AOPA Air Safety Foundation

Featured Stories

Become a better SkySpotter: Pireps are a great source of real-time, in-flight weather conditions. This course covers how to get, use, and give pireps to help you become a better SkySpotter (approx. 45-60 minutes).

Help them be more than just passengers: Nonpilot flying companions can take this course to learn more about the fundamentals of aircraft control and basic emergency procedures (approx. 45-60 minutes).

Put on your thinking cap: ASF Safety Quizzes offer a quick, interactive way to assess and expand your knowledge. Choose from a wide range of topics. Plus, you could win an aviation radio/scanner.

Pilots share their harrowing tales: Hear true accounts of good flights gone bad as pilots tell their harrowing tales in hopes of helping the rest of us become better aviators. Each story runs about 5-10 minutes.

Support ASF Programs: The AOPA Air Safety Foundation relies on tax-deductible contributions to fund our pilot education programs. Your donation will make a difference in improving general aviation safety.

  • Safety Blog

    Stay on top of safety trends and sort out misinformation. Our experts provide the insight from aviation’s most trusted source of safety knowledge.


  • GPS From the Ground Up

     Unlock the full potential of your box!  This dynamic new seminar discusses GPS operations as a whole, not just unit-specific functions.


  • IFR Insights: Regulations

    The regulations may be black and white, but instrument flight is a world of grays.  See how the rules intersect with the real world.

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Interactive Courses & Features

Know Before You Go

Know Before You Go: Navigating Today’s Airspace

Whether you’re planning a quick hop or an epic cross-country flight, you need to be well versed on any type of airspace that lies in your path (approx. 60-90 minutes). Take The Course >>

Learn more in less time with ASF’s free, interactive online courses. Most courses provide a personalized completion certificate and qualify for AOPA Accident Forgiveness and the FAA WINGS program.

AOPA Air Safety Foundation interactive courses are free and easy to use. Most courses take about an hour to complete, and you control the pace. If you start a course and prefer to finish at another time, your progress is automatically saved for your convenience.

View All Courses >>

ASF Safety Quiz

Each ASF Safety Quiz offers an interactive way to assess and expand your knowledge. Earn a chance to win a Sporty’s Air-Scan V Aviation Radio/Scanner! Check back often: A new quiz is featured every other week.

Take The Quiz >>

Real Pilot Stories

Real Pilot Stories are true accounts of good flights gone bad. Listen to pilots tell their harrowing tales in hopes of helping the rest of us become better pilots.

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Pilot Safety Announcements

These short public safety announcement-style videos raise awareness of common aviation safety issues.

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Safety Publications & Articles

Accident Analysis

Search the ASF Accident Database and learn from other’s mistakes. Find out more about GA safety issues with ASF’s in-depth analysis, including the Nall Report and Special Reports you won’t find anywhere else.

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Special Reports

Get straightforward analysis—based on accident reports in the ASF Accident Database—of challenges to aviation safety.

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Safety Advisor Downloads

Find need-to-know information and a wealth of practical advice in ASF’s Safety Advisors. A variety of topics are available, including airspace, weather, instrument operations, and GPS.

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Safety Pilot Articles

For insight on issues affecting flight safety, view all of ASF Executive Director Bruce Landsberg’s columns from AOPA Pilot magazine, including "Landmark Accident" special editions.

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CFI Renewal

Flight Instructor Refresher Clinics

ASF recertifies more flight instructors than any other course provider. Renew anytime in your four-month renewal period—online or in person—and keep your original expiration date.

Learn More >>

Updated July 9, 2008

ASF Accident Database

Search our accident database composed of accidents involving fixed-wing aircraft. Our objective is to encourage a safer aviation future by learning from the past.

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About ASF

The AOPA Air Safety Foundation, founded in 1950, is dedicated to just one goal - making flying easier and safer for general aviation pilots.

This Web site, free seminars, research, and safety education are funded by safety-minded pilots like you who make tax deductible contributions for the benefit of all pilots.

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Support ASF

Pilots' tax-deductible contributions support the AOPA Air Safety Foundation's safety education programs, including online courses, live safety seminars, interactive quizzes, publications, andmore.

Find out what AOPA Life Membership has to offer and learn about joining elite donor groups such as the Hat in the Ring Society, AOPA's Top Philanthropists, and the AOPA President's Council.

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ASF Store

Expand your knowledge while supporting the AOPA Air Safety Foundation by shopping in our online store. You'll find

  • DVDs (including the popular Pinch-Hitter course for non-pilot flying companions).
  • And special publications to keep you up to speed on the latest in aviation safety.

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