Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 6-3a
Top Canadian Gateways for North American Merchandise Trade by Mode: 1996

(Current value in millions of U.S. dollars)

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Port name Exports Imports Total
North American trade
To Mexico To the United States Total North American From Mexico From the United States Total North American
Toronto-Pearson Int. Air, Ont. 63 4,125 4,188 151 4,149 4,300 8,488
Montréal-Dorval Int. Air, Que. 19 1,422 1,441 23 1,984 2,007 3,448
Montréal-Mirabel Int. Air, Que. 5 726 731 10 678 689 1,420
Vancouver-Int. Airport, B.C. 1 344 345 9 860 869 1,214
Calgary, Alta. 21 322 343 17 574 590 933
Hamilton, Ont. 1 0 1 10 344 354 355
Winnipeg-Int. Airport, Man. 0 43 43 5 276 280 324
Ottawa, Ont. 2 215 217 1 94 95 312
Edmonton, Alta. 0 5 6 3 258 260 266
Halifax, N.S. 0 25 25 0 98 98 124
Water Transport              
Saint John, N.B. 1 1,213 1,214 NS 27 27 1,241
Montréal-Main Long Room, Que. 18 321 339 24 146 171 510
Halifax, N.S. 1 416 417 4 28 33 450
Sept-Îles, Que. 0 376 376 1 34 35 411
Port  Hawkesbury, N.S. 0 381 381 NS 7 7 388
Hamilton, Ont. NS NS NS 1 355 355 355
Nanaimo, B.C. 0 345 345 NS 5 5 351
Vancouver, B.C. 0 NS NS 9 233 242 242
Baie-Comeau, Que. 6 49 56 NS 176 176 232
Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. 0 NS NS NS 150 150 150
Windsor-Ambassador  Bridge, Ont. 185 34,769 34,955 1,409 30,648 32,057 67,011
Fort Erie, Ont. 17 19,094 19,112 72 10,024 10,095 29,207
Sarnia, Ont. 22 12,345 12,367 687 10,992 11,679 24,046
Lacolle, Que. 11 7,032 7,044 37 2,897 2,934 9,978
Pacific Highway, B.C. 0 3,895 3,895 98 3,769 3,867 7,763
Phillipsburg, Que. 0 4,393 4,393 6 1,872 1,878 6,271
Emerson, Man. 0 2,875 2,875 18 2,603 2,620 5,496
Niagara Falls, Ont. 9 46 56 25 4,053 4,078 4,133
Coutts, Alta. 6 1,930 1,936 39 1,878 1,917 3,853
North Portal, Sask. 9 1,655 1,664 7 1,687 1,694 3,358
Sarnia, Ont. 37 10,157 10,194 659 1,515 2,174 12,368
Windsor-Ambassador Bridge, Ont. 9 8,207 8,216 420 1,278 1,698 9,914
Fort Erie, Ont. 0 7,296 7,296 2 41 43 7,339
Fort Frances, Ont. 60 3,257 3,316 NS 64 64 3,380
Pacific Highway, B.C. 2 1,601 1,603 4 28 32 1,635
North Portal, Sask. 3 1,323 1,326 NS 0 0 1,326
Huntington, B.C. 0 1,143 1,143 0 180 181 1,323
Emerson, Man. 3 964 968 NS 119 119 1,087
Lacolle, Que. 1 672 673 NS 118 118 790
Montréal, Que. 0 NS NS 30 706 736 736
Pipeline and other              
Coutts, Alta. 0 3,188 3,188 NS 1 1 3,189
Sarnia, Ont. 0 2,314 2,314 NS 232 232 2,546
Emerson, Man. 0 2,092 2,092 NS 1 1 2,093
Pacific Highway, B.C. 0 1,331 1,331 NS 2 2 1,333
Lacolle, Que. 0 1,125 1,125 NS 0 0 1,125
Windsor-Ambassador Bridge, Ont. 0 918 918 NS 4 4 922
Niagara Falls, Ont. 0 726 726 2 1 2 729
Prescott, Ont. 0 674 674 NS 0 0 674
Fort Erie, Ont. 0 651 651 NS 5 5 656
Windsor-Detroit/Can. Tunnel, Ont. 0 238 238 NS 0 0 238

KEY: NS = Not signficant.

NOTE: Pipeline and other: Includes mostly pipeline moves, but also includes mail, parcel post and other miscellaneous modes of transportation. It is not possible to separate pipeline data from these other modes of transportation.

SOURCE: Statistics Canada. International Trade Division. Special tabulations. (Ottawa, Ont.: 1998).

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