Avian Influenza in Wild Birds—Sources of Information

John L. Trapp
Fish and Wildlife Service
Division of Migratory Bird Management
Arlington, Virginia
Prepared October 31, 2005
Last Revised November 14, 2005

The purpose of this document is to bring together in one location some of the more informative Web sites having information specific to avian influenza in wild birds.  Avian influenzas of many different strains have long been known to occur naturally in wild birds, particularly waterfowl and shorebirds.  These viruses normally circulate in wild bird populations, but rarely cause mortality.  Long a focus of concern by the poultry industry as a source of influenza infections in domestic stock, the influenza strains that infect wild birds was not known to infect humans until recently.  Since 1997, the highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza virus has emerged as a source of mortality in wild birds, domestic poultry, and humans in southeast Asia.  The precise roles played by migratory birds in the spread of H5N1 and its transmittal to domestic poultry and humans remain uncertain and continue to be debated by experts.

If you reference only one of the links below, we suggest that you make it the National Wildlife Health Center’s Avian Influenza Home Page, which we consider to be the premier online source for information on avian influenza in wild birds.

To make navigation of this site easier, links to avian influenza in wild birds are organized in six categories:

Information from Agencies of the U.S. Government
Information from State Wildlife Agencies
Information from Other Government Agencies Worldwide
Views of Non-Governmental Bird Conservation Organizations
Media Sources
Technical Literature

Although not a primary focus of this site, we also provide major links to Other Aspects of Avian Influenza (specifically H5N1 in humans and domestic poultry) and to PandemicFlu.gov, “the official U.S. government Web site for information on pandemic flu and avian influenza.”

Disclaimer: While we believe that each of the links below are useful and informative relative to avian influenza in wild birds, we cannot vouch for the accuracy or validity of any of the many documents lying outside the domain of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and do not necessarily agree with the views expressed therein.

Information from Agencies of the U.S. Government

Information from State Wildlife Agencies

Information from Other Government Agencies Worldwide

Views of Non-Governmental Bird Conservation Organizations

Media Sources

Technical Literature Other Aspects of Avian Influenza

Date Prepared: 2005/10/31
Last Revised:   2005/11/14

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