USDA Forest Service

Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre, and Gunnison National Forests


Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre and Gunnison National Forests
2250 Highway 50
Delta, CO 81416
(970) 874-6600

Telephone for the
Hearing Impaired
(970) 874-6660

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

mountain bike
All terrain vehicle

Travel Management

Welcome to the Travel Management section of the GMUG National Forest! Here you will find links to travel management documents, newsletters, travel plan updates, and Motor Vehicle Use Maps (MVUM) of our forest.

USDA Forest Service Released the Final Rule for Motorized Recreation in National Forests and Grasslands in November 2005. The Travel Management Rule otherwise, referred to as the “OHV Rule” is intended to balance the best possible care of land with the Public’s enjoyment of recreational vehicles through local collaboration.

The Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre and Gunnison National Forests have prepared a Forest Action Plan - (PDF, 189 kb) for implementation of the 2005 Travel Management Rule. The action plan address two processes: planning and on-the-ground implementation. Currently every acre of the GMUG is closed to cross-country motorized summer travel and plans are to have every route designated by 2008.

Status of Travel Management on the GMUG: As our Forest name indicates, there are three separate units with different situations regarding travel management. Two forests, the Grand Mesa and Uncompahgre Plateau have completed Travel Management Plans. The Gunnison has “Interim Travel Restrictions” and in the summer of 2006 initiated travel management planning for spring, summer and fall uses.


Grand Mesa Travel

The Grand Mesa Travel Management Plan was completed in 1994. This plan changed travel management on the Grand Mesa NF from “travel anywhere” to “travel on designated routes only” and identified the routes (roads and trails) open to motorized travel. Some routes were closed to motorized travel as a result of the 1994 Grand Mesa Travel Decision. In December 2003, the Travel Plan Decision was amended to include additional routes made available to OHV motorized use. The Grand Mesa Travel Decision includes maps displaying routes open to motorized vehicles, open to motorcycles only and open to ATV’s. Motor Vehicle Use Maps (MVUMs) for the Grand Mesa are now available. This black and white map displays routes designated for motorized uses. It is free to the public.

The Grand Mesa Visitor Map is in color and shows routes identified according to the 1994 travel management decisions. This map provides summer recreation information and is available to purchase at local Forest Service offices and retail stores.

The Forest is currently implementing the winter decisions made in the Travel Plan. A Grand Mesa Winter Visitor Map produced in 1996, identifies cross country skiing trails, snowmobile trails and play areas and restrictions on the Grand Mesa according to the1994 travel management decision. This map is available to purchase at local Forest Service offices.


Uncompahgre Travel

The Uncompahgre Travel Management Plan was completed in 2000. It was the result of extensive collaboration with many users of the Forest. The Uncompahgre Travel Management EIS and decision maps provide detailed information on the travel management decisions. Recreation visitor maps for the Uncompahgre Plateau Division and the Uncompahgre Mountain Division are available with routes identified according to the current travel management decisions. Motorized and non-motorized routes are delineated along with topographic features. These maps are available for sale ($10.00) at all Forest Service Offices on the GMUG National Forest or by mail with this order form. The black and white free Motor Vehicle Use Maps (MVUMs) displaying routes designated for motorized uses are also available.


Gunnison Travel

The Gunnison Interagency Interim Travel Plan was completed in 2001. This plan was designed to stop the proliferation of user created routes by restricting travel to existing roads and trails and avoiding off route travel. The interim plan was done with the understanding that at a later date, more detailed transportation planning would occur.
In July 2006, the Forest Service (FS ) and Bureau of Land Management ( BLM) in a joint effort, began the more detailed Gunnison Travel Management Plan to designate routes open to mechanized and motorized vehicles for summer, spring and fall uses. The plan would also designate vehicle class and season of use for various routes. The final EIS for the Gunnison Travel Plan is expected to be completed in 2009. The draft will be released in December 2008.

USDA Forest Service - Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre and Gunnison National Forests
Last Modified:  Thursday, 09 October 2008 at 11:38:29 EDT
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