[design image slice] U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service on faded trees in medium light green background [design image slice] more faded trees

San Juan National Forest

[design image] green box with curved corner
[design image] green and cream arch

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USDA Forest Service
San Juan National Forest
15 Burnett Court
Durango, CO 81301

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United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

Projects & Plans

A cascade of columbines on an alpine slope. Photo by Mark Roper, Pagosa Ranger District.
A cascade of columbines on an alpine slope. Photo by Mark Roper, Pagosa Ranger District.


National Forest planning and decision-making take place at two levels: Forest planning and projects. The National Forest Management Act (NFMA) requires every National Forest to have a Land and Resource Management Plan, commonly called a Forest Plan, which describes how the National Forest will be managed over the next 10 to 15 years.

1983 San Juan Forest Plan
1992 Amended Forest Plan
San Juan Plan Amendments (since 1992 Amended Plans)


Revision of San Juan NF Forest Plan and BLM Resource Management Plan

In January 2005, the San Juan Public Lands Center began a joint long-term planning effort to revise the San Juan National Forest and BLM land management plans. In southwestern Colorado, the two federal agencies work together to jointly manage San Juan Public Lands, some 2.5 million acres of public lands. The long-term management plans of both agencies are due for revision. The San Juan's joint planning process will produce plans to guide management of these public lands for the next 10 to 15 years.

A Draft Land Management Plan (DLMP) and Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) was released on December 14, 2007. The San Juan Public Lands Center hosted a series of meetings around the region in February and March to assist the public with understanding the documents and submitting comments. The San Juan Public Lands Center received more than 18,000 public comments during the comment period, which closed on April 11, 2008.

During the comment period significant, new information surfaced regarding the potential for oil and gas development. After reviewing the information, the San Juan Public Lands Center determined that it was necessary to publish a Supplement to the DEIS. The Supplement will include and analyze the consequences of the new development projections for oil and gas leasing and include a more rigorous air-quality modeling study, as requested by the Environmental Protection Agency.

To learn more about the San Juan Plan Revision, including more information and schedule for the Supplement, maps, reports, updates and comment opportunities, please visit San Juan Plan Revision (You will leave the San Juan National Forest website). The key to successful public lands planning lies in effective citizen input. We encourage you to stay informed and get involved.


NEPA Projects (SOPA)

Find information on current and proposed projects for watershed restoration, habitat improvement, recreation sites, timber sales, roads, and more.

Four times a year, the Forest publishes a Schedule of Proposed Actions (SOPA). The BLM's San Juan Field Office produces a similar listing. To see what projects are proposed for review and decisions on the San Juan NF and/or BLM's San Juan Field Office, refer to the following documents.


Cover Letter [PDF, 1 page, 25 KB]

CERCLA [PDF, 1 page, 19 KB]

Glossary [PDF, 1 page, 10 KB]



San Juan NF Projects

BLM San Juan Field Office Projects

Proposed Projects

For details of our major San Juan NF proposed projects, see our Proposed Projects page.


Environmental Analysis

Find out more about the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).

Roadless Area Conservation

The State of Colorado and the US Forest Service have begun work on a state-specific rule that will guide management of over four million acres of roadless National Forest lands in Colorado. More information can be found on the Roadless Area Conservation Web page.

Road Management Policy

Forest Service Chief Mike Dombeck approved a new road management policy on January 4, 2001. A major part of it is an analysis process to be used in making better decisions on road construction, reconstruction, and decommissioning. The San Juan National Forest Forest-Scale Roads Analysis (PDF Format, 4.94 MB, 129 pages) was finalized in July 2006. Check our national site for more information on the road management policy. An example of a timber sale roads analysis is the Dolores Ranger District's Horse Creek Roads Analysis (PDF format, 14 pages, 258 KB). 

Appeals & Objections

To view our Appeal Responses, please visit the Forest Service Appeal Response page for the San Juan National Forest.

To view our Objection Responses, please visit the Forest Service Appeal Response page for the San Juan National Forest.

Environmental Management System (EMS)

An environmental management system (EMS) is a globally embraced organizational management tool that allows an organization to strategically address its environmental issues and related health and safety matters. EMS implementation reflects accepted quality management principles based on the "Plan, Do, Check, Act" model to identify current activities, establish goals, implement plans to meet the goals, determine progress, and make improvements.

San Juan NF Management System Guide



The Forest Service monitors its actions for compliance with the Forest Plan and produces a Monitoring Report [PDF, 50 pages, 211KB].

Freedom of Information Act

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) provides that any person has the right to request federal agency records and obtain copies of records unless they are protected from disclosure under exemptions in the law.

National Fire Plan

The Region has expanded fire assessment, suppression, and prevention programs to carry out the National Fire Plan.

Policies & Legislation

Local, regional, and national policies, agreements, and legislation guide our priorities and procedures. Many of our regulations are explained in the Code of Federal Regulations.

Projects are planned to meet objectives of special programs and policies, such as Payments to States.

Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

This page contains downloadable data sets for the hard-core GIS user requiring ArcGis 8.x software. If you cannot use ARC export files or personal GeoDataBases, then do not download these files, because they do not contain maps.

Travel Management

Confused about the difference between Travel Management and the San Juan Public Lands Plan Revision? Maybe this will help - What's the Difference?

The Dolores Public Lands Office is conducting public scoping for the Boggy - Glade Travel Management Area of the San Juan National Forest. Public input will be accepted through June 8, 2009.

The Dolores Public Lands Office has a preliminary Environmental Assessment available for public comment for the Rico-West Dolores Travel Managment Plan.

The Dolores Public Lands Office has recently issued the Decision Notice for the Mancos-Cortez Travel Management Plan Project.

The Columbine Ranger District/Field Office is conducting public scoping for the Beaver Meadows and Sauls Creek areas of the San Juan National Forest. Public input will be accepted through September 22, 2008.

USDA Forest Service, San Juan National Forest
Web site comments? Please let us know.
Last modified May 07, 2009

USDA logo, which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo, which links to the agency's national site.