Federal Aviation Administration

Washington Headquarters Press Release

For Immediate Release

Release No. AOC 13-06
June 5, 2006
Contact: Geoff Basye
Phone: (202) 267-3883

Statement on NATCA Contract by FAA Administrator Marion C. Blakey

“Despite negotiations lasting nine months, including one month of mediation, the Federal Aviation Administration and NATCA could not agree on the terms of a new contract that would allow necessary changes in the agency’s personnel system. As provided by law, we sent our entire proposal, along with NATCA’s proposal and objections, to Congress on April 5, 2006 for a period of 60 days. That period for review has ended without modification of our proposal by Congress. Therefore, under the terms of our statute, the FAA’s proposed change takes effect as of today, and we will begin the process of implementing our proposal.   

“We recognize that change of this kind will require close coordination with our managers, supervisors and union representatives. Thus, even though the prior contract has ended, we will transition by operating under the former work rules and pay rules as we phase-in the successor terms and conditions. The phase-in will be handled in a deliberate and orderly manner, and we will ensure that air traffic managers and supervisors are well trained to implement these provisions and to answer questions from the workforce as they arise. Our controllers are part of a very dedicated workforce and we are committed to working with them to ensure a smooth transition.”
