Table 2-8a,,, U.S. Receipts From and Payments to Canada for,,, Merchandise and Services Trade,,, (Balance of Payments Basis),,, (Millions of current U.S. dollars),,, ,,, ,1990,1995,1996 ,,, Receipts from exports to Canada,,, " Merchandise exports, total ","83,674","127,226","134,210" " Trade adjustments, total ",-210,359,399 Export merchandise trade (balance of payments) ,"83,464","127,585","134,609" " Services, total ","16,605","18,247","19,951" Transportation ,"2,800","3,807","4,051" Air,290,346,420 Landa,"1,259","2,087","2,208" Water ,272,90,92 Passenger fares ,979,"1,284","1,331" Tourism and other services ,"13,805","14,440","15,900" Tourism ,U,U,U Other services ,U,U,U ,,, "Receipts, total ","100,069","145,832","154,560" ,,, Payments for imports from Canada,,, " Merchandise imports, total (customs value) ","91,380","144,369","155,892" " Trade adjustments, total ",U,U,U Import merchandise trade (balance of payments) ,"93,098","148,087","158,640" " Services, total ","102,464","134,523","143,086" Transportation ,"2,722","3,505","3,853" Air,246,325,388 Landa,"2,004","2,590","2,831" Water ,217,284,243 Passenger fares ,255,306,391 Tourism and other services ,"99,742","131,018","139,233" Tourism ,U,U,U Other services ,U,U,U ,,, "Payments, total ","195,562","282,610","301,726" ,,, Balance ,"-95,493","-136,778","-147,166" "aLand refers to trucking, rail and pipeline services, unless otherwise noted.",,, KEY: U = Data are unavailable.,,, NOTE: Detailed data on North American merchandise trade commodities can be found in Section 6.,,, SOURCES,,, "U.S. Department of Commerce. Bureau of Economic Analysis. Survey of Current Business, September 1993, July 1996, and October",,, "1997. (Washington, DC: various years).",,, "U.S. Department of Commerce. Bureau of Economic Analysis. 1998 Annual Services Historical Disk. (Washington, DC: 1998).",,,