Last Modified: 05/08/2009  

Chief Meets with JNF Board
On April 27, Chief Kimbell addressed the Jewish National Fund's Board of Trustee's to heighten awareness of the strong partnership between the two organizations. The Jewish National Fund (JNF) is a global organization, mandated with establishing and managing Israel's forests and parks. The American division of the Jewish National Fund works with Jewish communities in the United States to raise awareness and funds for these programs. While in New York, Chief Kimbell highlighted the significant collaboration between the Forest Service and JNF over the last 22 years. The partnership began when Israel sought help from the United States following devastating wildfires in the forests between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. Since then, the partnership has blossomed into a comprehensive program of technical exchange on a variety of issues, including forest health, recreation, conservation education and research on sustainable dryland forestry. The Forest Service also plays a unique role in helping Israel sustain partnerships with its Arab neighbors on critical watershed management issues. Chief Kimbell told the gathering that the Forest Service will continue to build programs with Israel and its neighbors, and, in the coming year, will assist with Jordan River restoration efforts and on conservation of habitat for migratory species along the Great Rift Valley.

Teaming With Wildlife has Gone 2.0
Join the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies on Facebook at You can find this link on the Teaming With Wildlife Homepage at TWW is also blogging away to help spread the word in gaining support funding dedicated to fish and wildlife conservation, outdoor recreation and conservation education in every state. You can find the blog at and under the Newsroom Section on the TWW Web site.

The Western Hummingbird Project
Hummingbirds are the feathered jewels of the migratory bird world, but receive relatively little attention from a conservation standpoint. Yet, there are indications that populations of at least some of the species are declining. Current widespread monitoring efforts Breeding Bird Survey and Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship stations are not designed to capture and collect the level of data necessary to understand hummingbirds. The Forest Service and the Hummingbird Monitoring Network are working together to develop and implement the Western Hummingbird Project (WHP), designed to address hummingbird conservation issues in Canada, the U.S. and Mexico. An initial workshop that included participants from more than 24 different organizations in North Americas and Mexico was held from April 16-20, to create a common understanding about the state of knowledge and conservation of hummingbirds, identify gaps in knowledge and develop recommendations for key actions and projects to advance hummingbird conservation.

LA Times Reporters Receive Pulitzer for Wildfire Series
Los Angeles Times Reporters Bettina Boxall and Julie Cart received the 2009 Pulitzer Prize in the category of “Explanatory Reporting” for their five-part series of articles on the expense and duration of wildfires, particularly in the western Unites States. The reporters traveled to Australia to compare their wildfire reporting work. The Pulitzer Board called the series a “fresh and painstaking exploration into the cost and effectiveness of attempts to combat the growing menace of wildfires.” The series ran from July through August of 2008.

Urban Forestry Speaker Series, “Trees for People”
Watch the Uurban and Community Forestry Web site for video interviews with the speakers. On May 14th, Dr. Kathy Wolf will be sharing her social science research with, “Trees, Mind, and Heart: Enriching our Cities.” Find out how trees lower the cost of health care and make city-dwelling employees more productive. On May 21st there will be a special Trees for People talk. The Forest Service Living Memorials Project provides funding assistance to and maps living memorials created in the wake of the 9/11 attacks. Join Matt Arnn and special guest Jim Hubbard will have a quick discussion of the Living Memorials Project, followed by a bus trip to the Pentagon Memorial.

WO Green Team Celebrates “Earth Day 2009”
The Washington Office Green Team has been very active this year and the energy showed on April 22 when it came to celebrating Earth Day which included public displays and the unveiling of the “People’s Garden” outside of the Whitten Building next to the National Mall. The Team hosted a special viewing of “Extreme Makeover Ranger District Edition.” The Forest Service produced this DVD on how the Deer River Ranger District on the Chippewa National Forest, Minnesota, made structural changes to reduce their environmental footprint. (see related story). Jim Bedwell, Washington Office Green Team Sponsor and Director, Recreation, Heritage and Volunteer Resources, began the day’s activities with a discussion on the People’s Garden and how the WO Green Team was instrumental in proposing the idea for this project. The WO program concluded with a drawing for “green technology” door prizes (Kill a Watt Meters and Solar Powered Cell Phone Re-Charger.)

