United States Forest Service.

Pacific Southwest Region
1323 Club Drive
Vallejo, CA 94592
TTY: 707.562.9240
FAX: 707.562.9130

Counting Carbon on the Mendocino National Forest

Tree parts and fragments lying about on the forest floor can be hazardous fuels.

The Mendocino National Forest (MNF) has partnered with the Pacific Southwest Research Station (PSW) and Winrock International on a unique research project to determine the carbon benefits associated with hazardous fuels thinnings, including how to measure the amount of greenhouse gases emitted by wildfires. This project will take place in conjunction with the Alder Springs Fuels Reduction Stewardship Project and will conduct research on fuels management treatments.

The 3,600–acre Alder Springs Hazardous Fuel Reduction project will thin forests and conduct prescribed burning within a Wildland Urban Interface about 25 miles west of Willows in Glenn County, in a historically fire–prone area.

The Mendocino National Forest awarded a stewardship contract to Sierra Pacific Industries (SPI) of Anderson, CA, to thin trees and remove biomass in order to reduce the size and intensity of future wildfires while improving forest health. Sierra Pacific Industries will transport the biomass to Wheelabrator Shasta Energy Company of Anderson, CA, for conversion into electricity. The Mendocino National Forest will follow up the thinning operations with prescribed burning.

Trees and other vegetation remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere and convert it to carbon. This carbon is stored until released as carbon dioxide by wildfire or other event. Various fuel and vegetation treatments can increase carbon storage and decrease the size and intensity of wildfires. Some of the carbon benefits of fuels reduction are reduced greenhouse gas emissions from wildfires, enhanced carbon storage in healthy trees, and use of the biomass to generate electricity in the commercial market.

However, exact data on the effects of various treatments are not currently known. Under the Alder project, researchers will gather data to quantify the effects of various fuels and vegetation projects on greenhouse gases and carbon storage. Once quantified, benefits could potentially be transacted in carbon markets to provide additional funding to accomplish hazardous fuel reduction work on additional acres of national forest land.

Work on the SPI contract began in the fall 2007 and is expected to be completed by March 2009. To date, approximately 50 percent of the sale area has been harvested. PSW and Winrock International will finalize their analysis and produce findings over the next two years.

Carbon markets and renewable energy incentives are developing rapidly in California and nationally. The potential for new market opportunities will not be known until research and independent analysis has been completed. Results of this cutting–edge project are expected to help California and other state registries develop rules for wildfire emission reduction accounting.