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National Forum on Education Statistics

Data Ethics Task Force

Purpose: The Data Ethics Task Force is developing a Code of Ethics for a broad range of stakeholders in the education data community. The Code will address ethical issues focused on the management and use of education data, with particular emphasis on individually identifiable student and staff data. This Code of Ethics will be philosophical enough to complement, and be customizable to, a wide range of state statutes and regulations. Supporting text will be specific enough to make ethical principles understandable and actionable for staff in an education organization.

Current Tasks: The Data Ethics Task Force is currently developing draft guidelines and plans to release its final product by the Summer 2009 Forum.

Meeting Schedule: No meeting is currently scheduled.

Cheryl McMurtrey, Mountain Home School District 193 (ID);
Stephen Metcalf, Montpelier School District (VT);
Janice Petro, Colorado Department of Education;
Tom Purwin, Jersey City Public Schools (NJ);
Lee Rabbit, North Kingstown School Department (RI);
David Uhlig, Charlottesville City Public Schools (VA)

E-mail: [Note that only registered members of a listserv (i.e., members of the task force) can send messages.]

Chair: Tom Purwin, Jersey City Public Schools (NJ)

NCES Staff: Stephen Cornman

Support: Tom Szuba, QIP

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