Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 4
Multifactor Productivity in Trucking

(Tornqvist methodology with land input)

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Year Indexes (2000=100) Growth
MFP Growth (%)
Time Period Growth of MFP (Annual Percentage)
Output Index Combined Input Index Multifactor Productivity
1987 48.70 55.8 87.29      
1988 54.74 58.2 94.00 7.69    
1989 57.38 60.4 94.96 1.02    
1990 60.68 63.3 95.83 0.92    
1991 61.89 62.0 99.81 4.15    
1992 67.01 64.7 103.63 3.83   s
1993 69.71 66.8 104.41 0.76    
1994 76.23 72.7 104.86 0.43    
1995 78.29 76.4 102.48 -2.27 1987-1995 2.0
1996 82.54 80.4 102.62 0.13    
1997 86.32 84.3 102.37 -0.24    
1998 92.63 90.9 101.91 -0.45    
1999 97.52 96.9 100.60 -1.29    
2000 100.00 100.0 100.00 -0.59    
2001 93.83 96.2 97.50 -2.50 1995-2001 -0.8
2002 92.20 93.3 98.86 1.39 1995-2003 -0.4
2003 86.71 87.1 99.57 0.72 2001-2003 1.1
          1987-2003 0.8

Sources: Data for output, labor, and intermediate inputs were obtained from BEA Industry Accounts at: http://www.bea.gov/bea/dn2/gdpbyind_data.htm. Accounts at: http://www.bea.gov/bea/dn/FA2004/Details/Index.html. The BTS calculations are described in the text. Data for fixed assets, from Fixed Assets

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