where Are All the Students of Color in Gifted Education?
Kathleen A. King, Elizabeth B. Kozleski, and Kimberly Lansdowne
New strategies are opening gifted programs to culturally and linguistically diverse students.
Holly Hultgren

Looping to Meet the Needs of Gifted Children
Michael W. Pratt
A three-year looping schedule has found unexpected success in meeting the emotional and academic needs of gifted and talented children.

Going Beyond the Basics to Reach All Children
Norma Fisher-Doiron and Susan Irvine
Research Supplement:
Principals’ Salaries, 2008-2009
Willa D. Cooke and Chris Licciardi
Research Report:
Single-Sex Classrooms
Nancy Protheroe
Don’t expect it to be a “silver bullet,” but single-sex education may provide the solution some students need to focus on learning.

Principals in Partnership With Math Coaches
Catherine Miles Grant and Linda Ruiz Davenport
Principals have a significant role to play in enabling coaches to support the implementation of a sound math curriculum.
From the Editors
Little Geniuses
Vanessa St. Gerard and Kaylen Tucker

Parents & Schools
Shattering Barriers to Parent Involvement
John H. Wherry

It’s the Law
Gifted Education
Perry A. Zirkel

Treating Every Child as Gifted and Talented
Gail Connelly


Practitioner’s Corner
Getting Out of the Office and Into the Classroom
Kathleen J. Parkhurst

Developing a Culture of Learning
Joyce E. Dunn and Kathleen Vail

Principal’s Bookshelf
The Distributed Leadership Toolbox: Essential Practices for Successful Schools
by Mark E. McBeth
Reviewed by James Linde

The Bridge to Literacy: No Child—or Adult—Left Behind
by John Corcoran
Reviewed by Roma Morris

The Reflective Principal
Traveling the Road to Educational Leadership
Junella D. Handley

Ten to Teen
Trends and Issues in Middle-Level Sports
C. Kenneth McEwin and John Swaim

Speaking Out
From Teacher to Administrator: What Does It Take?
Mary F. Borba
Pat Goldys
Susan Penny Gray and William A. Streshly

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