Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 30
Government Transportation Expenditures by Mode and Level of Government From Own Funds

(Millions of current dollars)

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  1980 1990 2000 2003
Highway total 34,553 62,629 103,952 U
Federal 11,706 15,517 27,759 32,633
State and local 22,847 47,112 76,192 U
Transit total 8,949 19,251 32,384 U
Federal 3,307 3,832 5,334 4,922
State and local 5,642 15,420 27,050 U
Rail total 2,497 540 767 U
Federal 2,474 534 760 1,206
State and local 23 6 7 U
Air total 5,673 12,568 22,017 U
Federal 3,762 7,305 10,481 13,179
State and local 1,911 5,263 11,536 U
Water total 4,477 5,480 7,946 U
Federal 3,308 3,537 4,814 5,475
State and local 1,168 1,943 3,132 U
Pipeline totala - 26 36 U
Federal - 9 36 61
State and local - 17 U U
General supportb 259 191 259 8,554
Total, all modes 56,407 100,685 167,360 U
Federal 24,815 30,924 49,443 66,029
State and local 31,592 69,770 117,916 U

a Includes gas and liquid pipeline.

b Includes federal only: administrative and operating expenditures of the Office of the Secretary of Transportation (excluding outlays for Payments to Air Carriers and Commission on Aircraft Safety programs included under "Air" above), the Interstate Commerce Commission (1995 and prior), Office of the Inspector General, the Research and Special Programs Administration (excluding outlays for the Pipeline Safety program included in "Pipeline" above), the National Transportation Safety Board, the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, and the Surface Transportation Board.

Key: - = no activity or a value of zero; U = unavailable.

Notes: Expenditures are from "own funds" for specified level of government. Federal includes direct spending and grants to states and localities. State and local includes outlays from all sources except federal grants. Numbers may not add to totals due to rounding. Only federal government expenditures are included for 2003.

Sources: Various sources, as cited in U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transpor­tation Statistics, Government Transportation Financial Statistics 2003, available at http://www.bts.gov/government_transportation_financial_statistics/index.html, as of October 2005.

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