A Difficult Decision Made on Guide Books
Suzie Dow, publisher of the “US National Forest Campground Guide” says that after a lot of discussing and analysis they have decided the Pacific Northwest Region's “US National Forest Campground Guide” will be published as one book and only in an E-Book on CD format. Realizing this decision will disappoint some, they have found one way to enhance the E-Book. They are working on inserting Google's Mapping function into the Pacific Northwest Guide. This means if you click on the "route" link, a screen will ask you to enter your starting point, and then will generate your route to the selected campground. If this trial is successful, then this mapping feature will gradually be added to the other E-Book Guides in their series. Click here>>> to learn more.

Agency Honored at IMBD Event
International Migratory Bird Day (IMBD) is an annual celebration of one of the most important and spectacular events in the life of a migratory bird - its journey between summer and winter homes. IMBD was created to focus public attention on the need for action to conserve birds and their habitats. Celebrating bird migrations is an opportunity to introduce others to the wonder of birds. The Forest Service is a long-time supporter of International Migratory Bird Day activities, and participates in many festivals, bird education activities and presentations on National Forests and in local communities as well as internationally. IMBD prepared a special evening on April 30 at the Smithsonian's National Zoological Park, in Washington, DC to thank program sponsors, partners and participants. Representatives from the Forest Service Directorate and members of the Wings Across The Americas program attended the presentation.

Leadership Changes
The Forest Service has officially established a Homeland Security Program. Arthur Bryant, a long time Senior Executive of the agency, has accepted the position of Homeland Security Manager. He will start to work immediately on bringing the various components of the agency’s homeland security efforts together under a single umbrella. One of Bryant’s initial projects will involve leading the development of a comprehensive homeland security policy around a solid set of core values and guiding principles for the Forest Service. He will also be the primary liaison to coordinate activities with the Department and other external Homeland Security offices and functions for the Forest Service.

President Theodore Roosevelt Visits Grey Towers in Unique Living History Program
President Theodore Roosevelt comes to life and salutes his friend and colleague Gifford Pinchot in a special program on Saturday, May 23, at 7 pm, at Grey Towers National Historic Site, Milford, Pa. “TR Pays Special Tribute to Gifford Pinchot,” brings the nation’s premiere Theodore Roosevelt re-enactor, Joe Wiegand, to Pinchot’s ancestral home where he demonstrates an unparalleled grasp of history and an uncanny way of quickly convincing you that you are in the company of the great Rough Rider President. TR and Pinchot were friends and colleagues and shared a conservation philosophy that helped shape how the nation manages its natural resources. The two founded the U.S. Forest Service and TR named Pinchot its first chief. Hosted by the Grey Towers Heritage Association, the unique program kicks off Grey Towers’ 2009 public program season.

International Migratory Bird Day Partnership and National Fishing Week Reports
Donald J. Virgovic, Forest Service National Naturewatch Program Leader says, " the Forest Service NatureWatch Program has been commited to host cooperative partnership festivals, field trips, and school presentations to celebrate migratory birds. Please allow this electronic report to serve as documentation of our 2008 efforts. The Forest Service NatureWatch and Fisheries Programs have been commited to host cooperative partnership National Fishing Week Events for over 20 years, as well. This electronic report serves as documentation of our 2008 efforts."

Congress Identifies State Natural Resource Agencies in the No Child Left Inside Act of 2009
The legislation will authorize $100 million over each of the next five years for developing school curricula for outdoor learning activities, teacher professional development and the creation of state environmental literacy plans. Read more>>>.

Climate Change Publications Available
International Programs announced that several publications are now online: Adaptation of Forests And People to Climate Change – A Global Assessment Report, What is Forest Landscape Restoration? and Making Forests Fit For Climate Change.

