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Recreation Resource Advisory Committees - Questions and Answers

You are here: Home > Passes & Permits > Recreation Fees and Passes > Recreation Resource Advisory Committees > Recreation RAC Questions and Answers


What does a Recreation RAC Do?

The Recreation RAC provides recommendations on recreation fee proposals on federal lands managed by the Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management.



What kinds of fees do Recreation RACs consider?

  • The Recreation RACs do provide recommendations on implementing or eliminating standard amenity fees, expanded amenity fees, and non-commercial individual special recreation permit fees; expanding or limiting the recreation fee program; and fee level changes (increases or decreases).
  • Recreation RACs do not make recommendations on recreation fee sites operated by a concessionaire or contractor, commercial permits such as outfitting and guiding, or Forest Service special use permits or BLM special recreation permits issued for group events such as bike races.



Who serves on a Recreation RAC?

A total of 11 members will serve on each Recreation RAC:

  • Category One: Five people who represent recreation users and include as appropriate: winter motorized, winter non-motorized, summer motorized, summer non-motorized, and hunting and fishing.
  • Category Two: Three people who represent interest groups that include, as appropriate: motorized outfitters and guides, non-motorized outfitter and guides, local environmental groups.
  • Category Three: Three people, one in each position: State tourism official, a person who represents affected local government interests, a person who represents affected Indian tribes’ issues.



What are the responsibilities of individual committee members?

1. Represent interests of groups by generating information necessary from interest groups, and sharing discussions as appropriate.

2. Understand and agree to meeting commitments:

a. A quorum, 8 members, must exist for the Recreation RAC to hold an official meeting.

b. A majority of members from each of three member groups (at least 7 members) must be present to make recommendations.

c. A majority of total members (at least 6 members) must be present to make decisions such as nominating a chairperson.

3. Work in a team setting and be open to discussing and understanding differing viewpoints.



Are Recreation RAC meetings open to the public?

Yes. Recreation RACs are chartered committees and therefore will include a public comment period. However non-committee members will not be able to participate directly in committee discussions or exercises unless invited.



How will the public know about Recreation RAC meetings?

All meetings of must be published in the Federal Register 15 days before the meeting as well as announced through local media. These announcements include a tentative agenda for the meeting and public comment time, so people can determine whether or not they would like to attend. In addition, links to all meeting announcements, agendas and notes will be available at each RAC web site which can be found at www.fs.fed.us/passespermits/rrac-org-links.shtml.



Are Recreation RAC members paid?

Recreation RAC members do not receive compensation; however, they are reimbursed for transportation, lodging and meal expenses.



How long do members serve?

The first members will serve either two or three year terms. After the first term, all members will serve three years, with renewals or new recruitments coming up on a rotational basis. With this ‘rolling’ schedule of service, the Recreation RAC will not lose all experienced members at one time.



Can I be reappointed to the Recreation RAC or am I limited to one term?

The Secretary of Agriculture may choose to appoint Recreation RAC members to additional terms.



How long will the Recreation RACs last?

Recreation RACs are currently expected to be in place as long as the REA exists, which is until December 2014. If the REA is re-authorized, Recreation RACs may exist for a longer period of time.



What is the Recreation RAC Charter?

The charter (108 KB PDF) is the document that officially identifies the membership, duties, costs, meeting requirements and any special instructions for the Recreation RACs. This document will be renewed every two years.



Can members give input on items other than recreation fees?

Recreation RAC members are members of the public and can give comments and opinions, on an individual basis, on any aspect of Forest Service or BLM management. However, in terms of the formal recommendation process as described in the REA, Recreation RACs are limited to the roles and duties outlined in their charter.



What are alternates?

Alternates will also be chosen from those who apply for Recreation RAC positions. Alternates will be asked to serve on the Recreation RAC if a position becomes vacant. They do not serve if a member must be absent from a meeting.



Who can nominate?

You may nominate yourself, someone from your organization or anyone else who you believe would serve the needs of the Recreation RAC.


US Forest Service
Last modified November 20, 2008

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