United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Iowa NRCS Programs2008 Farm Bill

Conservation Innovation Grants - a voluntary program intended to stimulate the development and adoption of innovative conservation approaches and technologies.

Conservation Operations - Conservation operations is the NRCS day-to-day technical assistance program.

Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) - Mid Contract Management Iowa Job Sheets

Conservation Security Program - a voluntary conservation program that supports ongoing conservation stewardship of agricultural working lands and enhances the condition of America's natural resources.

Conservation Stewardship Program - Through CSP, NRCS will provide financial and technical assistance to eligible producers to conserve and enhance soil, water, air, and related natural resources on their land. Eligible lands include cropland, grassland, prairie land, improved pastureland, rangeland, nonindustrial private forest lands, agricultural land under the jurisdiction of an Indian tribe, and other private agricultural land (including cropped woodland, marshes, and agricultural land used for the production of livestock) on which resource concerns related to agricultural production could be addressed. Participation in the program is voluntary.

Farm Bill Programs

  • FY07 Maps - Maps showing how FY07 Farm Bill Program funds were distributed and resulting contracts in Iowa.
  • FY06 Maps - Maps showing how FY06 Farm Bill Program funds were distributed and resulting contracts in Iowa.
  • FY04 Maps - Maps showing how FY04 Farm Bill Program funds were distributed and resulting contracts in Iowa.
  • FY03 Maps - Maps showing how FY03 Farm Bill Program funds were distributed and resulting contracts in Iowa.

Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program (FRPP)- Dedicated to slow the rate of conversion of prime and unique agricultural land to urban development.

Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) - EQIP is a voluntary conservation program that promotes agricultural production and environmental quality. This program is available to farmers, and offers financial and technical assistance to install or implement structural and management practices on eligible agricultural land.

Grassland Reserve Program (GRP) - voluntary conservation program that helps private landowners and operators restore and protect grassland, including rangeland and pastureland.

Grazing Land Conservation Initiative - works directly with landowners, private groups, and NRCS staff to demonstrate and assist landowners on how to implement prescribed grazing plans.

A Guide to Conservation Programs: for Iowa Landowners - purposes, practices, eligibility, contract info and contacts for:

Manure Management - Provides a vehicle for a coordinated and comprehensive approach to improve manure management in Iowa.

National Resources Inventory

PL-566 - The Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Program

Plant Materials - The Elsberry Plant Materials Center serving Iowa released 27 trees, shrubs and native grass and forb seed species to Iowa seed growers who produce seed and bare root stock for conservation purposes. 

Resource, Conservation, and Development (RC&D) - Works in communities to complete a wide variety of natural resource and community development projects

Small Watershed Program - Planning for watershed project rehabilitation.

Soil Survey - Modern soil surveys are available in all 99 Iowa Counties.

Wetlands Reserve Program (WRP) - provides technical and financial assistance to willing owners of eligible lands to restore, create, or enhance wetlands through conservation easements and restoration cost-share agreements to improve migratory birds and wildlife habitat, improve water quality, and aid in flood control and ground water recharge.

Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program (WHIP) - A voluntary program that helps landowners develop wildlife habitat on private lands.

Electronic Forms

  • CCC-1250 and NRCS-LTP-1:  Application for Long-Term Contracted Assistance
  • CCC-1257 and NRCS-LTP-24:  Notice of Intent to Continue
  • CCC-1202 and NRCS FNM-141:  Application for Payment