REGION 4 - Intermountain Region

Fire Safe Councils Receive over $250,000 in Grants
The 2010 Clearinghouse grants have been awarded to Fire Safe Councils. The Twin Lakes and Swauger Creek Fire Safe Councils of the Eastern Sierra were awarded $251,218 to remove hazardous fuels and reduce wildfire risk. Work will occur on private property this summer and fall to provide defensible space for 175 homes adjacent to the Bridgeport Ranger District on the Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest (Nev.). The Bridgeport Ranger District has worked actively alongside the Fire Safe Councils for the past six years to help create the councils, provide advice and educate members/homeowners about the benefits of fuels reduction and the risk of wildfires, and help the Councils create their grant proposals.

REGION 5 - Pacific Southwest Region

Big Sur and Los Padres NF Featured in Smithsonian
The latest issue of Smithsonian magazine features an 11 page story and a cover photograph on the Big Sur area and the Los Padres National Forest - with a special mention of the region's Recreation, Engineering and Lands specialist, Bruce Emmens.

REGION 8 - Southern Region

Forest Service and NRCS Celebrate Earth Day and Arbor Day Together
The Daniel Boone National Forest and the Lexington Service Center of NRCS joined in the celebration of two special events: “Reforest the Bluegrass” on April 11 and “Arbor Day at the Arboretum” on April 25 in Lexington, Ky. Both events featured children’s activities, tree planting, entertainment and exhibits. More than 1,000 people attended each event. A special exhibit was developed to represent the shared commitment between the two USDA agencies. The exhibit headline was “Cooperating to Promote Conservation on America’s Public and Private Lands.”

Daniel Boone National Forest hosts “More Kids in the Woods”
Thanks to “More Kids in the Woods” grant funding, the Daniel Boone National Forest recently hosted more than 200 urban fourth graders in the woods. In partnership with Louisville Metro Parks, the students were reconnected with nature during four separate field trips to the Red River Gorge. Students were provided an opportunity to explore and learn about the natural environment. Special topics included ecosystems, invasive species and Leave No Trace. Over the school year, this project has provided several day-long nature outings for these inner-city youths.

Fire Season Starts Early
On April 24, a Law Enforcement Officer (LEO) on the Cumberland Ranger District responded to a report of an escaped campfire in the Red River Gorge Geological Area. The LEO made contact with the reporting party who was also responsible for the fire. The Forest closed numerous hiking trails in the area due to the fire. On the same day, an LEO on the Redbird Ranger District responded to a wildfire that was on private property and threatening National Forest System lands. A Kentucky Division of Forestry official stated the wildfire appeared to have escaped from a residence. The residents admitted they had allowed the fire to escape their control. The LEO determined the wildfire burned over other private property as well. The fire burned 525 acres of government land.

Forest Products Laboratory

Spring 2009 issue of NewsLine,
The Forest Products Laboratory's quarterly newsletter is out. In this issue you'll read about a new approach to combating termites and a recent workshop about preventing the spread of the invasive Emerald Ash Borer, along with several other articles. You'll also find a calendar of upcoming events. We hope you enjoy reading this newsletter and encourage you to forward it on to others who may be interested. As always, we welcome your comments and suggestions and look forward to receiving them.

Northeastern Area State and Private Forestry

April 2009 News Notes
Fasten Your Seatbelt for a Safe Spring, Sustainable Operations Tip of the Month - Tips for Waste Reduction and Pollution Prevention, Newtown Square Headquarters Office - Climate Change Continuing Education Webinar Series Has Successful First Semester - National Museum of Forest Service History in Development, Durham Field Office - NAS&PF Employees Attend Source Water Protection Workshop, Morgantown Field Office - Maryland Offers Tree Planting Coupons, Registry, and Tree Benefits Calculator - Morgantown Field Office Encourages Tree Planting, St. Paul Field Office - NAS&PF Employee Participates in International Tree Risk Seminar and Summit. Click here>>> to read more.

Rocky Mountain Research Station

April 20th Issue of Explorer Newsletter

May 4th Issue of Explorer Newsletter

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